
The last couple of weeks, my eyes have been very open to the power of prayer. It is awesome when you can see things you pray for really come to fruition. I know that God always answers our prayers, but when you have begged and pleaded for an answer, the answer is all the more vivid when it comes about. We’ve been praying for two families in particular, one that we know personally and one we only know through others and because our teenagers help to raise money for them. We’ve been equally touched by both. Check out Samuel’s story and Lael’s story for amazing displays of faithfulness and the Lord’s mighty hand. He has clearly been at work for these families. To Him be the glory. Please join us as we continue to pray for these sweet families as their journeys are continuing.

We’ve had some of our own miracles, too, recently.

First, we are so thrilled that the Lord is blessing us with another child (see details in my last post).

Secondly, and the reason behind the title of this post, we are so thankful to have KJ’s passport in hand finally. This seems like such a small thing in the scheme of things, but it sure has been stressful for us. Because I know that some of you were praying specifically for our trip to Houston, I thought I should try to put into words all of the ways we saw God work in just those 24 hours. RRL and I specifically prayed for things to go smoothly (which they did) and that this would happen at the hand of others we would meet along the way. Let me introduce you to some Angels KJ and I met on our trip.

1) As we got in line early Tues am, we were surrounded by people asking how they could help me juggle KJ, stroller, diaper bag, important papers, etc. The line wrapped 4 long times through the office so we were all aware how long this would be for a 13-month-old, especially with guards barking to stay off the ropes, turn off your cell phones, contain your children, etc. As we neared the end of the first straight there was a sign listing important docs that were necessary for processing. I was almost in tears as a realized that, despite asking LOTs of people LOTs of questions, I was missing our one thing, our travel itinerary. Getting out of line to go get it would mean starting all over. The lady in front of me and family behind me were so sweet, offered to hold our place in line, keep the stroller and help me and Kj get out so we could go get the itinerary we needed.

2) The guards were clearly in the room for security purposes only and would not answer any questions related to passports. However, the line for “information” was almost as long as the line for processing so I approached two of them standing beside the door. I started explaining that I needed to get another form (really just my travel itinerary) and the first guard kept cutting me off rudely. The second, maybe because he could tell I was frustrated and about to cry, maybe because he had children of his own, DEFINITELY because God softened his heart- whatever the reason, leaned over, asked me what I needed and literally whispered “Go down to the deli on the first floor, talk to the owner, and ask if you can use his laptop to print something”. Praise God!

3) When we finally had all papers in hand we came back upstairs and we were next in line- perfect timing. We went to the window and met our next angel “Ms Torres”. She was so helpful when she realized that my pictures were too small (if the papers had been sent for processing with these pictures the whole thing would have been kicked out and we’d have to start again). She told me how to get to CVS (because the place in the building charged way more) and then said “when you get back, tell the guards that I’m holding your papers. Don’t wait in line, just come straight to my window”. Amazing!

4) Everyone that had morning appointments shows up at 2:30 to pick up finished passports. As you stand in line, some are ready, some are not. Most of the time when there were 2 or more passports in one family (as was our case since i was also getting mine renewed), they were not ready. Amazingly, ours were there!

5) As we drove back home on Tues night it was pouring rain. At times I really was terrified and could barely see the road. I knew that I was approaching a particularly tricky interchange, to get on the interstate I needed I had to exit and go up and over a huge overpass. I was really debating even trying it since I could hardly see the edge of the road, and I was afraid I would hit the side of the ramp. There were no cars around so I couldn’t tell if anyone else was trying it. I just started praying specifically about this and really, I’m not exaggerating, out of no where a pickup truck came from behind us with his flashers on and led us up over the interchange and into traffic where there were lots of cars to follow. I get chills as I think back to this angel. AMAZING!

So that’s the short version (you know me better than that by now). I just couldn’t help but share. I wish I had pictures of some of those faces, of KJ cruisin‘ around the office while we waited and making friends, or of him trying to share his beloved (and quite slobbery) blanket with a sad little girl. You’ll just have to take my word for it!


Top 5

Below are the top five ways we know that KJ is growing up quickly. They are actually not in any particular order, except that #1 is definitely TOPS on MY list!!

5) He has his own passport! Thank you so much to all of you who were praying for success in Houston. I’ll post more details soon, about the angels that helped us along the way, but we are home safely with passports in hand.

4) He is getting very good at making up his own mind. This is not always cute and typically means that what he likes one day does not apply to the next. Occasionally, he’ll even take his favorite foods, touch them to his tongue and make a terrible face. So far RRL and I have been able to take turns cracking up and staying strong.

