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2010: 4 Weddings and a Funeral

Of course there were lots of memories from 2010.  I’ll post some of the year’s best pictures soon- pictures of roadtrips, of family fun, of crazy kids, of birthday parties, and of adventures.  But if I was going to say how I will mostly remember 2010:  This was the year we lost my last remaining Grandparent and this was the year of weddings. 

We started the year with Grandmomma’s death, she passed away in January.  She had a severe stroke 3-years earlier so while we mourned the fact that she would no longer be here with us, we all felt like we lost her, the real her, long ago.  In January, we reallly celebrated that she was finally healed, that she was finally where she wanted  most to be- HOME.  We enjoyed our time with family, pouring over pictures and recalling memories.  It was bittersweet, of course, but I’ll mostly remember the sweet.

The first two weddings that we participated in this year happened to fall on the same weekend.  One in our hometown- one in SLC, Utah.  Some might call it crazy, but when your children are asked to participate in the weddings of a sweet cousin and a dear friend- well, you make it work.  So KJ and I flew out for wedding #1.  The beautiful SLC wedding of my oldest cousin on mom’s side.  Britt was a gorgeous bride, an amazing party planner and was a gracious hostess even amidst the craziness of her own wedding weekend.  She had asked KJ to be in the wedding and it was his debut as a ring-bearer.  He was PUMPED about wearing a tux, being with Dave and Britt and walking down the aisle… pumped at least until it was actually time.  He stood at the end of the aisle then was having NONE OF IT.  So, I ended up walking down the aisle with him.  AWESOME.  Still, though, he was quite the handsome ringbearer!  Sadly, I broke my camera on this trip, so I only have a couple of pictures.  You’ll have to take my word for it- gorgeous wedding and bride!
Then we zoomed back in the knick-of-time (literally straight from airport to church, small tuxedo having been “spot-cleaned” in the hotel sink) for wedding #2.  This was an especially cool wedding for us because the bride graduated from our youth group and is so dear to our family as babysitter and friend.  The groom is from a family that we have loved for years, his aunt and uncle are some of our very best friends from growing-up.  So it was so cool to see the two come together.  They were so sweet to also include KJ as ringbearer.  After a little bribing to get down the aisle, he apparently lost all stage fright and quite entertained us all.  I was actually quite horrified at some of his antics, but this wedding was HUGE and I was at the very back, so there was nothing that could be done but watch.   The video below is a small glimpse of his “fun” game of throwing the pillow with the groom’s parents and then completely laying on it on the floor.  AWESOME. 
Another favorite memory from this wedding was that KJ had the actual ring in his pocket.  He took this responsibility very seriously.  The plan was for him to wait until the minister asked for the rings and then hand them to the groom.  Instead, he went down the aisle, walked straight up to the groom and said Here Ya Go.  I must say, I was a little relieved that the rings were in “safe hands” so quickly.
Cbug was also in the wedding as a bellringer- announcing the debut of Mr and Mrs P for the first time.  He was supposed to walk with a group of children down the aisle past the bride and groom and then back up the center aisle, leading the way.  But when he got the bride and groom, both of whom he adores, he paused to wait for them.  So I love that he is in many of their “leaving the church” pictures, leading them out.  Precious boy.

All of the 2010 weddings were so special to us.  But I’m sure no one would fault me for saying that the day my brother was married to a woman I am so thankful to now call sister, was my very favorite.  My favorite day of the whole year, probably.  The wedding was wonderful, it was such a privaledge to stand beside them as they were united, and I am so excited to see what the Lord does in their lives as they begin this journey together. 

RRL and I were in the wedding party.  And KJ and Cbug were both ringbearers this time.  They  felt so big walking down the aisle in their shirts that matched the groomsmen.  M & S were so thoughtful about how they included the boys.  KJ marched down the aisle like a pro (this was his third ring-bearer-appearance afterall), but Cbug was a big more cautious.  He walked VERY SLOWLY, zig-zagging down the aisle to be sure he didn’t step on any of the flowers that the flower-girl had already deposited.  They were both super handsome, and were fast asleep with Nonna and Papa Jim, long before the ceremony was over.  The picture of KJ below with M & S is just a small glimpse into why we are so thankful to call my brother’s new bride “Aunt S”.  She is so tender and attentive to our kids, even on her own wedding day.

