Welcome home baby brother!

KJ refuses to call his baby brother by name. He calls him “babies” (yes, with an ‘s’) or occasionally “brother,” but he will not even repeat his name when we say it. Guess he was voting for a different name? These boys certainly do love each other. Here are a few pictures of C coming home.

The last one is my favorite because I asked KJ to hold C’s hand and he started teaching C how to pray (completely unprompted). He held his tiny hand, bowed his head and said “Amen”. Now saying prayers is one of his favorite things to do with “babies”. I love these boys!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. How Beautiful!!
    Love yall,

  2. Oh my goodness, my eyes just swelled with tears, that is so sweet!! They are precious, I hope ya’ll are having so much fun (no sleep and all). 🙂

  3. So precious. I hope that you are getting the rest that you need and that you are enjoying your sweet family.

  4. sweetness!! I love and cherish all my “big brother with new baby brother” pictures of my boys! They are gonna be best friends!

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