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The day has FINALLY come…He is FIVE!

Today is a day of many emotions.  I wrote on facebook last night that I was having trouble sleeping.  Granted that was partly because I was making KJ the cake of his dreams (more on that later), but it was also because I was in awe of the fact that it was the last night that my first-born would be four.  How in the world does time pass so quickly?  I was in bed wondering if I fell asleep, would I wake to find that KJ was ready for college? 

While having a BIG FIVE-YEAR-OLD is full of emotions, there are few things in my life that make me more proud than watching my children grow.  It is an interesting pride, though, because it is a pride full of humility.  Is that even possible?  There is pride in watching them grow, learn, change, love, care, laugh and knowing a piece of them is ME. Yet humility in knowing I get a lot of credit for those things- yet am so inadequate to teach them.  I hold my job a a mom at high importance.  But just above it, I hold the relationships I have with my Jesus and my husband.  That’s where my children get their amazingness…their AMAZING creator.  I do get the privilege of seeing it all…first steps, first words, FIFTH BIRTHDAY, Pre-K graduation, but like the rest of my life I’m not walking this path of motherhood alone.  I wouldn’t dare.  I’m so thankful that the Lord (abundantly) fills the gaps I leave, and that so many others love my children right beside me.  Because I’ve been so keenly aware of that lately, that’s also been my special prayer for KJ (and his brother and sister)…that I’ll be able to prepare my children for the path, but that they will never EVER try to walk the path alone.
Dearest KJ-
Today is the day.  This very day you are FINALLY five.  I can vividly remember the day you made me a mom, and changed my life forever.  Seems like it was just yesterday and I can hardly believe that you are now five.  While the time has flown by for me, I know it has crept along for you, as you anticipated today.  I’m pretty sure you have been counting down to five for your whole life.  Definitely for the last year…as you have been 4 then 4 and 1/2, 4 and 2/3, 4 and 3/4 and (my personal favorite) 4 and 11/12.  You have never wanted anything more than to AND now you are!  Your new goal is to just be as old as Caleb H, and I can’t think of a better goal.  I love this about you.  I love that you get your mind set on something, and work and work until you accomplish it.  You are a very driven little 5-year-old and I know you will use that to do great things.  I also love that you love to plan.  You like to look forward to events and see the details in them.  You had distinct ideas about what your fifth birthday would look like, you like to talk about what School will be like in “the fall”, and you like to plan games for your siblings and cousins.  I think this makes you (a little) like Mommy, and i love seeing this come alive in you.  You are also like Daddy.  Not only do you look so much like he did as a boy, you also have his heart for caring for other people.  I love the way you are quick to apologize, quick to compromise, slow to anger and eager to serve.  Your Daddy and I love to talk to you.  We all love the creative and intelligent things that you come up to share with us.  Sometimes we joke that you are a 30-year-old stuck in a five-year-old body.  Promise that you’ll always tell us secrets, always share your dreams with us, always tell us stories to make us laugh and always tell us when you are sad…ok, bud?
As I told you tonight, we are so proud of you.  We are very proud of all you have accomplished in school, the way you help around the house, the positive attitude with which you approach all things, and the way you treat your siblings and cousins.  But mostly we are very VERY proud of the way you love Jesus.  We love that you remind us that you DO love us…but not as much as Jesus.  I’m thankful for you today, on your fifth birthday.  I’m proud that you are mine and Daddy’s.  But I’m even more proud that you are His!
I love you to the moon and back!
Because FIVE was such a big birthday for KJ (being one-whole-hand and everything), we did something special for him. RRL put together this little video of KJ growing.  I love that this song, a children’s song, shares what it is like to be waiting and waiting and waiting to be bigger…only to realize it has HAPPENED.
I know this is already a long birthday post, but I have one more thing to share.  Tonight in his little end of the year program, they said that KJ said he “wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up, loved circle time at school, and was looking forward to learning about catapults in Kindergarten.”  All three of those answers completely surprised me, so I decided to “interview” KJ tonight and see what else I might uncover.  Here are some of his responses.  I absolutely love this age and the things that come out of his mouth.
A: So, K, do you know what an interview is?
KJ: Can you remind me?
A: Sure- its when someone asks questions of someone important, to find out more about them.  Can I interview you?
K: (beaming) Sure, mom.
A: What is your favorite Color?
K: Blue.  Wait.  I mean Green. 
(he and Cbug recently decided to “trade” favorite colors…its hard to remember which one is his now, i’m sure)
A: What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
K: Build Leggos.
A: What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?
K:  Build leggos.  Wait.  Should it be something girly?  How about go the store, just you and me.
A: Favorite thing to do with Cbug and Lou?
K: Build leggos with Cbug and play in Lou’s kitchen with her (she really likes that, Mom).
A: What is your favorite superhero?
K: The Joker.
A: Well, what is your favorite superhero good guy?
K: Oh.  Spiderman
A: Where is your favorite place to go?
K: Could you skip that question and just ask me about my favorite bad guy right now?
A: Who is your favorite bad guy?
K: The joker.  He’s really bad.
A: i see.  So where is your favorite place to go?
K: Nonna’s house.
A: What is your favorite thing to wear?
K: Spiderman shirt
A: To eat?
K: Cake
A: What makes you laugh?
K: When it is dark outside, sometimes people try to sting bugs, but people don’t have stingers and its just so hilarious that I can’t even really talk about it right now.
A: Um, ok.
A: What do you want to be when you grow up/
K:  A Daddy.
     then a little while later Maybe I also want to be a teenager AND a Daddy…together.
A: What do you want to teach your kids when you are a Daddy.
K: The things my Daddy teaches me.  Like not getting on the fireplace and measure twice, cut once.
A: What is your favorite bible verse?
K: The three…I mean four…men in the fiery furnace. 
A: Who were they?
K: (I prompted Shadrach), Meshach, and Abednego…and an angel.
A: Well, really that is a bible STORY.   What is your favorite verse that you have memorized?
K: OH.  That new verse Daddy taught me.  Proverbs 27:12
I have a lot more to say about our day today.  We had a full day of celebration.  LITERALLY all day.  But that will be another post.  For now, I just wanted to gush a little and share a tiny sliver of why I love a certain 5-year-old more than I can say.


