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Dating my kids

Its about to get all “NPR-fundraising-day” around here.  This week I’m hoping to post a lot of fun pictures and stories, some serious thoughts and some old birthday letters long neglected.  But to get to those fun posts, I hope you’ll allow me a little room to remind you that we are in the thick of things with our fundraising related to the 6th annual Teen Lifeline 5K.  Be sure to check out the post I wrote about why I believe this race is so necessary.  The short version, though, is that our family is participating in the race and would love for your to partner with us and this awesome organization, bringing hope and help to teenagers in our area.  THANK YOU!  Here is a link to make a donation. 


I love time alone with RRL.  He’s just plain FUN, tolerates my hare-brained date ideas, and we always have 12934762 conversations waiting to be completed until we snatch a few uninterrupted minutes together.

But I also have some other guys (and gal) I love to date.  At RRL’s leading, we’ve been trying to intentionally plan some one-on-one time with each of our 4 during our season of bonus kiddos.  And I have LOVED this.

I love that we do things we wouldn’t normally do.  I love that we talk about things that we wouldn’t normally talk about.  I love seeing how what they want to do helps me better understand who they are.  Here’s a glimpse of my first round…

I told KJ that he could plan the date.  And he came up with a whole theme.  Watch out, Ladies, with a hear that loves to plan a theme date he’s gonna be a CATCH…pun definitely intended.  His theme was “FISH”.  So- we went to the park to look for fish in the creek, stopped by the pet store to see how much a fish and fish bowl would cost (he’s saving) and then went out for a Sushi snack.  I love that he loves sushi.  I kinda hate how big he looks while ordering and eating it.


Cbug’s “date” revolved around one word- CRACKERBARRELPLEASE.  He knows the way to his Momma’s heart.  That or the combination of pancakes and checkers was calling his name.  Whatever.  Funny thing about his date, though, was that he asked me what he needed to wear.  I told him he could choose, but that he should consider whether how much thought and attention he put into how he dressed would make me feel special.  So he came out wearing his orange jersey.  MY color of orange.  Not his (he prefers another UT).  We did have to work a little, though, on the heart of generosity.  Every time someone would comment on his awesome shirt, he would say “I like the longhorns.  I’m just wearing this cuz I’m on a date with my mom”.  I guess its the thought (cough cough) that counts ?!


Lou and I, shockingly, went to get our nails painted.  She is so IN for anything that involves pampering.  I had a giftcard and I can’t think of a better way to use it than watching her light up at the sight of SO.MANY.COLORS to choose from, a bubbly bath for her toes, and S-P-A-R-K-L-E-S all around.  We had a great time together.  When we finished, I was running in to our house to grab something and tripped a little.  She yelled from the car, “MOM, DID YOU MESS UP YOUR TOES?”  I find it incredibly ironic that I would have a daughter who would even THINK to ask that question.


Tito just loves to go.  Anywhere.  So he and I had an awesome time at Target.  He loved getting to ride in the cart, look at all of the toys and just people watch. (Of course we also spent a little quality time in a potty stall.  hooray for that.)  We stood FOREVER in the train and trucks section of the toys and just rolled them around the cart.  Then we bought a treat, sat on a bench outside the store and counted trucks that went by.  BOY.LOVES.TRUCKS!  I loved just listening to his little voice, uninterrupted, for awhile.


One bonus thought on this: I kinda love that my kids are at the age where going to the park to watch for fish, playing checkers at CrackerBarrel, getting their nails painted and strolling through Target are SUCH.A.BIG.DEAL.  Hope we can hang on to that for a while.  Such special memories.


What we didn’t know

I didn’t really think much about it when I printed a new picture of us to take to work. I just really liked the picture of the two of us and wanted to have it close.
But as I opened the frame on my desk, I noticed the yellowed edges of the picture it contained. The picture stuck a little to the glass it had been there so long. I had to scan it for this post because the idea of a digital copy barely even existed then. 
And then I realized.
I’ve had the same picture on my desk at work as long as I’ve had a (professional) desk to put one on. 
All those years, spanning hundreds of pictures, and this was the one of us that stayed.
Something about the beginning that it represented made it worth keeping close.
As I replaced the old with the new, I couldn’t help but think about the faces in the photo.  I stared deeply into their eyes and thought about that day by a pond, taking fun pictures with the man I was going to marry.  (A lot more fun, now that I’d changed my “no” to a “yes”
And I laughed a bit about how naive I was that day.  How naive WE were. 
There was so much we didn’t know then.

We didn’t know that for a while he’d do laundry, while I worked long hours.

We didn’t know how much we’d both love his role working with teenagers.
We didn’t know ministry could be filled with such joy. Or heart-ache.
We didn’t know that I was just a few years away from a major surgery.