3) His list of animal noises is quickly growing. Current favorites include the lion, duck, monkey and fish. He loves to entertain.

2) He is walking like a champ. He’s been taking steps here and there for a few weeks and just decided while we were in Ruidoso last week to take off. I looked over in time to see him just stand himself up and walk off. I couldn’t believe it. He hits his head on a regular basis, usually while trying to carry something like a blanket, pillow, or Daddy’s basketball shoes. RRL and I hardly flinch anymore when he falls- we’re just great parents like that.

1) HE IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!! I know most of you already know the exciting news, but I wanted to make it official blogger news for those of you that I talk to less often. BL2 is due around January 22nd and we couldn’t be more thrilled. We actually found out on Mothers’ Day, which made the weekend of fun in San Antonio complete.

He’s just so big (but not as big as he thinks he is)!


So little to be so big

It is so hard to believe that KJL is SO BIG…yet so small! I’m more than a week late with his HAPPY BIRTHDAY post, but things get a little crazy around our house as summer begins. Do not let the lack of blogging recognition, though, fool you into thinking we did not celebrate his big day. Celebrate we did- for almost a whole week!

First, let me just brag…I was up until 2am working on this cake. I was really proud of the results (for a first ever attempt at anything creative).

As for the rest of the party…If you want the fast version, I’ve posted a couple of actual pictures. If you want to take a little longer, you can watch the whole slide show. As you can tell, he’s just a little dude. But he sure thinks he is big. He is trying to walk, into everything, and talking none stop (if only we had a translator). What a cute kid! I cannot imagine my life without this one-year-old. He has taught me so many things in such a short time, and he has even helped me to love his daddy EVEN more than I already did. What a gift it is to be a parent! This last year has definitely come with its obstibles, we are learning to rely on the Lord in a whole new way and some days are just play TOUGH. I wouldn’t dare trade away one of them, though, because I would, no doubt, miss out on some slobbery kisses, snuggly hugs, a few good laughs and more joy than my heart can hold. We love you, KJ! Happy late birthday!!

I am glad that KJ’s party gave me some time with family. I really missed my brother, though.

We were so thankful that RRL’s sister and her family could join us from Central America. What a treat to spend time together!

Red icing was a FANTASTIC idea… It sure was cute though!

The party was fantastic, KJL was an angel and I felt so blessed to have so many of the people who have loved and supported us through this year to be there with us to celebrate! There were a lot of you that we really missed though! Thanks for all you’ve done to make KJ’s first year amazing.



Ps- Here is the slideshow

Mothers Day Extraordinaire!!!

Quick note:
KJ’s bday party pictures will be coming soon, but because I’m a little behind on blogging, I wanted to start with Mothers’ Day…

My first mothers day could not have been better. RRL, KJ and I went to San Antonio for the weekend. I loved getting to spend some quality time with my family. We have been running 100 directions lately, so I could not have asked for a better gift than getting out of town together. We laughed and played, visited family, went to church together, and enjoyed Sea World. KJ was an angel all weekend- as if he knew it was a special time. RRL, as always, treated me like royalty and made me feel so special. I’m a lucky gal.

I’ve been so blessed by my own mother, mother-in-law, grandmothers and so many others who are motherly role-models to me. All of the mothers that are dearest to me, especially the one I call “Momma”, are amazing women of faith, they are tender and kind, they are wise, they are humble and they are gracious with their gifts. It is strange to even think about lumping myself in the same “Mommy” category as those heroes in my life. Certainly I could not be old enough or wise enough to be any one’s Mother. Anyone else struggle with this? Yet, on Mothers day, there were two pretty stinkin’ terrific guys that honored me as the Mommy in our house. I don’t think I’ve ever been awarded a role that came with as many rewards as this one does.

That said, here are a few of my favorite photos from the weekend:

On the way to SA, we enjoyed spending some great time with one of RRL’s cousins and her family. KJ had so much fun with his cousin LJS. He has very few boy cousins so it was really fun to watch them do “boy” things together. They played with the football, checked-out the puppy, laughed and played.

We definitely had to wipe down the glass on this tank after KJ finished with it…he loved banging on the fish!

Mommy and KJ getting a Mothers’ Day Photo!

Our little navigator.

Sea World is hard work!

First swim…KJ loved the water- no surprise.

