YOU are invited…a birthday celebration!

I know, I know.
I took a break.
We’ll call it “a-growing-a-baby-in-my-belly” break.
Otherwise referred to as a “the smallest member of our family zapped my energy supply” break.
I’ve had babies before, you would think I would remember the days of exhaustion.
I didn’t.

So, here I am.
Attempting a little come back.
And not a moment too soon, because I REALLY need your help.
Would you help me celebrate?
And in the process, would you help me help the teenagers of North Tarrant County and surrounding areas?

You see, Saturday is my Birthday.
I’m not a huge Birthday person.
I like to have my birthday remembered by those closest to me.
And I’ll admit, facebook birthday’s are fun.
But the idea of being sung to in a restaurant, or otherwise having lots of attention called to me…
not my favorite.
But this year I really want to have a HUGE party.  Right here. On the web.

Because Saturday just happens to also be a big day for my very favorite non-profit organization.
Saturday is the TL5K.
Teen Lifeline is the non-profit organization that RRL helped start several years ago.
Its an amazing organization working hard to make a difference in the lives of teenagers in our area.

This 5K is one of only two big annual fundraising opportunities for Teen Lifelilne.

And its on my birthday.
I’ll be running. And celebrating.
This would be the BEST.BIRTHDAY.EVER if even just a few of you who read this blog would consider celebrating this birthday with me by donating to this great cause. 
We can celebrate all week. Starting RIGHT NOW!

So, if you wanna join the party…
Read up on the goals and mission of Teen Lifeline by visiting
Then, if you would like to support our family in our goal to raise money
and more importantly, support families all around our area as they seek solutions for their teenagers….
Please visit our website for the event, check out our family page, and join the PARTY!

Here’s the link to the party:

No donation is too small in this effort to reach hurting teens.

If you have a teenager,
know a teenager,
or have small children you fear may someday turn into teenagers (trust me, they all will)…
I have no doubt you’ll understand the value of Teen Lifeline!

Thanks for celebrating with me!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:44 pm

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