Summer Spectacular

No better word would describe our Church’s annual time of learning for the young and old alike.  It is like VBS, yet not at all like any VBS I’ve ever been to.  “Summer Spectacular” is powered by hundreds of volunteers, many working for MONTHS to make this week a success.  I do not know the half of what goes on behind the scenes, but the results of it are quite apparent.  Kids (and I’d venture to guess, many an adult, too) come away knowing these familiar Bible Stories in a way that is colorful and alive to them.  It may be their first tiny glimpse into the idea that the Word is alive and relevant. 
That our God was so creative.  That He loves us.
And as a side benefit, all 6 of our little participants that week wore the same thing for three days, making one part of our evening preparations just a little bit easier.
(washed of course in between)
The whole crew loved their matching attire.
And requested, long after SS was over, to dress alike wearing these shirts.

But many evenings, only SOME of our crew actually made it to the big event.  We were smack in the middle of struggling through passing all kinds of colds and strep and coughs so only well ones got to go.

But when we did all make it, we certainly thought it was spectacular. 
And others thought we were quite a spectacle!
love the two-by-two approach, quite appropriate for the “Noah” theme, donchathink?
Look at those smiles.  THEY LOVED IT!
They loved the classes, they loved the Broadway-style-musical
(at least as long as their attention spans could hold-out),
The very favorite part for our little crew was the petting zoo.
(and therefore my favorite part was the hand sanitizer at the end of the attraction).

I cannot wait for many more years of Summer Spectacular.  Our family is just at the beginning stages of really being able to dive in to all that makes it SPECTACULAR and we already L-O-V-E it!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:46 pm

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