Summer Sayings…

I love that a few of my blogger buddies are good about documenting funny things their kids say. I know this stage will fly by and I want to soak it all in. I’ve started trying to take some notes to remind myself of what they say and I’m going to be moving some things from facebook over here, too, to save.
Here are some of their summer sayings…
– Lou, at preschool, was asked about her new pink room: “Lou, did you paint your room pink?” She declared (in her all her sassy glory): “OH, NO!” (and with a wave of her little hands) “Some Paint-uhs, painted it fuh me!”
– Cbug, upon arriving at the hospital to see his baby brother for the first time, touched my belly and then we had this conversation:
Cbug: “Momma, baby C came out of your belly, right?”
Me: Yes, Baby, he did.
Cbug: (while squishing my leftover baby chub) Well, is there one more smaller baby still in there?
– I asked KJ what kind of back-pack he would like for school. I thought I had him pegged. He would want spiderman (fav superhero) or green (fav color). Instead, he said,”I’d like a green back pack with my name in blue and a cheetah on it”. Um, ok. I guess you’ve thought about this a little. Note-to-self, you need to narrow the choices for your uber-planner of an oldest child.

– Lou’s favorite phrase right now is BOOYAH! She uses it to declare extreme excitement (“Booyah, I’ve got a princess plate”), to indicate that she is proud of herself (“I got myself dressed, BOOYAH!”) or just when she doesn’t know what else to say. It cracks me up when mid-sentence she forgets what she was about to say and instead just smiles and says BOOYAH, throwing her hands in the air, and then walks off.

– Cbug is VERY literal right now. If you say it is about time to go, he is already in the van. If you say he can be finished eating, he is UP from the table and gone. So phrases from adults like “you are killing me” are not really best used in his presence- found that out the hard way.

– Lou got some nasty ant bites and for weeks has milked the fact that they were bothering her. Her favorite line was “I need a drink of wat-uh. My daddy said the doc-tuh wants me to have a lot of wat-uh to make my ant bites healed.” Cbug, upon hearing her say this recently, decided to correct her. “Nuh-uh, sister. The doctors are wrong. Only God can heal you.” Bless his sweet little literal heart.

– Then there was the time my own words about waiting until 30 to get married came back to bite me in this conversation with KJ-
o KJ: “Mom, how old were you had me?”
o Me: “About 27 ½”

o KJ (in sheer shock): “WHAAAAAAAATTT???? How could you have a baby before you were old enough to get married?”

– Lou is a little Mommy by nature. She mothers her younger brother AND her older ones. Recently, she was in the car with her cousin C (who is actually 6 months older) and was reassuring and petting her: “ev-uh-thing is just fine. I’ve really missed you and I’m so glad you ah visiting me. Ev-uh-thing is fine.”

– On the fourth of July weekend, we were in Nashville with my parents and decided to go the fireworks show at their church. The boys were not crazy about this idea, so their mini-momma said “Well, one of you can sit in Nonna’s lap and one of you can sit with Papa J.” I asked her “what about you, Lou?” to which she responded (with her signature wave of the hand)“Oh, they ah the ones that ah sca-uhed, I’m not sca-uhed” And she was true to that word, too.

– We went to KJ’s new school for address verification. On the way there he was very curious about what “verification” meant so we talked about giving proof. When we went inside, they asked us for the “documents” and KJ proceeded to give them complete directions to our house from the school. Yep, that proves it.

– We pulled in to Chkn Express the other night to grab something quick before we had to be at a school function. Cbug yelled from the back seat, “I don’t want to eat here. This is chicken fried and chicken fried is not healfy food.” We went to Subway.

– One of my favorite things for Lou to play is when she has “vite-overs”, and invites each of us to come to her room. She asked her brother to come for a vite-over, though, and Cbug responded “Today I am King. And kings don’t go to vite-overs”

– All of the kids are obsessed with Nashville. They love visiting Nonna and Papa J and especially love that we are always on “vacation” while we are there. This means they get to do things like eat places mommy doesn’t usually like to go, play Wii, stay up late, etc. So…KJ: “I’m going to celebrate my birthday in Nashville. Because Nonna likes Chuck E Cheese” and Cbug “I’m sorry you won’t get to see me when I grow up. I’m going to live in Nashville beside Nonna and Papa J.”
-RRL called me into the bathroom while Lou was taking a bath.  He said “tell Mommy what you are doing?” to which she responded “Just shavin’ my legs”.  She was using her brothers plastic pretend razor to shave.
– Cbug works “which is” into nearly every sentence, and when he says “which is” he often raises his pointer finger for emphasis. Why make a sentence simple when you can add complexities? For example, instead of saying “May I have some cereal?” or “I’m going to build a firetruck”, or “I’m going to play with KJ”… CBug usually asks “May I have something for breakfast, which is cereal?” or “I’m going to build something with my legos, which is a firetruck?” or “I’m going to play with my brother, which is KJ.”

I’m excited to start keeping some of these snippets of memories.  And my friends will be glad I have an outlet other than telling them everything my kids say.  It is certainly hard to contain yourself when you believe your kids to be brilliant and hysterical.  What mom doesn’t?


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:27 am

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