Some Family Math

Just a few short weeks ago, I wrote about not knowing what was “next” for us.  I knew that our experience with being a party-of-eight had forever changed us.  But I wasn’t sure how that change should be incorporated into our normal-ness.  Only a couple of days after writing that post, we got a little glimpse into some of the “what next?”  We certainly don’t claim to see the whole picture yet.  In fact, we are more convinced than ever that His ways are HIGHER than our ways and we only see a bit of the picture right now. 
BUT, we are so thankful that the Lord didn’t wait a millisecond longer to reveal this “tiny” piece.  Which shall now be revealed to you in the form of a math equation…
*due around April 30th


*and I am hereby entering the stage of most-unattractive picture awards…totally worth it.

Can I just tell you the roller-coaster of emotions I experience just from scrolling through those four pictures?  I mean, I couldn’t make this up if I tried.  Just four short days after our nephews and nieces went home, we were still reeling from trying to figure out what our family would look like.  AND BAM…we found out that baby #4 was on his/her way to us.  I still can’t believe it.  Yet because of His miraculous goodness to us over and Over and OVER during this season, it actually does not surprise me one bit.  I mean, He has been so good to give us powerful sustainment when we needed it most, amazing community when we couldn’t walk alone, and a new and full delight in His will and His word.  So, for Him to go beyond that and just ice the cake for us with this sweetness definitely goes into the “more than we could ask or imagine” category.  I wish I could fully express in blogland words just how miraculous the timing of this little one is.  Maybe that will have to be a whole post in-and-of-itself.  For now, even though this is much “earlier” than we typically take such news to the www this is too crazy cool to keep to ourselves.  We just couldn’t wait to share the amazing news with those of you reading along on our adventures. 

“For the Lord is good, and his love endures FOREVER. 
His faithfulness continues to all generations” 

Psalm 100:5



Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:45 pm


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  1. Oh SO MUCH FUN!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am so excited for your sweet little family! God is so much fun! love it!

  2. I am so happy for your guys!!!! God is so awesome in His perfect timing! Love and hugs your way….Terri Pye Weatherford

  3. Yay, congrats! Joni and I just announced that #2 is on her way (sonogram tech said 90% sure it is a girl), so we are celebrating God’s incredible love, too!

  4. WooHoo!!!! So excited for you guys and your party of SIX!! Congrats and blessings! Hope you’re feeling well.

  5. Awww, Allison, clearly you were built for this life. Don’t get me wrong, you’re crazy, but so good at being crazy! So happy for you!

  6. Congratulations. Just saw your mom this morning,and she didn’t breathe a word. Happy for you all.


  8. Loved your “Some Family Math” blog. However, it wasn’t a surprise as your Mom called me last week…she is sooo excited. Congratulations..God has chosen you two to take care of another one of His little bundles from heaven. Lv U Charlotte

  9. Congrats Allison! Loved this post and your obvious excitement!

  10. I’m loving reading your blog, with all the wonderful ideas and love. I’ve been feeling petty proud of ‘my ABL’ lately! And, now, exciting news! I was dancing around and praising God when I read the news! Wish I could get my arms around all of you!
    much love to all,
    “MY B”

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