the best of 2010

Here’s to a great year!  On the very last day of 2010, I wanted to share with you some of this year’s highlights for our family.  While 2010 will definitely be remembered as the year of the weddings, there were lots of other great things about the year, too.  Here are some of our favorite memories and my favorite picture (0r two) from each month.
We celebrated the 2nd Birthday of our CCL with a family donut celebration and then a construction party with friends.  What a treasure this boy is!  We also caught our first glimpses of Lou’s true personality, mourned the loss of my Grandmother, and tried to give our children some world-perspective as we grieved over the losses in Haiti.
We experienced record snowfall.  Our kids were afraid of it.  RRL and I “dated” in it.  We also made and delivered Valentines to some of favorite “loves”.
RRL celebrated his birthday with Dr Pepper candies we made, we hosted the first (hopefully annual) DST picnic, and we had a quick visit with some of our favorite mentors from Abilene.
An extra busy month filled with Lou’s baby blessing, multiple Easter celebrations, one of my favorite MMM activites: the obstacle course, a bluebonnet-viewing-trip to Ennis, and springtime fun at the park with friends
KJ turned four and we celebrated super-hero style, he had his last day of preschool for the year, we kicked off our “year of weddings” with two in one weekend (one of which took KJ and I on a trip to SLC, UT) and we celebrated mother’s day.


We had lots of fun over the fourth of July weekend, we fed the turtles one morning before school/work, and we continued our tradition of celebrating “Cow Appreciation Day
We said good-bye to some of our favorite people as our senior class graduated and went to college, I started running again and the whole family joined me on the weekends, RRL and I took the boys to their first movie on the big screen (TS3), the boys had meet the teacher, and I took pictures of princess Lou for our Alma mater.
My camera was broken an apparently so was my memory storage…all I can remember is that the boys started school together and RRL and I enjoyed a weekend away in Branson, MO.

I documented that there were three reasons why I didn’t have more September memories, we went on a family-fun-field trip with KJ’s class, amazing pumpkin patch pictures were taken AGAIN by the Schrimsher/Spillman team, dressed up for Halloween, went to Houston to visit our college roomies and their three children- where RRL and I ran a 1/2 marathon together for the first time.  I had an awesome Batman Birthday (and then an adult celebration later with some of my favorite friends)!

One of my favorite months!  I lost Cbug at the grocery store (not a favorite part), we spent the night on the farm (definitely a highlight), ran in the Turkey Trot– despite the cold & rain, KJ’s friend “Kribagayle” first “appeared” at our house, were surprisingly blessed by our first Thanksgiving away from family, we learned so much about generous living through The Hills Greater Things campaign, had some miracle family pictures taken by RRL’s cousin (Eden Hayes Photography) and counted our blessings (on leaves) all month long.

We learned that it would be better for girls to be Shepherds, the kids enjoyed their FOURTH wedding appearance where Cbug danced his heart out, we visited Christmas Village at Busch Gardens, we celebrated the second annual Thanksmas, had THREE awesome Christmas celebrations (Nashville, our house, and Denton), RRL and I celebrated NINE YEARS of marriage, and I spent way too much time getting caught up on this blog!

WOWZERS, what a year!  It definitely had its ups and downs, but overall 2010 was one of my very favorite years so far.  I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store.  May the Lord bless you and keep you and yours in this New Year!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:48 pm

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