If he weren’t so stinkin’ cute…

I am posting these pictures for myself more than anyone. Just a reminder to me from me of how seriously eat-him-up cute my son is, how generally compliant and easy going he is, and how many days there are when he makes me smile so much my mouth hurts. I love that he enjoys making people laugh, that occasionally he needs to “mah” (march) instead of walk, and that he sings outloud with the radio or even just music in his own little head at random times. I love that he gives me hugs and kisses when he says night-night and that he loves to push a broom around to help me clean. There are so many things I love about this little personality.
Yesterday was not a day when it was easy to remember these things. I had one of those days with KJ that make you wonder if you were intended to be a mom. My patience was worn down to a tiny thread as he pushed every limit there was to push. We had tantrums, meltdowns, blatant disobedience, and best of all got to make our first call to poison control. KJ decided it might be fun to eat diaper ointment. In order to accomplish this he had to find it at the back of his dresser, open the little box it came in and unscrew the lid (it was the dr. smith’s kind in the tub). If I was not worried about figuring out how much of it he consumed, I might have been impressed that he accomplished this.
Just as FYI to other moms…zinc oxide has fairly low toxicity and generally does no serious harm to a healthy seventeen-month-old. Good to know.


I love fall because it marks the beginning of so many fun holidays which bring so many memories and so many traditions. My favorite Halloween tradition growing up was that we always had grilled cheese and soup before we went trick-or-treating. When I was a freshman in college I went to my little dorm room and made myself grilled cheese and soup (impressive with only a microwave and toaster) then called my family so I could be part of the special night. They weren’t home…they went out to eat. I was heart-broken. My mom told me that it really wasn’t a tradition it was just a convenience with three young kids. I corrected them and now remind them each year about having soup and grilled cheese on Halloween.

We started a little family tradition last year of taking KJ to the pumpkin patch for pictures. Thanks to an amazing photographer, Tara, we got some wonderful pictures this time.

Just for fun, here is a picture from last year. I am amazed at how much he has grown. Last year the pics were a little easier, prop him up and he stayed put. There was a little less drool this year, though.

What are your favorite fall traditions?


San Diego

What a fun weekend we had! RRL was attending a national youth workers conference in sunny San Diego and we got to join him. I love hanging out with the people that RRL works with- what a fun staff and they are some of KJs favorite people, too. To add even more joy, my parents were able to join us. My daddy was going on to a convention in LA so it worked out perfectly. KJ sure loved having them around (“Nonna” and “Papa” quickly became his favorite words), our suitcase came back weighing slightly more than when we left , and my heart was full from just getting to hug their necks! AND…If that wasn’t enough, one of my other college roomies, Chris, has a husband in youth ministry so they were there too with their two boys! It couldn’t have been much better than all of that. Not too much to tell about the trip that the pictures won’t cover. So, here’s what you really want…
1) The Fam

2) Roomies and their families (or almost families)

3) I love this because of how intently both of them were watching the elephants…and you can see that KJ is FINALLY getting some hair!!!

4) KJ, What does an Elephant say?

5 and 6) Buddies

7) Nonna and Papa J. (thanks for the sweet pearl snap shirt, uncle D)

8) The beach (and a grumpy little dude)

Only slight downer to the trip was that my absent-mindedness (refer to previous post) resulted in two lost items. I left my brand new denim jacket on the plane on the way there. I’ve been searching for a denim jacket that would fit me and my extra-long torso literally since college. Finally found one at a bargain price (60% off), wore it twice and then left it on the plane. I’m sick about it. On the way back we left KJ’s book with Thomas the train magnets on the plane. One of his favorite toys. He doesn’t seem to have missed it yet. Ah well.


Update in numbers

I really enjoy the little column in each edition of the ACU Today that has all the random numbers with interesting little tidbits. Here are some of our family numbers:

The hour of the day that KJ likes to eat lunch (3:00 pm). He has this new routine of sleeping until 8:30 or 9 (no complaints from me), eating a late breakfast, taking a nap around 11:30 or 12 and sleeping for 2 to 2 and 1/2 hours, then waking up for lunch. If I go out for lunch he might eat a little something, but still goes down for a nap when we get home before he eats his lunch. This works for us at our house and actually makes a lot of things easier for me. HOWEVER, I can see how this unconventional lunch time won’t fit with things like school. I’ve read a lot of things about how important it is for kids to be on a “normal” meal routine. But when I’ve tried to feed KJ at “lunch-time” he just doesn’t eat. He is obviously not hungry and if the boy is not hungry he would much rather play than eat. I don’t want to force him to eat EVER, I help him make choices about what he eats, but I don’t make him eat. Maybe this will correct itself when he has to get up earlier. Any other suggestions?

