Wedding weekend

A piece of me will always picture him this way.  The littlest cowboy that followed us around, that stood at the door and cried when we left him behind, that was gullible enough to believe some of our antics.
Then we blinked.  And he grew up.  He grew into this handsome man, this strong yet tender-hearted Air Force hero that I am so proud to call my brother.  There’s no one in the world like him, and I was tempted to believe there would be no one in the world good enough to marry him.
But it turns out, I was wrong.
On a day we’ll never forget, my brother and I that once tortured him, were privileged to stand as witnesses as RRL performed the ceremony of this amazing couple.  AND I GOT ANOTHER SISTER!  YAY!
We were all in the wedding. 
Two ring bearers, a flower girl, a (very pregnant) bridesmaid and the “minister” for the ceremony.

And it made it all the sweeter that my other brother and my sister-in-law were part of the “party” as well.
DandD were so sweet to include our kiddos in a special way, despite their young age and short attention span.  So we worked hard to keep them entertained through all of the festivities.
Rock paper scissors
And a new invention…hand tag
(some quick mom thinking when my boys thought it would be fun to run through all of the wedding guests playing “tag” lead to this game that at least kept them all in one place for a little while).  Thanks to Aunt S for joining in.
And THEN we got to celebrate.
We celebrated with DANCING!
(love D’s “party shirt” that was hiding under his dress uniform)
(which obviously, neither of the boys enjoyed one bit…sorry rented tuxedos)

Baby C cooperated, too, and let us make it through the wedding without being too “eventful”, but by the end of it, this was about all I had left.  I wish RRL could have carried me to bed, too, Lou. 

I can’t believe Lt D is married!  But I’m so thankful for the bride he chose.  There has been a lot to take pride in as he has accomplished much over the years, but this was one of his shining moments.  What a joy and privilege to get to be part of it.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:29 am

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