Texas Macaroni

When you haven’t blogged in months and your first post back was heavier than the norm for this spot on the www, you gotta follow it up with something fun and light, right? Here’s a quick post to get the ball rolling because, lets be real, this ball is gonna have to roll pretty stinkin’ far if I’m ever going to get all the pictures and updates up that I would like to (doubtful). In the meantime…

Texas Macaroni, anyone?

After being cooped up in the house for sickness and then bad weather, I have been seriously losing the war at our house. I’m just going to go ahead and admit it, the kids were in charge and I was ready to wave the white flag. So when we woke up to a cold icky dday, I needed a plan and fast. My boys do much better when I have plan because if I don’t have one, they will make one up. And that is never a good thing, 9 times out of 10 resulting in a full out wrestling brawl. Oh boys. SO, today in a moment of desperation, I finally found a use for the noodles shaped like the State of Texas in my pantry. Noodles which I am fairly certain have been in my pantry since at least 2002 (which would mean I actually moved them from the pantry in our apartment to the pantry in our house). I’ve been pretty attached to these macaronis and have been unable to either cook them or throw them away (odd since I can’t even remember where they came from). But today, I sacrificed my noodles for sanity in an activity for two sets of stir-crazy little hands and it was a blast (a mess, but still fun). I took pictures of the final project because it is highly doubtful that any of these blessed pieces of paper will make it past this evening. I would post pictures of the process and the cute artists, but between keeping KJ from squirting glue everywhere and keeping Cbug from eating the uncooked pastas or glue and intermittently sweeping and then making my very own swirly project…I shockingly didn’t take any pics until nap time.

And now that I have amazed even myself by writing two whole paragraphs about macaroni’s in the shape of Texas glued to some construction paper…let me amaze you even MORE by showing you the photos that I absolutely DID NOT spend 20 minutes editing while all 3 children were sleeping. No, I would never waste nap time like that.

Drum roll please…

and a couple of close ups, just in case you thought I was kidding about pasta noodles actually in the shape of Texas. Would any other state EVER?

Now wasn’t that fun for a wind up blog-post. More coming soon, I promise (and that promise is only slightly less crumbly than a Texas shaped macaroni).

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. So, I’m super curious! Which pictures did you edit? ๐Ÿ™‚ I saw your FB status… so something I would do! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

  2. I love it! Great “stay at home day” activity! And just to make you feel better, I had wheel shaped ones that I kept in a jar for YEARS and then finally either just dumped in the trash or used for some project, too…they were too fun to trash I think, and too old to eat…

  3. Ha! Good thinking, mom! I’m glad to know that you too have to have a plan or your kids will take over. I wish someone else would just come up with the plans for me and hand me an itinerary every week. I think I’m going to steal your macaroni idea for Monday…except I don’t have TX ones. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love this post! It is perfect. It inspires me! You are such a great momma!! Keep up the crazy work.

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