Approximate number of weeks until the arrival of the BL2. I feel like I had things way more together by this point with KJ. For instance, this poor baby boy does not even have a name yet. At the risk of breaking my no-names rule on my blog, some of the candidates for names have been Zachary, Sawyer, Pierce and Paxton. RRL will not commit to any of them. On a side note, I must admit that as BL2’s arrival gets closer I’m getting a little nervous about moving into the world of a family of four…thrilled, but nervous.

Estimated number of hours that RRL spent this weekend building a back-yard storage shed for us. Hopefully it will not be long before our 2 car garage can actually hold 2 cars. It really bothers me that we have a garage that we cannot park both of our cars in. No matter how organized we have gotten it or how cluttered (like the current state), it only holds one car thanks to the lawn-mower, tools, bicycles, running stroller and red wagon that also call it home. I am so thankful that R has the capability and willingness to embark on projects like this for our family (with the help of a contractor friend).

Number of minutes that it took me to walk 12 miles this weekend. My ½ marathon training is in full swing with the race only a few weeks away and 12 miles is the most I will do before the 13.1 on race day. I am moving a little slower these days and have quit taking KJ in his stroller for the longer routes, but I do have a few extra pounds to carry now (we’ll skip that number in these updates).

Number of miles between my house and my parents’ house. Sometimes this distance feels overwhelming to me. I’m in one of those periods now, when I just wish I had them close and didn’t have to drive 10 hours for a visit. We will get to see them lots over the next couple of months and I am so thankful for that, but oh to have them close enough for dinner.

Number of losing-my-mind moments over the last few weeks. Ok, so really I’ve lost count, but there are so many days when I feel like my brain has just been disconnected. Let’s blame it on the pregnancy. One quick example: Last week I drove to work and was proud that I arrived early enough to score a perfect parking place…only to realize I had to go back home because I forgot my shoes. This would be really funny if it was an isolated incident, but things like this have been constantly happening to me lately. I’m not sure I should be allowed out of the house.

I guess that’s about it for today’s number stats. I’d love your input on the eating thing, name suggestions or tips for remembering to wear shoes to work!


Fair-headed friends

Here’s a picture to make you smile. I love that my friends have boys that are friends with KJ! These three sure had fun playing together, but getting a picture of all three looking at the camera at the same time was impossible. SPG is about to jump ship in this one (with a push from his buddy KJ) and CMK had to be bribed with a Sonic Drink. Doesn’t that sound like the makings of life-long friendships? And I do love their moms!!

Sappy Sentimentalist

Yep, that’s me. I’ll admit it freely. It doesn’t take much at all to send me reeling down memory lane or dreaming about the future- both of which usually come with tears. I’m not talking the sobbing kind of tears, just the kind of lump in your throat, eyes welling up, catch your breath kind of moments. I cry over songs on the radio (especially those about growing old, having babies, losing loved ones), I’ve even been known to cry at the end of races I run, or cry watching other people I love finish races. I cry when I drive over the bridge across the state line to Tennessee and again when we drive over it to leave. I cry at baptisms, even people I do not know, and I always cry at weddings. One of the places that always stirs-up these kinds of moments for me is being on the campus of my alma-mater in the beautiful town of Abilene. I always catch my breath as we drive into town and you get that first glimpse of the campus skyline over the hill. WHAT A DORK!

As a very precious gift from my husband, I spent three days there this last week during lectureships. He kept KJ at home and sent me off on the road-trip alone. I can’t remember when I’ve had that much time to myself. It was much needed and VERY much appreciated. I have not been able to thank him enough for being so understanding and for being the kind of Dad that I did not think twice about leaving KJ with him for a few days. I didn’t even have to leave any written instructions. He just took care of everything. He really is amazing.

This trip was such a different experience than I’ve had in Abilene in a long time. Usually when we go at Homecoming and/or Sing Song we pack our agenda full and run from place to place and friend to friend. It is so much fun, but far from relaxing and leaves no time for sentimental introspection. This week I did not really tell anyone I was coming, felt no obligation to keep any commitments and spent all my time leisurely eating at my favorite places, getting a pedicure, taking classes, walking around campus and staying up late talking to the friends I stayed with. It was perfect.

