
RRL fixed up the sandbox in our backyard just in time for some spring fun! The boys LOVE it, and I love to watch them play together.

KJ is very intentional about nearly EVERYTHING (wonder where he gets that). I love the tongue hanging out, concentrating while he works on the sand…or as he would say “his job”.

Of course, Cbug also loves to eat it and dump it and make QUITE a mess.

Oh, Lord, please bless the paths these little feet will walk. Help them to choose the narrow road you have marked out for them.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. I love, love, love the picture of the kiddos hugging your belly. That is priceless!

  2. Love all the photos – you need to frame the feet in the sand – it’s amazing and precious! hugs!

  3. I absolutely LOVE the pictures of the boys’ feet. And I love it that you had pictures taken with a random man! I will be looking for those! Your boys are growing up so fast…and they are too cute for words.

  4. Cute, cute, cute!! You should frame those b/w feet pictures and have Sharon write what you said in calligraphy…just a thought. šŸ™‚

  5. AAAHHH! I LOVE the feet picture and the sweet prayer you prayed over those precious little feet. May it be so! And I’m with Mindy – frame the pics and put the scripture in there, too!! Too cool.

    And the potty training thing . . .oh, I’m so thankful to be done. I almost shudder every time I think about potty training. Ugh. But it will happen, and until then, aren’t you so thankful for disposable diapers?!? ha!

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