Tips and Tricks: Circle Time

So, I started working on a series of posts about “tips and tricks” that help us around our house.  The first one was about our assembly lines.  While some of our survival tactics are not quite as necessary with “only” three kids under our roof, we are actually seeing the benefit of keeping a few of them around.  One that we are still benefiting from is nightly “circle time”.  Granted, the circle is not quite a large now, the necessity of everyone staying “on their spots” is a little less preschool-esque, and the sounds are not nearly as LOUD.  However, the principal of gathering together nightly, intentionally ending our day with our children really is a blessing.  It helps them settle down before bed, helps RRL and I set time aside from cleaning up the kitchen, packing back-packs, etc and is a treasured time together.

Typically we follow a similar routine:
A few “crazy songs” like “Stand up and Shout it”
(which could otherwise be called “jump around and yell a lot if you love Jesus”…which we do!)
A couple of fun stories
A few “calm” songs
A bible story
Some verses
and prayers.

Obviously, some nights we have more time than others.  But I especially love the nights when we get to spend 30+ minutes on this time.

Here are all 5 of the kids saying some of the verses they have learned during circle time.  We learned each of these all together, but this night I just asked them each to say their favorites.  Of course, they especially liked that they got to stand on the fireplace hearth (cough, I mean stage) to be recorded.

KJ and Cbug (chose the same verse to recite)

Translation:  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  -2 Corinthians 4:17-18


Translation:  The prudent see danger and take refuge.  But the simple keep going and suffer for it. -Proverbs 27:12


Translation: I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone Oh Lord, make me dwell is safety.  -Psalm 4:8


Translation:  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  All your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  -Psalm 139:14

So, there’s another snippet of our everyday life.  CIRCLE TIME!
What are your nightly routines?  Or other “tips and tricks” that help your home run smoothly and intentionally?


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:45 pm


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  1. I love it! Granted, we only have one kiddo, but each night ends with getting ready for bed and Hannah’s favorite part of that routine is our bible story. She adores (and so do we) getting to listen to stories and talking about what she learned. It is simply awe-inspiring to hear a 3-yr old’s prayers.

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