KJ figured out that when people chimed their glasses, Uncle M and Aunt S would kiss.  He was all-over-this.  In the picture below, he climbed up into M’s lap to kick-off the kissin’ one more time!
The weekend was made all the much sweeter because my youngest brother left just hours after the festivities for his pre-deployment training. It would be the last time we would see him for about 9 months. It was great to be together as a family. The Lord’s timing on Lt D’s deployment could not have been sweeter.

A perfect way to end our year of weddings- a beautiful Virgina wedding at the beginning of the Christmas season.  My cousin Katie was also a gorgeous bride and her fun-loving personality made it a joy to spend the weekend celebrating with her.  She was EXTRA brave and asked all three of our crazies to be in her wedding party.  The boys were seasoned pros by now and walked down the aisle without a problem.  There was only one pillow for them to carry, a problem they solved by both walking side-ways down the aisle so all four of their little hands could work together to carry it.  They were too cute, marched up the stairs and handed the whole pillow (complete with fake rings) to the groom.  No one dared tell them that the groom didn’t actually need the fake rings to give to his bride! 
Little Lou on the other hand wasn’t too sure.  She insisted on carrying her large fisher-price purple purse with her down the aisle and stopped at each individual pew to glare at those sitting upon it, as if to say “Don’t know you, don’t know you, where is someone I know….” until she finally found her Nonna.

The kids had a blast at the reception after this wedding, and Cbug especially tore it up on the dancefloor.  If you didn’t see the video in my earlier post, you should check it out.
What  fun year- thanks to all four brides (and grooms) for including us in your special days.  We are so happy for each of you and pray blessings on many years to come of marriages built on a firm foundation in Christ.  Love you all!!

Sap for Christmas Tunes

There is something about Christmas songs that just brings all kinds of emotions for me.  Combine that with KLTY’s Christmas Wish and the radio is pretty much off limits for me these days.  Every Christmas has to include some “Tender Tennessee Christmas” and caroling along with the Muppets, you gotta love some Point of Grace “Oh Holy Night” and I must confess that I’ve taught my 4-year-old to love “Baby, its Cold Outside”. 
This year, I have two new (to me) songs that I L-O-V-E.  And listening to me ramble about one of them could (indirectly) help you WIN AN IPAD
First- Have you heard Travis Cottrell and Natalie Grant’s song “Ring the Bells”.  OH. MY. WORD.  Just try to listen to that one without throwing your hands high in the air and proclaiming EMMANUEL, EMMANUEL HAS COME!  I happen to know that it is simply impossible and quite embarrass myself everytime it comes on while I am running and I find myself with my hands high above my head shouting “RING THE BELLS”.  It’s just that good.
Have you heard Toby Mac’s “This Christmas (Joy to the World)”.  Somehow it landed in my Christmas playlist for running, although I don’t remember hearing it before then.  I’ll tell you what.  The first time it came on while I was jogging along, I found myself sobbing.  There are several families we know right now that have either already brought their adopted blessings home or are praying and planning for that amazing day.  I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed at the thought that this may be the last Christmas that a sweet baby boy or girl somewhere has to spend without knowing their forever family thanks to the faithfulness of these families and those that are helping them bring their children home.  THIS IS TRUE RELIGION (james 1:27)…JOY TO THE WORLD!
You can be part of an amazing opportunity this Christmas to help bring one baby boy home to his family. AND have an opportunity to win an IPAD.  Visit Cheatham Chat before December 19th, and for every $10 you contribute toward bringing their baby boy home from Ethiopia, you can also win an entry into their IPAD RAFFLE!  But, I’m 100% sure that even if you don’t win the IPad, you’ll be blessed just by visiting their blog, reading their testimony, and following along on their adventure toward adoption.  Go. There. Now.
What are some of your favorite Christmas Tunes?

Girls should be shepherds…

At the boys’ Christmas program tonight I learned another tidbit to add to my “the amazing things I’ve learned while raising boys” file.  Shepherds in a nativity scene should probably be played by girls.

But I’ll get to that.

First- some pictures of my cuties in their “performance” tonight.