We didn’t know that pregnancy didn’t always come as easily as you hoped.

We didn’t know we’d go on to have four beautiful children.
We didn’t know that sometimes we’d have seven.
We didn’t know that it would take us YEARS to build a community.
We didn’t know that once we did, it would be with friends we love so deeply.
We didn’t know about the homes we would create in our apartment or houses.
We didn’t know that we STILL wouldn’t be living in Nashville.
We didn’t know about a Grand Canyon Backpacking trip or a week-away in NYC together.
We didn’t know that our trip to England would still be a “someday”
We didn’t know what tired REALLY meant.

We didn’t know how hard we would have to work to find time to spend together.
We didn’t know how much fun we could have when we found it.

We didn’t know we couldn’t WILL marriage to be easier.

We didn’t know how cool it could be to really work as a team.
We didn’t know that difficult could be so glorious.

We didn’t know for better or worse. For richer or poorer. In sickness and in health.
There was so much we didn’t know then.
And I guess that is why I was ready to change the picture.  I love who we are RIGHT.NOW. 
I love knowing what we’ve learned, and how it has shaped our relationship.  I think for the first time in 11(+) years I see more of the promises gained, the hope of future, the blessings of time, than I do the sacrifices made, the dreams changed or the disappointments of life.  And I love knowing that there is so much more to come.  As long as the Lord gives us, I am thrilled to be learning beside this man.

I’m keeping this one close.


5 Things for Cbug- the video and the letter

I started the 5 things in DRRF for Cbug’s Birthday celebration with the party and the interview.  Here are numbers 3 and 4- the video and the birthday letter.

3) The video
Pictures from his first 5 years.  When we made the similar video for KJ’s 5th bday, I cried everytime I listened to the song, watched the video, sorted through the pictures.  I’m still nostalgic with Cbug, but it is impossible to look at a complilation of his expressions and do anything but LAUGH.  I mean how many people have a picture of themselves at 4 and 30 pounds, swaddled like baby Jesus? Or a dinosaur hanging out of their mouth at meet the teacher night?  Oh, how the Lord knew I would need Cbug to keep me from taking life too seriously.  This song, from “Slugs and Bugs and Lullabies” (one of our very favorite kid CDs), is SO fitting for him.
“I’m just a kid with a head full of dreams and a dream full of things to get done…”

4) The Letter

Dearest Cbug-

I cannot believe you are 5.  In some ways your Daddy and I started treating you like you were 5 long before you were quite ready to be.  You do so much to try to keep up with KJ that we sometimes try to make you older than you really are.  Often you rise to that challenge, but sometimes when you snuggle up in my lap or grin that dimpled grin, I try to remind myself to just let you be little for a while longer.

I love how you handle your role, as you find yourself almost evenly between KJ and Lou.  You can play with both of them so well.  Sometimes you like to do big things like build with Legos or make up adventures with KJ, but you are also so sweet to play the “Daddy” for Lou when she wants you to play house.  One of my favorite lines that you tell her is “I’ll play house with you, Sister, but you have to call me ‘Babe'”  because that’s what you’ve heard me call your Daddy.  And many times when KJ is at school, you and Lou really do have a blast together.  Another favorite memory is the two of you sitting at the table for nearly an HOUR this fall while you shared an apple, giggling as you passed it back and forth for bites until it was gone.  Who knew an apple could be so much fun?!?!
Maybe that’s a favorite memory because you rarely sit still.  You are pretty much all IN to whatever you are doing.  So you are only still if you are in a zone- building Legos, playing trains, or reading books.  But most of what you do with your older brother involves being very much NOT still- playing Nerf wars or playing rough  and wrestling.  The two of you have some kind of magnet that requires you to be pushing, shoving, or wrestling AT.ALL.TIMES.  This year we invented “hand tag” which is a game you can actually hit each other on the hands, but you have to sit still to play.  I love that you two have so much fun together and I’m constantly praying for ways to encourage you to grow-up with that same spirit of fun…without killing each other.
I love how you love to make Little bear laugh.  You say his name with about 20 syllables and he thinks it is hilarious.  You can bring him from full-on-tantrum to giggles faster than anyone else.  Thank you for that!  I also love that you like to teach him things.  He’s going to be really privileged to have a big brother like you watching out for him.
You like for things to be scheduled and you like to know what is happening next.  You need to know what the date is, the time is and you like for things to move quickly from one thing to the next (in the appropriate order).  If we don’t help guide you to the next thing, it is sometimes hard for you to make good choices about what to choose to do next.  Ms Tabitha has been a great teacher for you this year because she GETS that and has helped you a ton with how to fit your scheduled AND busy self into a classroom setting.  At home, we have to be ready for things like when you take your last bite of food, because you are ready to immediately move on to the next thing.  And we have to get creative about how we keep you occupied when we can’t just move to the next thing.  Sometimes its working on sounding out words, as you LOVE these beginning stages of reading.  And another recent favorite for you has been word math problems.  This is just how your little mind works.  Its crazy to us how quickly you can think through “A Christmas tree farmer has 6 trees and cuts down 2” and how much you love doing it.  We hope you always LOVE learning…and we hope learning is always something you will CHOOSE when you need to occupy your time!

