It seems like just yesterday that we found out that we were expecting our first born son. Now, he is T-H-R-E-E! That is so hard to believe. KJ’s birthday has been celebrated and celebrated over the last few weeks and he has loved every bit of it. In fact we had a cupcake today at lunch for a special treat and he requested that we sing Happy Birthday to him again then blew out the imaginary candle. I have loved watching how he relished every detail of his special day(s) from the singing to the cake to the presents to the friends to blowing out the candles…he loved it all. That says a lot out how our oldest lives life.

I am so proud of you and so thankful to call you my son. The Lord has been so good to mold you, from your earliest days, into the perfect fit for your position as the oldest child in our family. You have a lot of responsibility at such a young age with your brother watching everything you do. I love how seriously you take that responsibility already. Not only do you watch out for your little brother, you are a big helper to Mommy and Daddy, too. I love that you know how to wrestle hard with Daddy and be tender and sweet with Mommy (and baby sister in my belly). Baby sister is also going to be so blessed by all that you can teach her and by how protective you will be of her.

Some of your favorite things right now are playing outside, your race cars, being with friends, wrestling, reading stories to me or Daddy, playing games and any kind of ball! You play HARD at everything you play and are very intense in all things. It makes us laugh to see your tongue between your lips as you concentrate on the task at hand. We pray that you will always be intentional about the things you set your mind to.

Your Daddy and I are praying for your heart. We’re working with you on obeying, not arguing, and being respectful. I know these are such hard lessons to learn. As we teach and mold you, it has been good for us to remember that we struggle in some of those same areas and we strive to be obedient to all that the Lord has called us to. You are making us better people through your example! As we pray each night “May KJ and Cbug come to know Jesus as their savior”, there is no greater wish that we have for you as we celebrate you and your 3rd birthday. We love you more than we can tell you.


Here are some awesome pictures that one of our favorite photographers, Cindi, took just before KJ’s 3rd birthday. I think they capture his 3-year-old personality so well. You are amazing, Cindi!

What a fun little man! Happy Birthday big shot!!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm

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  1. What a precious little boy! KJ, your nonna loves you more every day! I’ll always love you “to the moon and back”!

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