After a two-month (plus) “sabbatical”, I wonder…is it worth trying to start again? This blog and I…our relationship is anything but consistent. Yet it sticks around. Thanks, DRRF, thanks for providing a blank page for me even when I forget to write.  I’d promise to be more faithful, but we both know it would be pie-crust (easy to make, easy to crumble).  I’d try to fill in the gaps of time, but where would I even begin.  I know you’ll forgive me.  And if even if you don’t…that’s the beauty of this relationship, it continues anyway.

So, here we go.  I promise to post more pictures, funny stories, and antics soon, but first I need to set the stage a bit for a big change you’ll see on this little piece of the web.

Exactly one week after my last post, I had an awesome weekend at the beach with some lovely ladies.  Sadly, I carried my camera everywhere and took exactly zero pictures.  You’ll have to believe me that it was a perfect 3 1/2 days, celebrating one of my favorite people in the whole world and her upcoming marriage.  There was lots of laying around at the spa, laying around on the beach, laying around by the pool…mixed with some shopping, a couple of great runs, and too much good food.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet and visit with different pieces of the bride-to-be’s world(s).  It was a wonderful way to learn more about someone I already dearly loved.  I came home thoroughly rested and rejuvenated. 

And its a good thing, because the day after I came home, life around our house changed drastically.  Monday was a normal MMM (more later about the “National Pi Day” that we celebrated) and the kids went down for great naps.  Over the course of the next few hours, something RRL and I could not have foreseen began unfolding in a miraculous way.  Here is a little piece of the email I sent the next day…

While the events of the last 24 hours were not even on our radar screen, we know that all along the Lord has been paving a path for these events. RRL and I have felt very strongly over the last couple of months that the Lord was “preparing” us. While that was just as ambiguous to us as it sounds and left more questions than answers, the result was that we have been in a season of growing closer to each other and closer to the Lord. We have confided this in a few close friends and as a result, know that others have been praying for us…even before we really knew what they were praying for.  Yesterday the “what we were preparing for” fell in our laps in the form of three adorable siblings, the children of RRL’s stepsister. A, age 3 (three weeks older than Cbug), C, age 2 (6months older than Lou) and baby B (10 months).