Freaky laundry magic and other insights…

Ok, ok…I know I have been a little lax about blogging lately. This one will be long, though, and I’ll include lots of pictures. I just can’t seem to get my hands around keeping up with KJ, working (some extra days, too), stuff at church, entertaining house guests, laundry, cleaning, etc and still make time for blogging. I guess this is actually a good thing since it means I have been motivated to get other things done. I am impressed with those of you that seem to be able to do it all, though!

Speaking of laundry…I’m looking forward to the day when I do not have to pre-treat a large portion of clothes before even beginning the laundry. KJ rarely gets through a day without one kind of stain or another. After recently mentioning this to several friends, they suggested I try oxi-clean. I must say, at first I was not impressed. For the first test, I picked some serious stains that had been sitting for several days so I first soaked in the stuff then I added some to the detergent when i washed. Unfortunately, when I pulled his clothes out not only were the stains still there, they seemed more vibrant. Frustrated, I hung the clothes up to dry thinking I’d come back later and retreat with something else. Next day I came in and discover the magic…VOILA– the stains are gone. Not just faded…GONE. At this point i was pretty sure I was going crazy, but I’ve had the same results since after doing the same thing (soak, wash, hang still-stained clothes to dry, come back later to find them magically clean). Any one else had this experience with oxi-cleans magic stain-evaporating powers? Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

For other insights here are some pictures…

My parents came to visit over Easter weekend (pictured here with their favorite grandson, who thinks they are the greatest!). You know how you have some house guests who just make your home a better place for having been there? My parents are guests like that. Besides the fact that they outfitted my entire family for Easter, they provided some much needed rest and encouragement during a rough time for RRL and I. THANKS AGAIN MOMMA AND DADDY!!

I LOVED getting to have some sweet time with some dear college buddies last weekend. Those moments seem too rare these days, which makes me value them all the more. Between us we have 5 boys and they sure had a blast together. We gave up on trying to get a photo, though, of them all looking at the camera. These were just some of our best efforts.

We have a real stinker on our hands. KJ is really learning how to be a ham these days and loves being the center of attention. From L to R above: Literally RIDING his friend, TRJ, kissing his own reflection in the TV with his “cape” on, and pulling all the books off the shelves in his closet.

This was one of only a few pictures that we got of KJ in the bluebonnets. He was not thrilled with the idea (actually, complete meltdown is a more accurate description). His buddy SPG did not like them either, so after about 5 minutes we all packed up and left. These two are super laid back so i wonder- has anyone else had this experience with little ones not liking the way these flowers feel?

Hope that makes up for lost time!


I believe in the power of prayer. I am 100% sure of few things, but one of those is that our Father is faithful and good to those who love Him. One of the people that RRL and I are friends with is hurting. Her health has rattled her young body more than anyone deserves. She is amazingly strong, having endured more than most of us will face in a lifetime. Christine, her husband and family have been such an encouragement to so many others during this tough time for them and now they have a simple request- to pray. Please read the following link then commit to join me in joining them to cry out on Christine’s behalf. Just for a moment, right now, as you read this, just stop and pray. Just beg God to completely heal Christine, take away her pain, and let her have a healthy pregnancy. Then pray for Christine, Matt, Jack (their son) and their baby on the way. Also pray for their parents and others that are giving so many hours right now by Christine’s bedside. THANK YOU!

For more information go to the blog of Christine’s mom and read the post called “You are invited…”
Thanks, in advance, for joining this fight, even if you do not know Christine!


An update, a vintage outfit and a motorcycle

If anyone cares, the way we score our family brackets is as follows:
One point for a first round win, 2 points in the second, 2 points for sweet sixteen victories, 3 points elite eight, 3 points final four wins, 4 points for a national champion selection. We also give 1/2 of the total for upsets (ie UNLV-7 over Wisconsin-2 was 2 and 1/2 points).
The family challenge currently stands:
ABL 34 1/2 (but I still have a chance to rebound with 7 of my 8 elite eight picks still standing)
RRL 36 (again, I still have a chance, just need my Vols and Commodores from TN to pull through with one more win as I chose these and neither of my other two competitors did.)
KJL sittin‘ pretty at 38 (He thanks all the big dogs that somehow managed to avoid many upsets in the first round)

Now a picture of a vintage outfit:

Can you believe that my brother wore those overalls more than 20 years ago? The colors are totally back in, so we made a showing at church. Either my mom or grandmother made this outfit, stitched with love. KJ sure made it handsome!