This year we are especially grateful to be celebrating another birthday with you.  You started the year a pretty sick little boy.  We had a scary couple of days with you in the hospital in March.  You LOVED the playroom there, but your Daddy and I are very thankful that we haven’t had to repeat that trip.  You’ve been on different medications for the rest of the year and it has made a huge difference for your asthma.  We are so very thankful!

Cbug, there is no one quite like you.  You steal hearts regularly with your dimpled grin and life-loving-spirit. One of your favorite phrases is “I NEVER run out of hugs” Your love for those close to you runs super deep and you hate to see anyone hurting.  In fact, the hardest part for you, when you were in the hospital was hearing other kids crying.  You hated that.  And vice versa, you LOVE to make people laugh.  You crack us up ALL.THE.TIME and you know it, too.  Ha.  You told your daddy today “I just laugh myself up”.

And that’s my prayer for you this year.  That you will continue to use your humor, your fierce love for those you encounter, your tender-heart, and the best dimpled grin I’ve ever seen to steal hearts for Jesus.  May you bring Him glory as you shine from deep down within yourself.  And may you grow up to know more about a Lord whose Love and Grace NEVER run out, just like your hugs.

We love you so much, Buddy!  And are always thankful for the way you help us just enjoy life.


And then one more 5th birthday post for you, buddy, coming soon- the Birthday DAY.

in the heat of July

Moving + a 3-month-old + his three older siblings (none of whom we really old enough to help)=
But here are a few pictures, just to remember that it happened.

We moved in.  Each with our different contributions.  RRL turnedd the key that would let us into our new home on July 4th.  He carried me across the threshold, symbolizing a new beginning of “front porch moments“.  And then he went straight to work- HARD WORK, unloading the truck, storage unit and other places we had scattered our belongings.

While I just made more messes.  Well, at least that is what it felt like for a while, as I sorted through boxes of belongings, trying to find their new homes.  And as I tagged all the crazy-colored walls of our home with swatches of new ideas and clean starts. 

The kids had some ideas, too, about how our new spaces should be utilized.  Primarily, using all of the empty space to P-L-A-Y.  We both loved and feared seeing these little booby traps placed all over the floors.  Why else would there be “empty space” if not for their Lego creations?

But amidst the moving in craziness we did manage some normal Team L craziness, too.  Like keeping up with our annual Cow Day tradition.  Seriously, when free food is on the line, even unpacking can’t keep US from it.
And through all the craziness of July, this sweet little 3-month-old just rolled with the flow. 
So there’s the proof.  July did happen.  Good thing I took some pictures because that is about as close as I can get to remembering any of it.

SGBIII: The neighbors

We are officially IN our new house, which means it is HIGH time i start introducing you to it.  And get some posts rolling about our new adventures.  BUT, I can’t leave the SGB series behind without one more post.  About neighbors. 
When we first started talking to the kids about moving, Cbug asked “But who will our neighbors be?” Which should tell you A LOT about why it was hard to leave our street.  We had the BEST neighbors. 
One of those sweet neighbors lived two doors down from us.  “Ms Carolyn”. Her last name is actually the same as baby C’s middle name.  And she loved us well.  Which is funny because when she first moved in, RRL and I thought it might be our CALLING to take care of her.  Well she PROVED that other than the occasional lifting something heavy, there wasn’t much she couldn’t do for herself…and instead put herself to work taking care of US.  She planted flowers in our flower beds, brought our kids presents, lent us books about parenting, encouraged us and reminded us we were doing a good job.  She even offered to help me take all SIX of these crazies to McDs for Happy Meals.  Making her their best friend.  And my hero.  Ms Carolyn was hard to leave behind.