We don’t really know how long our family will include our sweet nephews and niece, but for awhile at least it will change the photos and stories you see here quite a bit (obviously).  Our daily family tasks take on a whole new adventure-like-quality when handling them with six small children.  Its really hilarious, actually.  Can’t wait to give you a glimpse.  For now, though, here’s a picture to fool you into thinking we’ve got it all together (after all, it is my blog).


I mean, really, how adorable are they?

Life with six kids is anything but easy.  Its full of blessings in the form of tons of sticky kisses and lots of dog-pile-like hugs, but there have definitely been times it when it has been completely exhausting.  We continue, though, to experience that same sense that I wrote about in those very first days.  We still believe that He prepared us for this path.  He’s asking us to walk through something we didn’t choose, but He’s walking ahead of us, behind us, and right beside us.  Sometimes His presence is in the stillness of naptime, the peace of children playing together, or the sweet conversations I get to have with my husband after all 6 kids are in bed.  But sometimes its more tangible.  Many times, He’s walking with us in the form of His people.  People that are meeting so many of our needs, before we even know how to ask.

Here’s another email excerpt
“I am not exaggerating when I say that every single time we get to the point of being at our wits end, help arrives. There was one point this week that help was walking in our door with arm loads of groceries, at the same moment that help was walking out of our door after dropping off 3 of the children. We feel so loved. So blessed. Not alone.
I keep thinking about the following verses in Nehemiah, chapter 4. The building of the wall is well underway, yet threat of the enemy seems imminent. In order to complete the work they were called to, the people couldn’t just huddle together waiting for an attack. Instead they had a plan…
19 Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. 20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”
Thank you for being the kind of friends that, no matter how spread out we are, no matter how many different paths of service He may lead us to, we know we can be JOINED at the sounding of a trumpet (or email or blog). We’ve seen this first hand as we’ve felt surrounded in presence and in prayer and as we watch what God is doing.”

We know He is at work and feel privileged to have a front-row-seat.

I know this is long, just wanted to document a small piece of our current lives.  And it seemed a bit abrupt to just show up in Deep Rolling Right Field, and not at least explain why the pictures include six children instead of three.  So there you have it.  Hope to be back soon…but no promises.


REWIND: Egg hunting and other Easter Treasures

The incredible-six split up for Easter, some of  us heading to Nashville and some heading to Denton…but everyone heading to do something they love best, VISIT GRANDPARENTS!

But first, we couldn’t miss the school Easter egg hunt.  Another fun memory at our little preschool.

And then some of us “hunted” again in Nashville.

But eggs weren’t the only treasures we found while we were there.

We found fun times with NONNA! (and Papa Jim, too, but unfortunately he wasn’t feeling very well)
And an unexpected blessing of some time with Wes and Lauren

AND these fun friends that we found at church

One of my favorite treasures was lots of time together. 

Acting crazy together.

Walks to the park.

And playing in some of my favorite childhood spots.

And, if that weren’t enough…
I also got to spend much of the weekend celebrating another beloved treasure. 
I’ve loved this beautiful bride for longer than I can remember.
The four of us have more memories together, covering a broader scope of life, than I do with just about anyone else I can think of.  Such a blessing to be able to add this day to that list of treasured-memories!

Indeed, I’d say our Easter “hunting” was VERY successful!

PART TWO of 3/2/1

First, sorry for creating any impression that “tomorrow” meant “first thing tomorrow morning”.  I didn’t intend to leave you hanging when I started the project last night.  I just got sleepy and the blog post got long, so I broke it up.

