Pumpkin Patch

I LOVE LOVE LOVE pumpkin patch pictures. Seriously, I think they are so much fun! Every year, though, I seem to forget how much I sweat just trying to get one decent picture. It didn’t change a bit from one baby to three. Just as much sweat. Only this year, KJ was big enough to speak for the group. On the way to the pumpkin patch, I was getting them excited, talking about how much fun it was going to be and oh by the way, we are going to take some pictures. KJ spoke up from the way back of the van. “Um, Mom…we are not going to smile for pictures”. It was like he had consulted his siblings and just wanted me to know. They were true to their word, too. Ah well. Maybe next year.




I still love them, even when the don’t smile. Its still a memory that I’ll treasure and over a year’s time, probably even forget the sweat part, and just remember that:

-this was the first year the KJ didn’t wear overalls to the pumpkin patch
-Cbug was happiest when everyone just left him alone sitting at a picnic table with a couple of tiny pumpkins to bang on it
-Lou had way more fun pulling the fake plants apart than anything else we did
-My favorite pumpkins are the ones I get to tuck into bed everynight!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:05 pm


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  1. Sweet kiddos! The pictures are still good even without the smiles!

  2. What a fun walk down pumpkin patch memory lane!

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