REWIND: Family Day…without Daddy

On the last weekend of September, RRL went to a conference out of town.  It was a busy weekend on the home-front, too, so I wanted to be sure we squeezed in some fun on Friday night.
First stop, a cupcake bakery.
“Mom, do we SERIOUSLY get to have cupcakes before dinner”
Yes! Yes you do.
Welcome, dear ones, to the privileges of having a pregnant Momma who may or may not have a slight compulsion toward junk food.
Next stop:
What great timing that the annual family day for my Company fell on this evening.  It is always such a fun event and a great (free) way to run off some energy, get everyone fed, and play with some friends.
We watched the model trains
 and met some characters from sister companies.
(two of my favorite characters are the ones hiding behind those fans-turned-masks)
But their favorite part was the inflatable obstacle courses.
I’m pretty sure two brothers could have read-set-go-ed themselves ALL.NIGHT.LONG. 
They absolutely LOVED it!
 And a certain baby-sister loved waiting for them at the end, cheering for all of the brave sliders
(one of which she was not)
What a fun night!  We stayed and played until everyone was so sleepy we barely made it back to our car.
We sure missed RRL, but I loved getting to make these fun memories with my kiddos.

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:45 pm

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