Shortly after we explained to Cbug, and his siblings, that we would have new neighbors they nodded understanding.  Cbug then added “Ok, but which new house will be James and Katie’s?”  In other words, I’m fine with new neighbors, as long as our favorite across the street neighbors are coming with us!
And I agree with him.  Even though we only moved a mile away and will still see them often, it was so sad to leave the convenience, the stability, the LOVE of having some of our best friends right across the street.
When we bought our house eight years ago, Katie was single.  She came over to run with me in the park one weekend and we laughingly noticed that the house across the street was for sale.  She put an offer on it that same week!  She lived there with other roommates for a while.
BUT THEN she married James.  In our living room.
No really, they had a pseudo ceremony right in our living room before they went out of the country for the real wedding.  How many of you can say you’ve had a wedding in your living room?  We were so thankful for James and the blessing it was to add him to our “neighbor-hood”.
And over time, a fun friendship between four neighbors became an even MORE fun friendship between TEN neighbors. 
There were playdates and walks to the park. Borrowing eggs and a cup of sugar. Talking in the front yards while the kids played up and down the sidewalks of our street.
But the best times happened around the table.  It was around that table that the four of us met to pray every Friday morning when RRL and I were going through a tough job transition.  And around that table that our whole families (at one time as many as 12 of us) met for dinner.  About the time we each were pregnant with our first daughters, we started having Monday night dinners together.  EVERY WEEK.
And that’s one of the things I’ll miss most about the house.  The giggles that filled it every Monday night from these four friends.
Which is why it is all the more fitting that those giggles were some of the last memories made in an empty house.    While the adults choked back tears over things like giving back house keys, the kids played. The games of duck-duck-goose and wrestle-mr-james that were tons of fun in the rooms without furniture were perfect finales to our time together on this street. 
But most of all, as I tucked those memories away in my heart, I loved knowing that these neighbors will love my children forever. No matter where we live.  That’s a gift I wouldn’t trade for the world.  Thanks, friends!


REWIND: Cbug’s big adventure

So, February was crazy.  I knew April would be, too, with counting down to baby C and celebrating my brothers’ wedding (that we are ALL in).  Thank goodness we had March in between to just sit around and rest.  HA.  Famous last words.  On March 1st we started the month off in chaos, thanks to Cbug’s big adventure.
I can only call it an “adventure” in hind sight. At the time, it was just surreal.  I do want to document the events of those few days, though, because I’m just so thankful for the happy ending.
On Thursday, Cbug had what appeared to be normal seasonal allergy related breathing issues.  Usually this is fairly easily resolved for him with use of his inhaler.  But the asthmatic symptoms did not get better all day.  Around lunch time, I called the pediatricians office to make him an appointment.  This still seemed just preventative.  We have a new pediatrician and I wanted her to see what a typical flare-up looked like for him.
But by the time we picked up the other two kiddos from school and got to the doctor’s office, I could tell that he was really not feeling well.  The nurse took some vital signs and immediately came back in with the doctor, a breathing treatment, and a steroid shot.  Yeah, he was a sick little boy.  But to be honest, I still was not concerned.  Even at his worst, a steroid shot and a breathing treatment have always done the trick. 
But not this time.  Three breathing treatments later, his blood/oxygen levels were still dropping.  With the third treatment, he laid his head back against me and got super relaxed…and not the kind of relaxed you want to see from your super active 4-year-old.  I tried to stay calm, asked KJ to go out into the hall to get the doctor and started making phone calls to get help for my other two kids.
The doctor called 911, an ambulance was on the way, and I finally got in touch with Hatch.  RRL was at a conference downtown and couldn’t get to us in time so he waited at the children’s hospital for us.  Hatch was at a track meet, sent someone he works with to the doctor’s office to pick up KJ and Lou.  I had to leave with the ambulance before she got there, though, so I gave KJ and the nurse instructions and a security word to know when it was safe to let them go with the person picking them up. I was so proud of KJ for staying calm and taking care of his sister.  He was AWESOME.
Cbug and I loaded up in the ambulance.  He totally freaked out when I had to ride up front…until the EMT let him watch Phineas and Ferb (I tried not to have my feelings hurt that I was so easily replaced).  We were on our way to the ER.
Another breathing treatment in the ambulance, and several more in the ER (including 2 that were an hour long each) did not yield great results.  I’ll have to say, through all of this, we were not ever very worried.  Not as worried as I can see that we should have been in retrospect.  The strange thing was he didn’t ever really get a lot worse, he just wasn’t getting better.  We all just kept thinking, this next treatment will be the one to knock it out.  And we were so blessed to have great support via texts, emails, facebook, phone calls.  And our good friend Tara came and stayed awhile- what a gift.  Cbug loves her, we all love her, and she brings JOY (and sonic drinks).
Cbug’s spirits were great for a while, with movies, toys, an ipad and an amazing child life specialist, but after a few hours in the ER he was D-O-N-E.  He’s an ultra-sensitive kid and hearing other kids crying and screaming was more than he could bare.  Finally, the doctor came in and asked “how are you feeling, buddy?” Pale, sick Cbug used all of his energy, sat up, smiled, pulled the mask away and said “I’m good”.  After the doc left Cbug informed us “I told the doctor I’m good, so we can leave now.”  Oh, bud, you sure are a smart cookie and we all wished it could worked that way.
The last breathing treatment in the ER brought just enough improvement that we avoided ICU by the skin of his little teeth and finally got moved to a regular room.  Cbug relaxed immensely once we got out of the noisy ER and that helped him physically, too.  He was FINALLY able to get comfortable despite the oxygen tubes taped to his face and the constriction of the uncomfortable monitoring wires and went to sleep.  Which is why it sent me nearly THROUGH THE ROOF when the admissions nurse came in and made us get him out of bed to be WEIGHED at 1am.  SERIOUSLY.  I know she was just doing her job, but this pregnant momma was M-A-D.  It took forever to get him settled down again.
The next day was just lots of monitoring and oxygen.  Finally, late afternoon on Friday he was able to try some breathing on his own and seemed to be on the upswing.  He also seemed to be flying a little high on all of the medicine and sugar (he got to choose what he wanted for breakfast) and by dinner time was running circles (literally) around the playroom.  Unfortunately, we had to stay one more night to make sure he would do ok without breathing support, but we were finally able to go home on Saturday morning.  Whew.  What a ride.
A few of my favorite Cbug stories from his little adventure:
1) When he was at the height of his stir-crazed and medicated self, he was literally standing on his head in the hospital room chair SHOUTING rhyming words.  FUN.BUN.GUN.RUN, etc.  He was literally CRAZY and his outlet was making up rhymes.  Hope that is a skill he can make good on later.
2) In another moment of medicated craze, a nurse came in and Cbug looked at her and said “Hey, could I kiss you on the lips?”  Oh, that boy. And no, you cannot.  You may not kiss ANYONE on the lips until you are MARRIED (at 30), little sir.
3) He loved playing trains in the playroom, and mostly had the place to himself while we were there.  He also  LOVED finding places to hide.  All over the room.  In the playroom.  Wherever. 
4) He had several visitors and got lots of treats and gifts in this little process.  Which lead him to two conclusions: First- anyone who comes should bring him something (we had to have a little talk about this when he started asking for things) and secondly, if he has to get sick this was not a bad way to go.  Between the playroom, the attention, the movies and entertainment, and the presents, he would gladly go back to the hospital.  But his Momma and Daddy have assured him that there are many OTHER ways to have fun.  Let’s avoid this one in the future, buddy, ok?
We are just so thankful that he recovered quickly.  And we are thankful for the amazing visitors, prayers, and encouragement as well as so many helpful hours put in on the home front by Grammy, Nonna and Papa J.  We are also mindful of so many other families that spend so many of their hours taking care of their sick children.  Our prayers for them abound, indeed.