Finally a random about a motorcycle:
I have a thing for blatant disrespect for the law while driving. I do not think that a little speeding falls into this category, but I do think 100 miles an hour would qualify, as would crossing the solid white line just to merge quicker on the interstate, and would not wearing a seat belt. I saw one such display of blatant disregard this weekend- a motorcycle (single rider) in the HOV lane. How can you even make that kind of look ok? I was not in the HOV lane (although I could have been) and he did have a motorcycle buddy not far behind. Do motorcycles somehow qualify since I guess they technically are better for the environment or something? Isn’t that the purpose of an HOV lane- to encourage carpooling? Does anyone know something about this that would save me from the bitterness I have toward these motorcyclists? Random, I know.

Have a great night,


…Cameron Crazy!

That’s right folks, I’m pretty much throwing the family challenge this year by picking my Blue Devils to GO ALL THE WAY! In all honesty, they will likely lose in the 2nd or 3rd round (maybe even an early loss to VCU), but that is not stopping me. Its tough when your reputation as a true fan meets your reputation as a strong-bracket-selector. This year, I choose fan.

March Madness is more than just basketball in our family. It is like a national holiday. Seriously, I LOVE IT! I love the basketball, the bantering (on the court and in our home), the chance for any team to make history and come out on top. It doesn’t matter what your season was like (except for bracket placement- and as evidenced by Air Force not getting a bid, even that doesn’t really matter), every team has a shot. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been a fan all season or not watched a single game (which, sadly, is my status this year), every bracketer has a chance. The slate is clean, any player could just be a few weeks away from being a hero…and any family member could just be a few weeks away from a WHOLE year of bragging rights.

Even KJ has a bracket this year. We just play for fun and of course bragging rights (which by the way have been rightfully mine for more years than RRL since inception of our family challenge). KJ chose number one seeds all the way (the only fair thing to do) and flipped a coin from final four to the end. He has Kansas as champs.

RRL picks FL, Kansas, Memphis, TX with FL going all the way.

I have FL, Duke, UNC and Memphis with Duke going all the way…I MUST BE CRAZY!

So girls, get out your brackets, be American and participate. If nothing else, your husbands will appreciate the effort. LET ME KNOW YOUR PICKS!


My Life in Pictures

This is mostly for Elisa…I certainly do not want to be charged a fine for not posting. Who knew there were bloggerland policemen that could charge fines at their own discretion? I have lots going on and with that comes lots of introspection and a few funny stories. Never fear, though, its too late for me to put them into words now so I won’t bore you with it all.

I’ll just share one disgusting story and some parenting advice, then leave you with some pictures:
Last night RRL and I ate dinner at a local fastfood restaurant. I wasn’t very hungry so I ordered a kids meal and, as is my custom when I order a kids meal, I got milk. I shook the container, inserted straw and took a giant swig….of the most disgustingly soured milk I’ve ever tasted in my life. I started flailing my arms for RRL to pull over so that I could spit it out (what didn’t already go down that is) and promptly shoved an entire small order of curly fries into my mouth to buffer the flavor…it didn’t work, I can STILL taste it (24 hours later). You have NO IDEA how entirely grossed out I was…and still am. YUCK. We were in a hurry so RRL quickly went back inside, traded my sour cream for a root beer and we left. No fit pitched or complaint filed, we just went on about our business so we could make it to the movie on time. What would you have done?

The advice- if you MUST let your kids get milk at a fast food restaurant (I wouldn’t recommend it), smell and taste the milk before handing it to them. They will thank you later.

Now for the photos:

KJs buddies that I hang out with once a week. Next week all three of them are staying at our house…ALL WEEK. Should be interesting, and probably a lot of fun!

Favorite recent fam photo, but I wish it hadn’t been a ponytail day. At least the boys are handsome.

Uncle M Day. We spent a few hours on Tuesday celebrating my brother. We talked about Paraguay, looked at pictures and KJ wore his Paraguay soccer jersey. We tried to call him, but couldn’t get through. KJ loves to play with the phone.

“Back off, I’m doing it.” My mom, a best friend, my sister-in-law and my husband celebrated bdays this week. My recent favorite thing to do is make personalized photo cards. Four in one week was a challenge, but a lot of fun. KJ for some reason doesn’t really understand the concept of “sit still, look at the camera, hold up your sign, no turn it the other way, don’t eat the sign, great…NOW SMILE”. Here is one of my favorite photos that did not make the cut for an actual card.

Ok, Elisa. Hopefully that will buy me another week or so, fine free.


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