Three good reasons why I haven’t been blogging…

Three wonderfully adorable, sometimes disobedient, positively crazy-fun-loving,  destructor style mess-making, hands-full-of-blessings, often ornery and argumentative, make you giggle until your mouth hurts, head-over-heels for their siblings, team of mischeif-making, blonde-headed reasons.
Hopefully someday I’ll tell you about some of the adventures these three have been up to.  Until then this picture of their adorable craziness pretty well sums it up.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:49 pm


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  1. 3 perfectly good reasons! Sure need to see these 3 blonde headed wonders! Love you!

  2. Oh how I miss these precious little blonde-headed grandbabies! Great way to be spending your time.
    This picture definitely captures their personalities!

  3. Surely you don’t mean they take up too much of your time . . .

    Beautiful, funny kiddos.

  4. Alison, your name came up on the “likes.” I found your blog and found your 3 beautiful kids! I will add you to my list of people that can successfully mother 3 kids. 🙂 I hope you guys are well. Say hello to your hubby for me.

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