Pictures from Ruidoso Trip

As promised, here are a few pictures from our first mission trip (Ruidoso) with the 10th graders.

The family…before KJ’s mullet got trimmed!

(And by the looks of it, before the boys had naps that day)

KJ and Mr. C have the funniest little game that they have played together since KJ was very little. No one really seems to know the rules except for the two of them and that makes it so special. Something to the effect of “Is it up there?” I’m glad to finally have a picture of it!

What a great friend!

Oh, precious HB played and played and played with KJ that week. What a God-send!

KJ’s sweet friend J0-Jo!

I know this picture is blurry, but it was the best one we got of KJ singing at VBS. He loved to play with the microphone. Here he is singing “fuzzy caterpillar.”

Beautiful NM sunset.

This may be one of my all-time favorite pictures. I love to watch KJ with his Daddy!

Cbug really did love VBS (sometimes).


A sleepy little cowboy!

What an awesome group!

Great memories!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm

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  1. You guys are So cute!! What special memories with your boys!

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