Here are a few things that stuck out to me about the trip, some sappy some just funny:

1) On Sunday night I went to the library to see the reconstruction and just to sit and read for a little while (I told you, I’m a dork). As I walked out of the library, with my backpack on my shoulders the bells started ringing on the hour. I cried. Too many memories.

2) I love to hear Dr. J. Willis teach the Bible. When he teaches about the Bible, you learn the Bible. No fluff, just the Bible. If he says the text is over Micah (as it was), you come away feeling like you have a better insight into the book of Micah. What an amazing gift!

3) I love zucchini bread from Hickory Street. Including the two pieces I ate at the restaurant and all that I’ve eaten of what I brought home “for RRL” I’m pretty sure I’ve consumed an entire loaf in the last 3 days.

4) Professor Brooks has an amazing gift for using her experiences to encourage others and share the gospel. She does it humbly, with grace, and prepares in a way that obviously allows the Lord to work on her and speak clearly through her. By the way, her class was so full people had to sit on the floor.

5) Men doing your pedicure, who never speak a word, and only shove your feet in and out of the water, can make a delightful experience very awkward.

6) At lectureships I was kind of an odd-duck. There were other people my age, but most people fit into two categories…1)obviously older than me; 2) students. I had to laugh in several situations as people I met tried to tactfully fit me into one of those categories. This was made especially difficult by the conflicting large bump of baby on my front and the backpack I was carrying. More that one sweet lady commented that I “looked young enough to be a student” and acted surprised later in conversation when I told them I was expecting. As if it was not obvious! I tried to keep my wedding ring apparent to avoid awkwardness.

7) I am very jealous that within walking distance of campus there is now a Cracker Barrel, SuperWalmart, and Chilis.

8) Staying in the apartment of college girls sure made me miss life in our little UP apartment. The girls I stayed with even had a Beta fish. Here’s to you, Mr. Fluffy.

As much as I loved my time in Abilene, as rested as I felt from my little get-away, and as thankful as I am for my experiences there, nothing about those three days could top the feeling I got as I drove into my own driveway and walked in our little house to my husband and my son. KJ’s huge grin and sweet kisses, RRL’s strong arms waiting for me- there really is no place I would rather be. No two people who can make me sappier. It is nice to get away sometimes, just to remember that.

You should have known that with a title about being sentimental this post was sure to get long! Next time I’ll just post what you really want- pictures of KJ.


KJ has a new word

One of the fun parts about the stage KJ is in right now is all of his new words. He tries to repeat everything we say and has a growing list of words that he uses without prompting on a regular basis. I liked Wendy’s idea of documenting this (thanks for letting me copy you) and I’ve actually been adding to it throughout today as I remember more words he knows. They all require some interpretation still, but he uses these consistently so rrl and I at least know what he is saying. So far he says:

Maaaah- mee (Mommy)
Daaahhhh-dee (Daddy)
Pea (please)
Dat-doo (Thank you)
wahk (walk)
Bi (bite)
Pah-Pah (pat pat, while banging on any object)
Bah-Ball (basketball)
Bot-Ball (football)
Pea-Boo (peek-a-boo)
Bibah (Bible)
May-man (amen)
Yeah (Yes)
Wah (water)
Bah-bee (Baby-but he pats his own tummy instead of mine)
No (with hands raised and shoulders shrugged- “i don’t know)
No (when pointing to nose- nose)
Nah-No (no no- usually while waving a finger)
Dat (that…usually while pointing to say “I want that”)
Nah-None (all gone or all done…when waving hands)
soo (shoe)

And yesterday we started teaching him a new word…BROTHER. That’s right, we found out yesterday that KJ is going to have a little brother. We had a terrific sonogram. I love that our Doctor actually does the sonograms herself. She was so detailed in her explanations to us of what we were seeing. It was so cool that you can see so many things like the heart chambers and valves, the fingers and toes, spine, ribs, tiny bones, stomach, etc on a little person that weighs less than 1 pound. I loved seeing our little boy in this way and knowing that he is healthy and growing all at the hand of our good Maker. What a miracle!