Ok, without further ado, back to my journal entry…

I took one look at the ring and my first reaction was “This is a narrow band, all we ever talked about loving was a wide band.” (I can’t believe I just admitted that on the world wide web.  Of all parts of this story that I would like to omit, that one takes the cake.  For the record, I do wear a wide band today.  RRL had the wide band in his pocket, but had been so anxious to propose that he hadn’t yet had the diamond mounted on the new band.  Yeah,  I know.)  I was shocked even at myself for having such a superficial thought.  It wasn’t like me at all and it made me wonder why I was really doing this.  Slowly, I put the ring back in the box and handed it to him as I told him that I just didn’t think I could say “yes”.  I didn’t feel anything at that moment.  It should have been one of the most exciting moments of my entire life and I felt neither joy nor sadness.  I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t nervous, I wasn’t anything.  Looking back, I KNOW that Satan was the one who attempted to rob me of the feelings of the moment.  He knew that Ricky and I had committed to be a team in ministry and I think that really scared him (I really hope I didn’t mean for that to sound so cocky at the time). 

I called my mom and told her I said “no” (I was overcome as soon as I heard her voice and I think she thought RRL was dead or something because all I could get out at first was “RRL…he…RRL…and I… ) and RRL called my roommates, who were waiting with the Willises and other friends for us to come home with exciting news.

My mom was really encouraging.  She just listened as I sobbed and then she calmed me down.  She never told me I was wrong or making a bad decision.  She just told me to look at RRL.  To forget everything else and look at him.  When I did, the Lord filled me with an amazing love and a complete assurance about wanting to spend my life with him. (I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that I can still vividly remember that moment- I still clearly remember the visions of our future family that flooded me in that instant.)

Ricky had asked my roommates to come out to where we were (oh, my. These three were…and still are…such amazing friends.  Thank you, girls, for the blessing and encouragement you were through all of this)  Just as I was headed over to explain to him how wrong I had been, they pulled up.  In the headlights of their car, I asked RRL if he would still consider marrying me.  He told me that I was not allowed to ask him and then, with the same gentleness and with a new confidence, he got down on his knee A SECOND TIME.  This time, (with all the Joy the Lord intends when you catch a glimpse of His amazing plans designed just for you) I said Yes, Yes, Yes ABSOLUTELY yes!!  Then I got to yell and scream with my roommates who were thrilled everything was okay, but a little confused as to what had happened.
We never made it to Nashville (because it was so late by this point) but lots of other good things came out of the way things happened. (But we did head to Dallas to celebrate with all of RRL’s family and my Momma flew in that weekend so I could celebrate with her, too).  For one, as I already mentioned, my roommates were all there when I said YES and it was amazing to get to share that moment with them.  Secondly, we got to have some time with Dr. and Mrs. Willis by ourselves.  They had gone home and gone to bed and I think we quite surprised them when we showed up on their doorsteps in the middle of the night, but they never let on.  If we had gone back to my house where everyone was waiting, we would have only seen them in the crowd.  Instead, though, we went to their house and had a very special time of prayer with them.  During this time of prayer, Dr Willis encouraged us to really think about the spiritual battle of the night, the implications of Satan’s attack and the Lord’s conquering powers.  He is incredibly wise, so gentle and loving in his encouragement.  The biggest blessing that came out of saying “no” is that I won’t ever wonder if saying “yes” was the right thing.  I have a confidence in our union and I feel the Lord’s presence in our relationship in a new way.
And that’s where the journal version ends.  I love that I documented what I thought to be the biggest blessing at that time…only one month after it happened.  I should have known that the blessings were really just beginning.  Our marriage has not been perfect, sometimes far from it.  RRL has always said that he believes the marriages of Ministers are attacked in a unique way because of their visibility to other vulnerable marriages.  I think he’s right.  We’ve seen it.  And this night didn’t free us from further attacks or struggles.  But I will say it did uniquely prepare us for our marriage.   If even for an hour, we faced what looking into the future as individuals would look like and we made a decision that the road ahead looked better (MUCH BETTER) knowing we would travel it together.  We prayed that we would be stronger in ministry together than we could be individually (thank you, J.Reese), and we’ve continued to hold that as the standard for the health of our marriage.  We also gained a glimpse into the ways Satan attacks and manipulates our emotions.  While he is NOT the victor (praise the Lord), he is also not a force to face naively.  This is why I find myself weeping in prayer for the Lord to save the marriages of those we love.  Its so much more than just praying that He won’t let them get divorced, that He won’t allow their families to be torn apart.  Its a prayer for the victory we believe in to come quickly and thoroughly. 
There is no way I could have articulated at the time, but that night, as we committed to each other and to the Lord, there was indeed a little taste of the coming victory.  A victory made sweeter by knowing we could not earn it or deserve it.  So, after years of keeping it to ourselves, that’s why we needed to tell this story.  We are richly blessed.
Oh, and I still have that gold string.  It ties together many of the cards and letters that RRL has written me over the years.  Just reaffirming, that he’s something pretty special…as if asking me TWICE wasn’t proof enough.


