Preschool Christmas

Christmas time at the little preschool our kids attend is so much fun. 
We loved getting to visit them for their Christmas parties
(both RRL and I were at KJ’s party, too, not sure how we didn’t get a picture)
Their teachers are AMAZING.  Seriously, anyone who would INTENTIONALLY provide my 5 and 3 year-old boys (and a classroom full of their equally zealous friends) sprinkles and let them use them at will is to be commended.
 Lou’s favorite part of the party was that her Daddy came.  In fact, when he got up to leave and go back to work, BEFORE she had finished every.single.bite of her snacks she proclaimed ‘But Daddy, I’m not finished yet”.  And he sat back down.  Oh, these two together are trouble I tell ya. 

We also LOVED the sweet Christmas shows they each participated in.  Someone wised up after last year and there were no 4-year-old shepherds as the background this year, just a completely controllable screen for a background.  I feel like we have left our mark on school programs for years to come.  I’m quite sure they appreciate that.

Lou’s class sang “Ring the bells” with jingle bells.  Sweet Lou still sings this song with all her might on a regular basis.  She rings her jingle bells (whether she actually has any in her hand or not) like her life depends on it.  Poor girl, never expressive at all.

Cbug’s class sang Away in a Manger and Praise ye the Lord.  I loved how sweetly he does the motions for the sleeping baby Jesus and our family has REALLY enjoyed that we regularly get divided into “groups” to sing “Praise ye the Lord” answered by “Hallelujah”.
KJ’s class sang several songs and also took turns telling parts of the Christmas story.  KJ got his line in November to start practicing.  We worked on it every night at dinner (he took his job very seriously), which might have been a bit overkill because at the end even Lou could recite  “Mary and Joseph’s journey ended in a stable filled with hay.  It was there that Mary gave birth to our King on this day”.  KJ definitely knew his line when time came…in fact he knew exactly what order all 10 of his friends would speak and could recite nearly ALL of their lines as well.

 The kids were THRILLED to have this amazing crew of “fans” (and Uncle J) for their performances

 and they loved getting to share the fun with some of their favorite friends.

What fun memories we are making.  We continue to be so thankful for this little school that loves our kids and helps them celebrate JESUS all year.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:44 pm

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