 KJ’s class rang bells and sang “Silent Night” and he also got the honor of being a shepherd in the nativity scene. 
Cbug’s class sang “Away in a Manger” and were dressed like animals in the stable.  Isn’t my sheep the sweetest?
Our sweet friend KRF after the show.  She did an amazing job as the “S” in “C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s”
 And afterwards, as has become our tradition after school performances, we celebrated at Starbucks with “coffee milk”. 
(yes, KJ is dressed like a dragon- thanks Uncle J).
So, not too long ago a posted a story about one of Cbug’s not-so-shining-star-moments.  And it wouldn’t be fair for only Cbug to be publicly humiliated on his Momma’s blog.  So it’s KJ’s turn.  We are now to the part of the post where I explain why boys should not be shepherds. 
The answer is in one word. 
Staffs that can be spun like batons. 
 Staffs that can be used as guns….and pointed towards the angels on the back row.
AND Staffs that can be used as swords for a fight with another shepherd and ulitmately shoved into the other shepherds ear…requiring one shepherd’s mother to go onto the stage during the performance, scowl at said shepherd and remove the staff/sword/gun/baton from the shepherd’s possession.  Leaving that certain shepherd looking a bit like this…
(Note the tipped poinsetta to the right that was a casualty during the “amicable” sword fight)
I so wish that the fact that I went on stage during the preschool performance to take away my son’s weapon was the end of the story.  But it is not.  The director of the preschool, KJ’s teacher, and the chapel teacher (coordinating the show) ALL missed the shepherd nonsense.  Each class was performing their songs in front of the nativity scene- and that was where their attention was focused.  So, when KJ started crying, the director of the school noticed and thought KJ was crying because he missed singing with his class (yep- he’d been so busy with his staff he forgot to go to the front of the stage with his class to sing “Silent Night”).  When KJ realized why she thought he was crying and discovered that despite his inappropriate use of the staff, she was actually apologizing to HIM for the oversight…she was like puddy in his hands.  He totally pulled out all of the pouty-lip-pitifulness-drama he could muster and next thing we know they were letting his class come back on stage to redo their entire (two song) performance just so he could be part of it.  SERIOUSLY.  And after the show he had all of the ladies of the school staff swooning and apologizing. 
He’s good.  He’s real good.
UNTIL he got a very stern talking to about how shepherds should and shouldn’t act and how he might have them all fooled but his momma wasn’t fooled in the slightest.  Yeah, then he changed his tune.
I must say, though, I wasn’t too hard on him. I try to have reasonable expectations for my kids.  And asking a four-year-old boy to sit still with a stick (excuse me, I mean staff) in his hand for 30 minutes is anything but reasonable.  So we moved on to praise of his amazing singing talents and bell-ringing skills.  And did a lot of giggling behind his back and making mental notes not to forget how much I genuinely love this age and making these memories.
And next year- maybe, just maybe, the Shepherds should be played by girls.

Pictures of Joy!

I love moments like we experienced last weekend.  Moments where we get to see our children experience pure innocent joy.  I couldn’t help but smile as I experienced JOY with my family.

JOY as we cooked our dinner and s’mores by the fire!
JOY while fishing
JOY in the “princess carriage”

JOY while they got undivided attention from parents and friends!

 MUCH JOY over rides in the Rangers (big and small)!
JOY during their own private hayride!
JOY over getting to feed the cows!

JOY while just getting to be a BOY!
So much JOY, there was nothing left to do except dream about it…

After several weeks of craziness around here, it was great to kick-back and just experience JOY!
Thanks, friends, for sharing your farm. We sure love spending time with you guys and it was a much needed get-a-way for our family!

Just what I’ve always wanted…

The birthday party of THEIR MY dreams.

When KJ found out it was going to be my birthday, he was over-the-top excited.  The kid LOVES birthday parties, has been planning his May27th birthday since approximately May28th of last year, and loves celebrating with his friends.  When Ricky asked KJ what he thought we should do for “Mommy’s Birthday” he had big plans…Batman plans.  Batman cake, Batman coloring pages, you know…a Batman theme.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t that he wanted Batman because he was trying to “steal” the party.  It was just that in his sweet little four-year-old brain a Batman party was the very best thing he could think to give me.  I loved it.  So thats exactly how we celebrated. 

Step One- Batman pictures for presents.


The kids loved picking out pictures online to print and then coloring them.  And I loved how much they enjoyed it! 

Next the real fun began.  Can you believe how excited these two were about baking a cake?

We learned a few things along the way.  I definitely helped A LOT, but let the boys help measure and add ingredients…

   … and mix it all together.
Then all that is left, is to lick the beaters and watch it bake!