2011 Recap

As we start 2012, I have a whole post brewin’ about my personal journey in 2011 and impact that has on how I am starting this new year.  But before we move on to that, I want to continue my tradition of doing a year-in-review recap for our family.  I am a little late for this “New Year’s Eve tradition”, but I’m cutting myself some slack.  That is harder for me than it sounds.
2011 was a CRAZY year for us, one we will never forget.  But it has been full of rich blessings, lots of fun, some super sweet family time and lots and lots of laughter.  I am so thankful for 2011!
In January, the highlight was celebrating our sweet Cbug’s third birthday.  He had a “my favorite things” themed party because he could not decide between Thomas, Toy Story and McQueen.  In other January fun: KJ went to a birthday party he was not invited to.
In February it snowed. Twice.  The boys loved it.  Lou, not so much.  We celebrated Valentine’s day with our three sweethearts.  And RRL and I got to be part of a local news story when we ran a half marathon “with” my brother who was stationed in Afghanistan.

In March, we passed the huge milestone of 10 years from the night I said YES by sharing our engagement story on the blog (part 1 and part 2).  The boys got to play soccer for the first time and enjoyed being on the “Green Slime” team together.  And for the first time we celebrated “Pi Day” at our house with circles galore.  Two highlights for me were a super fun girls’ trip to Florida to celebrate the upcoming marriage of a dear friend.  And getting to cross the finish line of another half marathon, this time between by husband and my Momma (her first 1/2 marathon).

But most of the events of March and the following five months are blurred by the fact that mid-month our two nephews and a niece came to live with us for a while, filling our home with 6 children under the age of 5!


During the month of April the shock of our little crew was wearing off and we began settling in to a routine as a party-of-eight.  We even took the whole gang camping one night and also enjoyed an afternoon at the museum with Uncle D, who we were so thankful to be welcoming home from deployment.  Our continued adjustment got a boost with a bit of break by splitting the team up to celebrate Easter.  And just our little team of 5 enjoyed some time at Nonna and Papa J’s house where I also got to be part of one of my best friend’s wedding day.

At the tail end of April/Beginning of May we were blessed by a weekend away with RRL’s sister and her family, who were visiting from Colombia.  And we celebrated a long awaited event for one member of our family when KJ FINALLY turned FIVE.  We enjoyed celebrating him all day long with festivities he planned, including the cake of his dreams and a super-fun outing with his buddies to Legoland.  We finished up the school year, went to KJ’s preschool graduation and we were also starting to get a bit of a handle on a day-to-day routine in our house full of preschoolers.