He’s a sneaky one

alternatively titled “Why do I leave the house?”

We had a great morning with a college friend and her kids.  It is always amazing to catch up with old friends and hear about the ways the Lord is working in the lives of those we love.  I’m thankful for her encouragement and the way she openly shares about what she is learning and the ways that she is growing.  So excited about where the Lord is taking their family right now!

ANYWAY- we met at a JumpZone kind of in between our two houses so the kids could play.  Its a cool place with lots of fun inflatables and I liked that it was all in one room so there wasn’t much fear of kids wandering off somewhere (I thought).  I knew to keep a close eye on Cbug (I’ve referenced his amazing disappearing skills before) and Lou stayed pretty close so I always knew where she was, too.  I wasn’t worried about KJ at all.  He ran between obstacle courses, doesn’t really need help and wouldn’t wander off too far without telling me (again- so I thought).

About an hour into our fun, KJ came to find me (he had been checking in every so often) and this time he had white icing all over his face.  Right behind him came the owner of the establishment, bearing KJ’s party treat bag.  No, we were not there for a birthday party.  We were just there for open play.  But KJ found a way to join a party anyway.  VERY IMPRESSIVE as it required putting his shoes back on, following a little crowd to a party room away from the main room, and being “checked in” by the staff who had a list of names of kids that were invited to the party.  He apparently stayed at the party long enough to sing to the birthday boy with the other guests, eat his cake, drink his juice box, and collect his party bag before politely asking “Where is my mom?”  It wasn’t until then that anyone even realized that he wasn’t an invited guest. 


I was H-O-R-R-I-F-I-E-D and embarrassed, of course.  I mean, obviously if he had time to eat cake he had been out of my sight for awhile without me even noticing.  Awesome, ABL, awesome.  I couldn’t believe it.  I made him go back and apologize to the mom, return the party bag (which they insisted that we keep) and thank them for being such good hosts (even to the crashers).  He cried and cried he was so embarrassed and we had a long talk about not going anywhere with strangers- even if they have cake.  Maybe especially if they have cake. 

He said “they told me I just had to put my shoes on and I could go in”.  Fair enough, but from now on, please don’t go to ANY PARTIES without your Momma.  EVER.  And yes, that same rule will apply when you are a teenager, thankyouverymuch.


REWIND- Christmas Part IV

I know it is back-tracking a bit, but even though Chistmas parts I, II, and III were fantastic, Christmas just wouldn’t be complete without part IV- so now you have it…
Christmas at Grammy’s, our last major Christmas celebration for the year, was a great day of relaxing with RRL’s family.  It was especially amazing this year because my Momma and Daddy also joined us. 
I loved having so much of our family in one place.
I think we have started a new tradition.  We should ALWAYS take an adult picture AND a kid picture. 
The adult picture, like this one, should be after the kids are down for naps and we are really getting to enjoy each others company.
And the kid picture, like this one, should be right. smack. dab.  in the middle of the craziness.  Because they are crazy fun and it just works better that way.
This way we get a true picture of everyone (and maybe its so I don’t have to be in any pictures while sweating…maybe).
Other fun traditions were started and carried on, as well.  The kids really enjoyed the Nativity story with Grammy,
 ate a great meal (which for the kids meant a few bits of sustenance and then plenty of dessert), and had lots of FUN with some of our favorite people, Aunt B and

Uncle J.

