What’s all the excitment about?

These two were BESIDE themselves with J-O-Y when they found out they were going to see Toy Story 3 at the movie theatre.
(so much joy that Woody experienced a complete strangling)
We gave away the secret when we dressed them in their Toy Story t-shirts and from that moment on we heard constant exclamations of “Are you serious?  Are we really going to see Toy Story 3 (or as Cbug says…’Stoy Story’)?!?!”
Then they carried their favorite characters around the house yelling
“To infinity and the yon” (cbug)
“You are in custody of the Galactic Alliance” (KJ)
 Not only do they L-O-V-E Woody and Buzz, but this was their very first time to the big screen (I know…those poor, sheltered, deprived children).  In fact, KJ recently lamented that the reason “Nonna” sent them a buzz lightyear matchbox car was because his parents “wouldn’t never take him to see that Toy Story 3 movie”. 
But lo-and-behold.

Apparently, those parents grew hearts.
(I.E., found a babysitter for the princess who is not quite ready to sit still for 2 hours)
We also enjoyed a lunch-date with our little fellas and a banana split for dessert.
I mean, really.  Could the day get any better?
A picture perfect day. 
One I definitely have stored away in my mommy-memory-bank of favorites. 
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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