Top 5

Below are the top five ways we know that KJ is growing up quickly. They are actually not in any particular order, except that #1 is definitely TOPS on MY list!!

5) He has his own passport! Thank you so much to all of you who were praying for success in Houston. I’ll post more details soon, about the angels that helped us along the way, but we are home safely with passports in hand.

4) He is getting very good at making up his own mind. This is not always cute and typically means that what he likes one day does not apply to the next. Occasionally, he’ll even take his favorite foods, touch them to his tongue and make a terrible face. So far RRL and I have been able to take turns cracking up and staying strong.

3) His list of animal noises is quickly growing. Current favorites include the lion, duck, monkey and fish. He loves to entertain.

2) He is walking like a champ. He’s been taking steps here and there for a few weeks and just decided while we were in Ruidoso last week to take off. I looked over in time to see him just stand himself up and walk off. I couldn’t believe it. He hits his head on a regular basis, usually while trying to carry something like a blanket, pillow, or Daddy’s basketball shoes. RRL and I hardly flinch anymore when he falls- we’re just great parents like that.

1) HE IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!! I know most of you already know the exciting news, but I wanted to make it official blogger news for those of you that I talk to less often. BL2 is due around January 22nd and we couldn’t be more thrilled. We actually found out on Mothers’ Day, which made the weekend of fun in San Antonio complete.

He’s just so big (but not as big as he thinks he is)!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! (said in one of christina’s high pitch squeally voices!) I am so thrilled for you! KJ is going to be a great big brother… they will be so close that they will be the best of friends, and you are going to have so much fun! :o)
    Prayers of blessings for you and for your new little addition!
    Love you…

  2. Ahh! So exciting! Congrats, guys!

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