In June, Princess Lou turned two and we had a small celebration with some friends, some cousins and ELMO! We also celebrated Father’s day, went to Summer Spectacular and shared here about some of our everyday adventures with six kiddos in tow, including a super sweet party at my work for our party-of-eight.


For the fourth of July, we got to visit Nonna and Papa J again, and were so excited that Uncle M and Aunt S were there, too!  The kids loved getting to see Cars 2 with some of their favorite people.  We celebrated one of our favorite holidays (Cow Appreciation Day), the five big kids took swimming lessons, and all of the kids got to go bowling for the first time. RRL and I enjoyed an awesome retreat with some new friends and some incredible mentors and I got to go to LA for a quick work trip.  We also had one of the hardest weeks of the summer when all 6 kids and I got strep…and RRL escaped with a yucky stomach bug instead.  I was busy on the blog in July, sharing about our quite imperfect family, the beginning of my journey through Nehemiah and adventures at the grocery store.

After 152 days at our house, we said goodbye to our nephews and niece.  If trying to rearrange our routine to include them in our home was difficult, saying goodbye was a million times that but we knew this was only a piece of the story.  While it was time for them to go home and the right thing to happen, it was still sad.  I again leaned on the book of Nehemiah as we started trying to wade through what the months of having them with us would mean for us going forward.  But before they left, I had to share a bit more about life at our house and some tips like Circle Time. our Assembly Line and freezing PB&J sandwiches. In August we also had meet the teacher night where some teachers got to meet my cherubs (cough cough).

We started the month with a long anticipated day for Lou, the day she finally got to go to “Skoo” with her “Bruf-uhs” as our kiddos started back at the preschool we love so much.  We were also THRILLED to get to announce that a very sweet gift was on his/her way to us…we found out about baby #4 just a few days after our nephews and niece went home.  As we continued the adjustment back to having only 3 children in our home, I shared a bit more about my Nehemiah journey (and learning how to breathe).  RRL and I celebrated the fact that we completed our financial commitment to Greater Things, something which blessed us richly this whole year.
We also had a fun day at the Apple Orchard (which was technically closed) and enjoyed an awesome holiday camping vacation with some of our favorite people.  The kids and I also enjoyed a fun evening at my company’s “Family day” celebration while RRL was out of town.

This month was filled with continuing traditions, like Pumpkin Patch pictures with some of our favorite photographers and having soup and grilled cheese on Halloween.  We also continued a tradition of NOT carving pumpkins when we made pumpkin people. My kids dressed up like characters from Lou’s favorite story, Sleeping Beauty, and we captured one of my favorite pictures EVER of them.  We enjoyed our 10th reunion at the Homecoming of our Alma Mater.  I celebrated my birthday by helping raise money for Teen Lifeline (thanks so much to many of you that participated  in that celebration) and also with a Barbie birthday party (my very first) at our house.


RRL started the month by taking the boys at midnight to buy Cars2 on DVD, a super fun memory for all three of them.  We received the proofs from our most recent family photo shoot by Three.  They were INCREDIBLE.  A highlight was our little family get-away (in town) to GWL.  We also counted our blessings on leaves and turkeys all month and we enjoyed family fun during Thanksgiving with RRL’s family at Grammy’s house.  But not until after RRL and I finished our half-marathon that morning, no small feat for me at 18 weeks pregnant but I really did love getting to run it with him!  We found out, at the end of the month, that we were having a BOY! at a super fun gender-reveal party with our family and friends.  I also described some of the emotions of expecting our fourth baby.

In December, I finished the journey I started in January, journaling through the book of Nehemiah.  We spent the entire month doing a “Christmas countdown” with lots of fun family activities, putting an ornament on our paper tree each night.  Highlights from those activities included a pink play dough baby Jesus, visiting GWL with friends for story time, Cbug dressed up as the Baby in our nativity scene, Christmas carolling in our living room to stuffed animals, and a Christmas acrostic as our finale to the fun.  The kids had lots of fun at school with their Christmas parties and Christmas show.  Some not-so-fun highlights from the month were that the kids and I were in a car accident (everyone is fine) and I almost lost my diamond from my engagement ring (everything is fine now).  RRL’s family was so blessed with the news that our littlest nephew arrived a few weeks early, but is perfectly healthy and beautiful.  We celebrated our family Christmas a little early and then we headed to Nonna and Papa J’s house for some fun with a house full of aunts, uncles, grandparents and one grand-dog.  So much fun!  While we were there, RRL and I celebrated our 10th anniversary by being tourists in my hometown for the day. And through all of that, we tried to be mindful of the true spirit of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, something we treasure all year.

