The first moment…

From the very FIRST MOMENT we knew about you, you have been loved, sweet baby sister.

You’ve been doing a lot of growing since that moment…I can tell!

You have been “showered” with generosity by so many people who are helping us prepare for your arrival…

…ensuring that we were ready for all things girly in our world of trucks and balls.

Your room is ready
(complete with a pink rubber ducky that your brother picked out)

and we are anxious to stare at you while you sleep.

We feel like kids waiting for Christmas as we anticipate your arrival. We are praying for you, precious girl.

We believe the Lord has all of your first moments in his hands and we are anxiously awaiting the FIRST MOMENT we meet you and kiss your tiny head!!

Mommy and Daddy

For inquiring minds- our little one is due in ONE WEEK! We never dreamed we would make it this far, scrambled to get ready for an early arrival, and find ourselves now completely ready and waiting. There is an amazing peace at our house because so many details have already been settled- the Lord was so sweet in his timing to know how much I needed that. So far, baby sister does not seem to be in any hurry to arrive. In typical girl fashion, she is going to use every minute she can get to prepare for her big debut. That’s just fine with us…the waiting will make the meeting all that much sweeter. Thank you for your prayers for her and for us.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. SO EXCITING!!!! Can’t wait to meet her!!!

  2. I’m glad you have all that PINK now. She is so special already!

  3. Can NOT wait to see what a Lewis clan baby GIRL looks like!! Too fun.

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