Well, that, and the icing and a Batman logo, of course.
 and then, Voila… Batman cake!
Next step to the perfect party… making Kool-Aid.  Funny story here, about how this got included in KJ’s my perfect party.  He’s been talking for a couple of weeks about “red stuff to drink” then last week saw the little kool-aid individual serving packets I sometimes add to my waterbottles in the pantry.  When he discovered them he exclaimed, “MOM, this is it…kids at school bring this red drink in their lunches”.  At that moment I had a combination of amusement and guilt.  I can’t BELIEVE I’ve never made kool-aid for the poor kid.  What 4-year-old has never had kool-aid? So of course, red kool-aid (despite every ounce of me that wanted to avoid it) had to be part of the perfect party.
It was just the kids and me until RRL came home for lunch (thanks, Babe), and (obviously) not something I put a lot of preparation into ahead of time, but seriously it was perfect.  I’ll never forget it!  Well, maybe I’ll forget the part where Cbug stained his shirt red, the boys licked the beaters and put them back in the bowl, KJ arguing about how to make the cake, Cbug nearly chopping his fingers off with the mixer, digging eggshell out of the mix, Cbug unpeeling crayons while making my picture, and the part where I got to clean up the mess after it was all over.  But other than that….  Perfect.
In case you were wondering-  As if anything could top a Batman party for your 30(something)th birthday, I did also get to have an amazing night out planned by my super sweet husband where there were no children, no messes to clean up, and a dinner that I didn’t have to prepare.  That was pretty perfect, too!


School visit to the Zoo/Petshop

KJ’s teacher this year is so creative.  I love hearing the ways she teaches the kids different concepts.  One of my favorite activities of the fall was a family field trip to the zoo.  It was a great way to meet some of the kids in KJ’s class as well as their parents and siblings.  Ms. A was so kind to include Cbug and other younger siblings just like they were members of the class, too. 

We didn’t just “visit” the zoo, though.  Ms A had the fun idea of turning it into a “pet store” where the kids each got $10 play money and could decide which animals they would buy.  Some animals were $2 or $3, some as much as $7 or $8 so you really had to decide which you wanted, count out your money and consequently learn a little about “budgeting”.  This accountant momma, of course, LOVED the idea.   And apparently the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.  My sweet oldest child decided the second he saw the “catalog” that he wanted to buy penguins…and he held all of his money until the end of the day when we finally got to the penguins and “bought” 5.  While other kids had money burning holes in their pockets ad jumped at the chance to buy a lion, elephant, or white tiger, KJ quietly just said “No, thank you, I’m waiting for the penguins”…for THREE HOURS.  Even though the penguins were only $2, so he could have “afforded” something else, too, he had decided how he wanted to spend his money and could not be deterred.  It made my heart swell 🙂 
 KJ with his ticket, our kids with KJ’s teacher and KJ the map reader.

The boys from the class learning about an animal they could purchase and then taking a break to examine a matchbox car.

The amazing Mrs A- teaching the kids about the animals at the zoo, giving KJ his money, and telling us about “Polly”

Cbug loving the turtles in the new MOLA and KJ explaining why it was so important to WAIT for penguins.


And Lou doing what she does best…helping herself to some snacks.  Gotta love that girl!
What a great day!!

(a few more) August Favorites

I just love our park adventures.  It is ALMOST cool enough to venture down to the playground again. 
We got a little taste of it this weekend, but it was just enough to make me long for the coming season of picnics, splashing rocks in the creek, and lots of time at playgrounds. 
I came home from running errands this saturday, to this picture. Lou was taking a nap, so these three were hanging out in their “man cave” doing a little flashlight reading. Love it!


I cannot tell you how many times a day I hear that phrase or a dozen other similar ones. These two LOVE the concept of superheros. Which is funny to me, because they really haven’t ever seen any sort of superhero show or movie. And we have exactly ONE superhero book. It seems like its just IN them. KJ’s current favoite is “The Flash” and Cbug’s is “Batman”. In fact, recently at a jumpzone birthday party, there was an inflatable with Batman on it. Although there were several other large slides, Cbug stayed true to his allegience and played on Batman THE ENTIRE TIME. He would come down the slide and proclaim “Batman’s my fav-rite”. Yes, we know.
And sometimes superheros take a break from running to save Thomas and friends.  These two are slowly but surely really learning to play together.  Maybe after enough time sitting in time-out while holding hands or having toys taken away when they are arguing over them is finally communicating that when Mom has to get involved, they do not like the outcome.  I even overhear them telling each other “we better work this out on our own”.  Not that it stops the bickering, but it sure has helped.
And lastly, Cbug’s SUMMER in one picture.  Playing with water- check.  Rain boots- check.  Potty training- check (mostly).
I just can’t believe this is the last day of August.
Maybe soon I’ll do some rewind posts for June and July, too. 

