With his birthday so close to Christmas, Cbug always has to wait for his party (it won’t be for a couple of weeks), but we try to make the day special for him still. Its funny how the things that make a (newly turned) 3-year-old happy involve junk food.
First stop, a trip to the donut store.
What a tough selection- so many yummy choices, who can decide?
And he opened a few presents
(with careful supervision from big brother, of course)
Little did we know that one of his presents, a book about garbage trucks doing their job, would actually be a clue as to how we would spend some of our morning. 

And we just spent time enjoying time with our favorite three-year-old
(and big brother would like everyone to know that he is four, which is more than three).
I told you the garbage truck book was a clue! We spent the next part of the morning chasing the ultimate trio- the garbage truck, the leaf truck AND the recycle truck- around our neighborhood. We followed “clues” and made a game out of trying to figure out which street they hadn’t been down yet. Don’t knock it until you try it. Its an AWESOME game (at least to our Cbug). He is LOVES watching these trucks pick up trash, etc.
We also spent some quality time on the playscape- laughing, running, JUMPING, climbing, chasing, racing and playing with friends. The boys were so excited when they figured out that, with some of their buddies there playing, they had the ages covered… 3-4-5-6. So precious!
We had Sonic for lunch and Daddy made homemade pizza for dinner and the kids and I made, iced and decorated the Christmas cookies that never got made during the holidays (told ya so- junk food GALORE).
The cookies were served as the birthday cake! However, we did make sure to save the ones that had been given some “extra love (read: slobber)” for the boys to eat.
Then we ended the night watching some of Cbug’s new Thomas movie (thanks Hatch).
A perfect day for all of us- especially Cbug. What could be better than celebrating our favorite 3-year-old by doing some his favorite things?