Oh, and don’t forget, Lou got her first “shooting” lesson.  I mean, it was just what she needed to round out her day of rocking babies, cooking in her kitchen, and having tea parties, right?  At least she is wearing a bow while doing it.  Goodness.
 And then, because what  celebration would be complete without it…
I made them pose.  Again.  But look how stinkin’ cute they are.  I just can’t help myself.
Real life doesn’t stop for Christmas.  We still had tantrums, accidents, bickering, a sick middle boy and lots of messes to clean-up.  But I loved every minute of the holidays this year.  We really did have an amazing time with our families and making memories with our children.  Special thanks to our Moms who go WAY out of their way to make it so special and so much easier on us in our current stage of being outnumbered by toddlers.  You have no idea how much it means to us…then again, maybe you do.


Christmas Part III: Home Sweet Home

As much as I love our Tennessee Christmas, and as much as we always look forward to Christmas with RRL’s family…
The times in between are truly my favorite (and obviously Lou’s, too).
There is something about Christmas at home, making memories with our little family of 5 that really helps me remember what the season is all about.  It is so easy to remember all the ways we have been blessed when I’m surrounded by the laughter (and even bickering) that come from our three rascals and when I’m snuggled by our Christmas tree with my favorite man.  This never fails to point me to Jesus, to be thankful for all that was sacrificed and all that is celebrated during Christmas time.
Here are a few of my favorite memories from our Christmas season at home this year.
We attended Christmas Eve Service at The Hills, enjoying candlelight worship and story time with “Mr Rick”. 


Then we went took failed (yet priceless) family photo attempt number 567289 for the holiday season
and headed home to put cookies out for Santa/carrots for reindeer (I happen to know that Santa is used to all of his/her food being touched by small fingers) and Nonna read “The Night Before Christmas” (so wonderful to have her here “live” this year instead of via skype).

Finally, three crazies headed for bed (where two little boys enjoyed a brand new set of blue Christmas lights).

The stockings were hung, the presents wrapped under the tree and a true CHRISTMAS MIRACLE occurred when everyone was in bed before midnight and slept until after 8.


I didn’t take a single picture of the kids opening presents, but judging from the after-math, I’d say the gifts were a big hit (and Lou cooks a lot like her mom-dishes everywhere while she talks on the phone)!
Lastly a few videos.  KJ singing Silent Night and Cbug singing Away in a Manger (their songs for the preschool Christmas show) and one of Lou just being her crazy self- telling jokes and saying Merry Christmas.  Enjoy!
I’m so very thankful for these memory treasures made with my favorites!

the best of 2010

Here’s to a great year!  On the very last day of 2010, I wanted to share with you some of this year’s highlights for our family.  While 2010 will definitely be remembered as the year of the weddings, there were lots of other great things about the year, too.  Here are some of our favorite memories and my favorite picture (0r two) from each month.
We celebrated the 2nd Birthday of our CCL with a family donut celebration and then a construction party with friends.  What a treasure this boy is!  We also caught our first glimpses of Lou’s true personality, mourned the loss of my Grandmother, and tried to give our children some world-perspective as we grieved over the losses in Haiti.
We experienced record snowfall.  Our kids were afraid of it.  RRL and I “dated” in it.  We also made and delivered Valentines to some of favorite “loves”.
RRL celebrated his birthday with Dr Pepper candies we made, we hosted the first (hopefully annual) DST picnic, and we had a quick visit with some of our favorite mentors from Abilene.
An extra busy month filled with Lou’s baby blessing, multiple Easter celebrations, one of my favorite MMM activites: the obstacle course, a bluebonnet-viewing-trip to Ennis, and springtime fun at the park with friends
KJ turned four and we celebrated super-hero style, he had his last day of preschool for the year, we kicked off our “year of weddings” with two in one weekend (one of which took KJ and I on a trip to SLC, UT) and we celebrated mother’s day.