What a year!  I can’t help but think that as I wrote this recap for 2010, all 2011 held for us was not even a blip on our radar.  I certainly had no idea we would have 3 additional children in our home for five months of it, and no idea that we would end the year anticipating another baby boy.     AND it makes me all-the-more committed to keeping up with this blog, I had so much fun looking back on the year to do this recap. 
Knowing that, I can honestly say that I cannot WAIT to see what 2012 holds…
and I can’t wait to blog about it!

Nehemiah: The final verses

I did it.  By the middle of December I finished what I started in January.  I made it to the end of 13 chapters- 406verses- journaling my way through the book of Nehemiah.

The Bible that I keep by my bed quite naturally falls open to that book now.   And I nearly filled a daily planner with my notes- it took me 273 daily pages in my planner-turned-journal.  Which means, I should have finished a couple of months ago.  My journey was steady and consistent until the 13th chapter, or until about September.  And that chapter took me a couple of months to get through.    There are lots of reasons to which I could attribute that decline in consistency, but I think for tonight I will just to choose to focus on the fact that…I made it.  When it comes to Bible Study, I rarely remember finishing anything of this size that I started.  That’s sad, I guess, but it made this finish all the sweeter.

And the final verses were worth the journey.  In fact, they tie the entire journey together.  At first glance, unless you have traveled through the whole book, these verses might not mean too much…
vs 30 So, I purified the priests and the Levites of everything foreign, and assigned them duties, each to his own task. vs31 I also made provision for contributions of wood at designated times and for the first fruits.
Remember me with favor, O my God.”

While it seems just another Old Testament ritual, this purification and assignment of duties means that at the end of the day, the end of Nehemiah’s story doesn’t get tied up with a pretty bow.  There is no definitive conclusion to his work recorded in this book.  In fact, these last couple of verses represent a cycle of years and years of Nehemiah helping the people establish boundaries that will rebuild their destroyed lives, the people repenting and accepting this new life by signing a covenant or agreement to do so, living that way for a while, becoming distracted/negligent/rebellious, falling back into old careless ways and Nehemiah coming back to reestablish boundaries and correct the ways of the leaders. Over. And over. And over.

And at the end of the day, when he must have had an urge to throw his hands in the air and walk away, comes his simple request “Remember me with favor, O my God.”

You have no idea how encouraging this idea is to me at the end of 2011.  I’m sure I’m starting to sound a bit like a broken record, but 2011 was a year we experienced the Lord really asking us to do something difficult.  He has probably asked us to countless times before, only this time we walked in it.  BUT what I haven’t mentioned much about is that the journey is STILL difficult.  Yes, it was hard to incorporate three additional small children into our home.  Difficult to experience the chaos of doing life with six preschoolers.  To adjust to being a party-of-eight.  But OH MY it was even harder to send them home wondering if a difference had been made.  The truth is we may always be involved with their family and while we believe in MIRACLES, we continue to see a cycle much like that which Nehemiah found himself in.  It seems that at each round of the cycle, new difficulties are uncovered and with such there comes a new temptation for us toward hopelessness.  In all honesty, we must admit that it is possible that we will never, in this life, see a “pretty bow” at the end of this story. 

We are in.  We are all in to this calling that we feel the Lord has set before us.  But that doesn’t mean there aren’t  days we would like to throw our hands up and say, “Lord, it’s useless.  I’m DONE”.  Many days.  Yet, we remain.

Remember me with favor, God.  Remember that I have accepted the calling you set before me.  Remember that I didn’t always understand what you were asking of me.  Remember that I didn’t understand WHY you were asking me to do it AGAIN.  Remember that I offered help, provided resources, offered love and STILL do not see the difference it has made in the story.  Remember me, O God.

Remember that I am human.  Remember that I’m trying.  Remember that sometimes I don’t want to try anymore.  Remember that I am learning.  I’m learning how to love truly unconditionally.  I’m learning how to offer help without expecting anything in return.  I’m learning to Trust.  I’m learning to Pray.  And learning to release.  Remember me, O God.  And please, remember me with favor. 

If you find yourself there, seemingly caught there.  Please remember this…We have seen that He does REMEMBER.  And will remember.  Time.  And Time.  Again.

And that was worth the journey.

Even though I’m finished journaling through the book of Nehemiah, I can’t wait to go back through those months and months of notes and start sharing more here.  I can’t wait to organize the themes, the lessons learned and see how they might apply in this new season for us.  What an amazing journey it is to study and breathe the Word, the living Word.

Who is Counting?

