The Bridges


noun   a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc. across a river, road, or other obstacle.

Though our bodies have physically traversed a great distance, our hearts still have a bit of a chasm to cross.  I find myself praying and looking for bridges.   Bridges for communication with all of you, bridges for the hearts of our children, bridges for life together in a new place.  Because at some point a bridge touches both sides, it crosses the divide.  While you cannot see the precise line where you cross from one side to the other, you know you are connected from land to land.  The bridge is the guide.  The bridge is the link.  The bridge is not just a source of passage, but a source of security.

Sometimes you must find the familiar things that can be laid, like planks, in a manner which can be used to walk across the gap.  Familiar things, even in a brand new context, can provide a bit of sure-footedness.


Before we left the States, we completed 1009 of our 2018 mile Team challenge.  Being able to reach the ½ way point on US soil was a significant milestone, albeit well after our goal date.  We rolled up our little poster and tucked it safely in our luggage and carried it with us to our new home.  Literally the ONLY thing I’ve hung on a wall in our new home is this marker of our team’s journey together.  And fairly soon after arriving we began to run again.  We’ve marked a little route inside our compound so we can run together.  The view is SIGNIFICANTLY different, the elements drastically different, the mindfulness of where we run and even what we wear to run is brand new.  But running, together, we know.  Our bodies, while adjusting to new foods, new humidity, new blaring sun, KNOW the rhythm of running.  Our team knows the same spirit of encouragement and doing hard things.  Our first few miles on this soil have helped us cross.  Running is a bridge.  And I hope that in our running we can continue sharing about our milestones will all of you.


We build bridges as we find significant moments that we can still celebrate.  On the night before school started we kept true to our back-to-school tradition of eating a meal and praying at school.  The context was a bit different (we’ve never had beans and rice as our FDOS-eve meal), the company was brand new (so thankful for the friendship of other new families on staff with RRL), and the scenery from the school-yard quite different to us (not complaining one bit about the serenity of the view).  But praying for our year together was the same.  The SAME GOD will walk with us as we learn, grow, encourage and work together this year.  THE SAME GOD will unite us, guide us, go with us, and use us in this new place.  THE SAME GOD will provide.  The same opportunity to remind our children of what we believe- we believe in THEM, we believe in what they were CREATED to do, we believe they are stronger when they stick together, we believe in the GOD who goes with them, even into the unknown.  This tradition was a significant bridge for us. As others will be, and we will continue to share.

But there is yet another bridge that I hope continues to unite us as friends in DRRF, connecting the pieces of our story and connecting us to you:


noun the elevated, enclosed platform on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations.

As a family of 9 we make slow turns.  “WIDE rights,” I like to say.  Even in conditions of low visibility, we must be looking forward a bit to navigate a path full of obstacles.  Which is why we need a bridge- a place RRL and I stand together to steer this ship.  As officers, this is the small space where only we can enter to seek direction with our Captain.  A place free from input from the outside world.  A space where we must take what we’ve learned, grab hold of the helm, and seek direction for the next moments of the course.

Vulnerably I’ll tell you…the two of us have been a team for a long time.  But we are still learning.  While the ship and its components are the same, navigating and working together is quite complicated when the surroundings are so foreign, the obstacles so unexpected.  Never have I been more thankful for a steady source of direction.  A rock on which to stand.  A high place available for perspective.   An unchanging guide of promises from our Lord.

Standing on the promises, I cannot fall
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all
Standing on the promises of God

Standing, standing
Standing on the promises of Christ my Savior
Standing, standing
I’m standing on the promises of God

RRL and I are committed to persistence in this and I could not imagine a better partner to navigate with.  But sometimes life is just H-A-R-D and its tough to see where to go next.  CAN I GET AN AMEN?!

Join us in committing to go OFTEN to the Bridge.  Close the door to the noise of the outside world.  Seek direction from the Captain, His promises.  Get back on course.  None of us can navigate across the chasm from the belly of our boats.  We cannot see where we are going if we choose to remain in the dark.  Let’s come up for air and light.

Its good to be back here with you.  Thank you for the ways you’ve encouraged us, supported us, sent messages and waited for me to be ready to share.  I’m coming back and slowly finding bridges!


Updated: September 6, 2018 — 6:24 pm


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  1. We will help you build a bridge! Your words pick me up and set me down right in the middle of your boat. I can feel the mixture of emothions you feel. Y’all are doing a beautiful job of navigating and your journey inspires me (and Kalith)! Our prayers are with you and we love you so much! Give all the kids a hug from us!

  2. I’ll give you an amen. Love you guys and am praying.

  3. Oh what a blessing and friend running is. It is the biblical sport. What a different course you are running now. Praying for Team Lewis.

  4. Always love reading about your experiences and hearing a perspective. Praying for all of you. Love, Aunt Debbie

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