State of the Family

The day after the President’s “First 100 days” speech seems like perfect timing to do a little update on our family’s current happenings (no approval ratings will be taken).

THE SWINE FLU– After all of the input lately about how to keep your children safe from the swine flu (and even Mr. President reminding us to cover our mouths when we cough), I’m pretty sure that if this flu is contagious in public places Cbug will be a prime candidate. Just while at church last night he ate (someone else’s) popcorn off of the floor, played peek-a-boo with his bear in and out of the trash can and walked across the church barefoot all the while sucking his thumb. No amount of hand washing can negate his germ-infested life right now.

THE ECONOMY– There are two economical issues in our house this last week. First, our dryer suddenly started taking HOURS to dry even small loads of laundry. Thanks to tips from friends and RRL’s resourcefulness we checked the vent to outside and founds a LARGE bird’s nest nearly blocking the entire vent. Thank you, birds. I can’t wait to see the electricity bill you caused this month.

Also, I decided about a week ago to do my part to help our family economics by getting KJ out of diapers. Really, the bill for 3 in diapers is going to be N-U-T-S. The first day was really rough and even literally brought me to my knees in prayer (beside the toilet). I was so frustrated- not with him, just with trying to know how to explain it to him. However, by the end of the second day, I was ready to write a book on potty-training. I mean, it was awesome. He was all over it, always told me when he needed to go and he was so proud of himself. UNTIL he woke up from his nap on the third day and declared “I’m not big anymore, I need the diapers back” and promptly quit peeing anywhere except on the floor or in a diaper. SERIOUSLY? I just waved the white flag in surrender and let him have the diapers back. At least I know he knows HOW now and hopefully soon he’ll also decide that he’s on board. He’s asked to go off and on since then, but ONLY goes when it is his idea and he initiates. Wonder where he gets that stubborn streak?

HEALTH CARE– It is impossible for me to fathom still that we are 6 weeks or less away from being a family of FIVE. After my next appointment, I’ll start going to the doctor every week so we are really getting close. Her room still needs some work and I’ll admit to having moments when I’m not sure I’m ready to be a momma to three. I pray everyday that I’ll be able to meet their needs, that no one will feel left out, and that the Lord will fill in the massive gaps in what I am able to teach them. I’m so thankful that baby sister seems really healthy and I love feeling her squirming around. What a privilege! The larger my belly gets, though, the more and more we get interesting comments from strangers. You would think no one has ever before been out in public pregnant with small children. I always call us the circus act as people stare at the boys (thinking they are twins) then at my belly.

MARRIAGERRL and I got to have a fun overnight trip last weekend when we left the boys with Grammy and traveled to his 3rd ½ marathon. We went with a pretty big group from church who all run together (or cheer together in some cases). We had so much fun having dinner with friends, enjoying the race festivities, just having a break from things at home. We relished the time together, knowing it was probably our last little get-a-way before baby sister’s arrival.

That’s the latest from our home front. My job sounds a lot more fun than Mr. Obama’s, don’t ya think?


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. You will be a great momma to three!

  2. I love this post. You are going to be a great mother of three. You are going to fall short because we all do otherwise there would be no need for God. But, you have what it takes and I look to you to figure it all out before I get there if I get too. You are fantastic and God is going to fill in any gaps for you. Your kids are going to love growing up together. Siblings are such a blessing. Love you!

  3. MUCH more interesting!!! I can’t believe you only have 6 weeks left. How exciting! I can’t wait to see her. Blessings!

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