 152- The number of days

Our nephews and niece went back to live with their parents today.  They left as unexpectedly as they came.  They lived with us for 152 days.  There are too many emotions involved right now and I’m simply too raw to be able to clearly communicate what this means to our family.  So I have to go back to what I know…as an accountant, I love all things numbers.  But I don’t think I’m the only one that counted these days.  We believe that the Lord knew EXACTLY how many days AB, CB and baby B would live with us.  In fact, he has numbers for ALL of our days.  We are just grateful that for 152 of those, we had them as part of our days. 
There are lots of numbers, though, that we don’t know.
I’m glad we didn’t count…
the number of diapers we changed
the number of trips to the doctor/clinic
the number of potty breaks that interrupted our meals
the number of times we didn’t get to sleep through the night
the number of days that didn’t go the way we planned
the number of cartons of yogurt consumed
the number of lunches packed

the number of loads of laundry

the number of doses of antibiotics administered

the number of broken toys we repaired (or trashed)
the number of times we said “please don’t whine”

the number of times we said “please keep your hands to yourself”

the number of meals we ate cold
the number of times we swept the kitchen floor

the number of responsibilities, outside of our home, that we just plum forgot

But we didn’t count any of those things.  While it might have made for a nice record, it really doesn’t matter.  Those numbers wouldn’t reflect our purpose.

I wish we had counted…
the number of boo-boos we got to kiss
the number of “I love yous” we heard
the number of late nights RRL and I spent talking about God’s hand in the day
the number of boxes of diapers that others delivered
the number of meals we didn’t have to cook
the number of times someone else went to the grocery store
the number of people that have showed interest in our story
the number or prayers prayed on our behalf
the number of prayers we uttered on their behalf
the number of encouraging texts, emails, cards in the mail
the number of new songs, verses, and bible stories learned
the number of quizzical looks in the grocery store
the number of times our kids proudly introduced their cousins
the number of ways the Lord surprised us
the number of times we saw the kids hold hands
the number of times we got to celebrate a new milestone 
the number of times we found the girls snuggled in bed together
the number of games of hide and seek

the number of stories read during “circle time”

the number of times we circled the table to tell our favorite part of the day
the number of times we got to say “I’m so glad I get to do this with you”
the number of times we were shown AMAZING grace
I wish we had taken time to count some of those things because the numbers would be staggering.  We have truly been overwhelmed by our community and by the way God amazingly sustained us.
While I will never be able to tell you many of the specifics of those statistics, I do know that our Team of Five will never be the same.  Five months ago, three little lives stepped into our home and into our hearts.  We did our best during that time to blend into one family.  And we’ll never be the same because of it.  I’m glad we didn’t count the hard times, or the times we wished we had acted differently.  We didn’t count because it really doesn’t matter.  We didn’t count because it never was about us or our “stats.”  We know that the year 2011 will always be remembered as the year that for a while, we were a party-of-eight.  More importantly, though, this will be a time that we will all look back and remember that we had a front row seat to something we could not have orchestrated.  We got to stand in AWE as the ONE true God worked mightily on our behalf, right before our eyes.  We have learned to believe in miracles, and to watch for them in everyday real-life happenings.  They don’t look like you would expect.  That’s what makes them miraculous.  And, oh my, the benefits from that blessing of perspective are COUNTLESS!

A sick day blessing

1400 sq feet starts to feel pretty small when all 8 of its occupants are sick.  The puzzles have all been worked, the stories have all been read, the sick kiddos are TOO TIRED of movies, and not TIRED ENOUGH for good naps.

Enter our sick-day-superhero!

I’ll post soon about my quick trip which fell smack-dab in the middle of “sick week” at our house.  DUDE, it was bad timing.  But we were supported and loved by many during this tough week.  There was one-instance-of-help, though, that I just had to post cute pictures of.  As I got back to town, a sweet friend had offered to help by going to the grocery store.  I gave her our list.  But she added a few “sick necessities” and totally saved the afternoon.

Not only were there sweet treats, refreshing drinks, and lots of encouragement…

SHE BROUGHT PRESENTS and stayed to entertain for a while (the very best gift for me)!  At one point during the fun, KJ declared he couldn’t wait to eat some of the sweet goodies so he was just “going to have to buckle-on his self-control”. 
Um, not sure where you got that one, bud…but sounds like a GREAT idea.

KJ loved his new spiderman puzzle. 
*she thoughtfully remembered he had a spiderman birthday cake

Cbug and AB LOVED their Cars2 coloring books
*so thoughtful to know that two three-year-old boys would need exactly the same thing

CB loved having her very OWN colored pencils, crayons and coloring book

and Lou enjoyed her play-dough

*of course in princess colors

Baby B was quite content to splash, play, and make a big mess with some soapy water

I am so thankful I captured this one (of a hundred) ways that our community is so thoughtfully and generously supporting us.  Thanks, Ms K, for your sweet blessing on our sick-day.  And to all of you for continuing to walk this road with us!


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