We had lots of fun over the fourth of July weekend, we fed the turtles one morning before school/work, and we continued our tradition of celebrating “Cow Appreciation Day
We said good-bye to some of our favorite people as our senior class graduated and went to college, I started running again and the whole family joined me on the weekends, RRL and I took the boys to their first movie on the big screen (TS3), the boys had meet the teacher, and I took pictures of princess Lou for our Alma mater.
My camera was broken an apparently so was my memory storage…all I can remember is that the boys started school together and RRL and I enjoyed a weekend away in Branson, MO.

I documented that there were three reasons why I didn’t have more September memories, we went on a family-fun-field trip with KJ’s class, amazing pumpkin patch pictures were taken AGAIN by the Schrimsher/Spillman team, dressed up for Halloween, went to Houston to visit our college roomies and their three children- where RRL and I ran a 1/2 marathon together for the first time.  I had an awesome Batman Birthday (and then an adult celebration later with some of my favorite friends)!

One of my favorite months!  I lost Cbug at the grocery store (not a favorite part), we spent the night on the farm (definitely a highlight), ran in the Turkey Trot– despite the cold & rain, KJ’s friend “Kribagayle” first “appeared” at our house, were surprisingly blessed by our first Thanksgiving away from family, we learned so much about generous living through The Hills Greater Things campaign, had some miracle family pictures taken by RRL’s cousin (Eden Hayes Photography) and counted our blessings (on leaves) all month long.

We learned that it would be better for girls to be Shepherds, the kids enjoyed their FOURTH wedding appearance where Cbug danced his heart out, we visited Christmas Village at Busch Gardens, we celebrated the second annual Thanksmas, had THREE awesome Christmas celebrations (Nashville, our house, and Denton), RRL and I celebrated NINE YEARS of marriage, and I spent way too much time getting caught up on this blog!

WOWZERS, what a year!  It definitely had its ups and downs, but overall 2010 was one of my very favorite years so far.  I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store.  May the Lord bless you and keep you and yours in this New Year!

Christmas Part II: Tender Tennessee Christmas

While I do love to be in our little home for Christmas Eve/Day, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without at least some time in Nashville.

So even though the miles are long
(and it sometimes takes 3 babydolls, a purse full of fun, and a cell phone to keep us happy on the trip)…
It is totally worth when you know hugs like this are waiting…
…and you know you’ll get to make memories like helping Nonna cook and helping Papa Jim put out all of the trains.

There will be museums to visit and tea parties to attend.

We’ll enjoy celebrating with extended family, continuing years of tradition with a holiday meal at Mrs Bobo’s boarding house.

No doubt, when Grandparents and Aunts & Uncles are involved there are sure to be PRESENTS you’ll love.

And even when there isn’t snow and even if it has to happen BEFORE Christmas, a tender Tennessee Christmas is sure to be so much fun you’ll want to box it all up and take it home with you!

Christmas Part I: Christmas Village

We started our Christmas celebrations off in an incredible way!  While we were in VA for my cousin’s wedding (#4 for the year for our kids to participate in) we got to go to Christmas Village at Busch Gardens.  It was SO very cold, but it was a Christmas wonderland and we all loved being with our family and watching our kids eyes dance in the lights of Christmas.

First, we saw the Sesame Street Christmas show.  A certain baby-sister was so excited she could hardly STAND IT.  And stand she did…through the entire performance.  ELMO, I SEE ELMO!!!!!  She loves him and it cracks me up.  Well, she loved him at a distance.  As soon as we went to meet him after the show, she wanted NONE. OF. IT.  Luckily we were the only ones left to meet the characters for the evening so she got to play a nice safe game of peek-a-boo with Elmo and Abby from a safe distance, loving every minute. 


And the boys enjoyed the park, too, because there were penguins and a train to ride (KJ loves penguins, and Cbug loves trains)

And on top of all of that there were other characters, too. 

Some that were cute and silly… 

       Some that were downright CREEPY…

And some that seem to make all your Christmas dreams come true!
But the best part about starting our Christmas off this way, was just being together!
 Hope your season was filled with the joys of celebrating with family, too!
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