So much to Celebrate!

Today we celebrate something amazing!
10 years of marriage.
Today we celebrate each one of them.
Its not so much the number of years that amazes me, but all that the years have held.

Today we celebrate that there was an evening, ten years ago, when we committed to walk the adventure of life together.  Not just two people walking side-by-side but two people walking as one.  It was one of the very best nights of my life.  We were surrounded by friends and family, my parents and others had worked to create a magical evening, and the whole affair was covered in the sweet presence of the Lord.  My heart still races just looking at pictures of the day that my best friend became my husband.

And today we celebrate that to that union of two the Lord has added four more.
On our tenth anniversary we celebrate this little team.  So perfectly designed.  We are so blessed.

Today we celebrate ten years of “richer or poorer and in sickness and health”.  We have weathered some of each in ten years, but we stand today celebrating a time of miraculously good health, and riches beyond measure- including great financial contentment and the ability to share with others.

We made a promise, ten years ago, to work to grow closer to the Lord together.  While that journey has been full of ups and downs, we celebrate today that HIS love never failed.  Our sweet Lord sought us and continues to redeem the rough days.  When we faced a challenge this year in our marriage that we could not face alone, the Lord was sweet to draw us close to himself, to provide long before we could ask and to surround us with community that displayed His abundant love.  We celebrate that today our relationship has an even deeper appreciation of its reliance on the Lord than ever before.

Ten years ago, we made a promise to have fun growing old together.  So TODAY WE CELEBRATE!!

RRL, I love you more than I can say.  Standing at the end of this 10th year, one neither of us could have imagined, and one harder than any other- I’m so incredibly thankful to have walked through it with you.  This 10th year, and each of the 9 before it have only increased that amazing feeling I have each time I look back at pictures from that first evening as your wife.  I have no idea what the road ahead of us holds, but I know that it will be sweeter walked with you!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:43 pm

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