The Short Story

Welcome!!  We are so very glad you have found Deep Rolling Right Field and the life of our “little” Team.

If you want to get to know us quickly, here are the highlights:

RRL and I were married in 2001.  But first, I said “No“.

Our first three children were born within 3 years of each other: KJ in 2006. Cbug in 2008.  and Lou in 2009.  During this season, I invented “Makover my Monday” because life was sooooo CRAZY.  Haha- we only THOUGHT life was crazy then.

Toward the end of 2010, we were struggling to know what was next for our little tribe.  RRL and I may or may not have been exactly on the same page (or completely opposite page) about whether we should have more children.  Little did he know, I’d already been praying for “more children to just show-up.”

And on Pi Day (3/14/2011), they did.  CAL, Joy, and Benji came into our world and changed it forever.  They lived with us 5 months that year before they returned to their birth parents.   Then, three days later, the crazy family math started: 6-3+1=FOUR.  Our Tito was on his way to us- and arrived in April 2012.

For 6 years our bonus loves were in and out of our home while we prayed and worked toward reconciliation of their birth family.  We prayed for a miracle. We learned to lean on community and learned to love kids who are only yours “for a while”.  In 2014 they moved in permanently, and we all battled each day to unite against the real enemy as we continued to pray for redemption and restoration.  In 2016 we took a wide right toward a new definition of redemption, culminating in January 2017 when our family became forever NINE.

We have come to know that while many things prepared us to be able to walk the tricky path of adoption, it alone is not what we were prepared for.  It was yet another piece of the preparation.  We have prayed to be willing to walk through each crazy door the Lord puts in front of us, without reservation, without hesitation, and with the utmost courage.

In 2018, a year in which we’ve chosen the word “Fixed,” we will embark on the next chapter of our adventure.  DRRF is going international as we travel to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to live for the next few years, where RRL will be teaching High School students.

When you find yourself in our little slice of the web we hope that you will laugh, cry, get to know us, but MOST OF ALL we pray that you find HOPE and JOY.  Through our vulnerability and adventures, may you come to know the risen Lord Jesus and the abundant life He offers to you.  There have been some dark and discouraging days around these parts.  But there have also been great joys and triumphs.  And always, always ALWAYS there has been hope.

Whether you are nodding your head in agreement or if everything I just said makes you go “HUH?,” please stick around.   I bet we will find some space here to pursue Him together.  These pages hold so many of the ways God has worked.  For our good.  and most of all, His glory!

We are so glad you found us.


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