First Impressions

Thursday was the beginning of something these two best friends have been looking forward to for MONTHS.
The day when KJ’s school ALSO becomes Cbug’s school.
Thursday was meet the teacher, and the very first time when Cbug also got to check-out one of KJ’s favorite places.
And KJ took very seriously his responsibility for showing his “little” brother the ropes.
I was so proud of how patiently KJ waited while we met Cbug’s teacher and found out what we needed to know about him being a “new kid” in the school.  He was so excited to go visit his room, too, but waited and helped Cbug until it was his turn.  He has been asking and asking when “fall” would be here so that Cbug could join him going to school twice a week.  I love that he loves being a “big” brother.
And as for Cbug’s first visit.  Well, lets just say I made this note to self:
“Self, next year before your child’s teacher meets your angel for the first time,
maybe you should have a little family meeting on the topic of first impressions:.” 

Yep, that would be one of the classroom’s plastic dinosaurs that he has hanging out of his mouth.
I’d been talking to his teacher and turned around just in time to catch this lovely moment.
Oh, you gotta love our Cbug! Hopefully his teacher feels the same way.

A birthday princess!

ONE!  Can you believe that she is one?!?!  It seems like only yesterday that I wrote a post about welcoming her to our world.  This tiny person has added enormous amounts of energy, love, and joy to our family.  I cannot imagine our team of 5 without the baby sister princess.
Sweet Lou-
My precious baby girl.  You are such a joy to your Daddy, brothers and me.  You overwhelm us with the way you already show your love for all four of us.  There is no better feeling than walking in the door to your squeels of delight, arms flapping with excitement, as you rush to welcome me home.  Your laugh is completely infectious and, Little Miss Social, your bright eyes and toothy grin gain you friends wherever you go.  You are an amazing balance of being all girl, but oh so tough.  I love that your favorite things include your teapot and my makeup as well as your brothers’ trucks and cars.  You can grab a bow and put it on your head or remind me to put on your bib before you eat, but you also love to wrestle and climb and play outside.  You have mastered the “princess crawl” so that you can keep one dainty hand up in the air while you move…or use that free hand to drag your brother’s toys into the bathroom and deposit them in bathtubs full of water.  You always have something important to say, and I can’t wait until you have more words to help communicate it.  You can say Momma, Dadda, Emma (one of your best friends), get it (usually meaning that you want to do it yourself) and that (for what you want).  You can sign “more” and we see this frequently when you are excited about what you are eating (which is pretty much all the time). 
I cannot even begin to tell you, sweet girl, just how loved you are.  There are so many people who love you and we constantly get remarks about what a beautiful, sweet, laid back baby you are.  I am so incredibly thankful for your easy going personality, but I also know that the best of it is yet to be seen.  Your Daddy and I are praying that as you grow up that sweet personality will be used for Kingdom glory.  May your infectious laugh, your tender smile, and your joy for life bring others to know the fullness of His love.  As much as we love those gorgeous blue eyes, may you come to know how special it is that you were “fearfully and wonderfully made” for a purpose.  And may you embrace that calling completely as you seek to live a life accepting Christ as your Savior.
We love you so much, sugar pie!

MMM: catch-up

At the beginning of my plan to “makeover my Monday” I’ll admit to being a little over-zealous.  In theory, the concept was genius, but the pressure I put on myself to come up with a plan almost outweighed the benefits.  Now, I think I’ve come to a really good middle ground.  I try to find intentional time on Mondays to spend with the boys while Lou is napping and we try to do something that we wouldn’t normally do otherwise.  But I don’t stress out if that is just going to a friends house or watching the trash truck (still a Monday favorite around here).  I think it has made the whole thing better for everyone.

So, even though it has evolved over time, MMM is still alive and well.  I just haven’t been blogging about it.  Until NOW.

I just did a bunch of catch-up posts this week, but I back dated them to the Monday on which they actually took place.  So, if you are interested, or looking for ideas, here are the links:

Froot Loop Fun (and is Cbug colorblind?)

Daddy’s birthday surprise (Dr Pepper no-bake cookies)

Backyard Obstacle Course

Going away party for LC and a mini-scrap book

Flower pot painting and planting flowers

And happy Monday!

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