One funny part about yesterday- During the earliest part of the sonogram, the doctor thought we were having a girl. She showed us on the screen even what she was looking at. Apparently our little guy was just being really shy and had his legs crossed just right. At the end of the sonogram the doctor went back to just check again and said “Hello, where was THAT hiding before”. I think I said something to the effect of “Is that your professional opinion?” We all had a good laugh and I realized we had just been moments away from preparing for a little girl, only to get quite a SHOCK in January.

We are so thrilled about having a brother for KJ. Literally, I’ve been bouncing off the walls with joy! They are going to be the best of friends (we pray).

Thanks for your continued prayers as we prepare to welcome Baby Boy #2 (still unnamed).


I’ll just walk


From this point forward in my life, you will never see me turn-up my nose at those who walk for exercise, you will never hear me refer to walking as an “old-lady” sport, and you will never again hear me utter the words “I’ll JUST walk” as if there is any JUST about it.

Nearly 2 months ago, rrl and some of our running buddies decided to start training for another 1/2 marathon. I certainly did not want to be left out of the early Saturday am adventures and especially the chick-fil-a breakfast celebrations that follow, but I really did not feel like BL2 would appreciate running that much. That is why I uttered those famous last words “I’ll just walk”. Sure, a half-marathon is 13 miles, sure I’ll be more than 6 months pregnant at the time of the race, but how hard could walking be. I’ve run two 1/2s already, so if anything the walking might bore me to death… I’m still laughing at my naivety. Oh how wrong I was.

This last weekend was our 8 mile workout. There are a couple of other walkers in our group, but they weren’t there this week. So, I loaded KJ in the stroller, got some tunes, gummy bears, water, banana for KJ (the essentials) and headed off alone in the dark. Roughly 2 hours later KJ and I made it home (he was fast asleep), and we plan to keep going with the training. The point of this post is not to make you feel sorry for me, I’m really enjoying this work-out. I just needed to go on record now as saying that JUST walking 8 miles pushing a stroller and keeping a good pace while being nearly 5 months pregnant is not easy in the least- in some ways maybe even harder than my running days. In fact, I did take a few “run” breaks to make the time go faster and to give my legs a rest. (funny, i used to take walk breaks).

Hope this post might save some of you avid runners the mistake of saying you’ll “just walk” someday.



After constant harassment (as if I have that many readers), I decided to post something. I know it has been a long time, but thanks to our CRAZY summer, there wasn’t much time at home for blogging and such. Now, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the gap in my blogs- so much space to fill with all that has been happening in our little family. Our trips to Honduras and Ruidoso could each fill their own post, I could post about my growing belly and the excitement over BL2. I guess the easiest thing to start with, though, is pictures. So here you go, all 4 of you that have been waiting so patiently, here is a quick glimpse into our recent happenings. I’ll try to come up with 8 things so that maybe this will also count as my tag from Elisa. At least one picture, involving a goat, is sure to be random so I guess that is close enough.

1) In June KJ started walking, while we were on the mission trip to Ruidoso. He noticed that all of the teenagers were walking, and since he basically is one too he should walk like them. He went from crawling to exclusively walking overnight. I love pictures of his early steps. So cute!

2) The Ruidoso mission trip with 10th graders is great because it is very family friendly and we got to take KJ along. Here is a pic of our fam at white sands in Ruidoso.
3) I rediscovered this summer how AWESOME my husband is at his job. I love watching him lead kids, from the smallest to the teenagers, in worship, service and fun. I also love getting to be part of his work, especially forming relationships with girls.

4)) We spent some amazing time with both of our families on the coast in Honduras. We went to visit RRL’s sister whose family is doing mission work there and also to enjoy some beachy vacation time. What a joy to be with family!

5) Our last trip of the summer was a retreat for the seniors in high school. We went for a weekend at a ranch owned by some of spiritual heroes. We did not take KJ, our longest time away from him, and it was really good for our relationship with the teens (but we sure missed the little man). In the below picture I had been challenged to “catch a goat” and thanks to my training in the intramural rodeo, it was NO PROBLEM.

6) KJ has lately become a big fan of waterparks. There are several small ones in the area which I discovered way too late in the summer. Last week we went with his friend SPG and boy did they have a blast. It was quite a coincidence that the two were dressed EXACTLY the same. They really are the best of buddies. You can see the determined look in the second water picture. KJ loved these parks because he can crawl and climb by himself. So BIG!

7) I do not have any pictures to post of BL2, but we will find out in 2 more weeks whether the baby is a “he or she”. I’m sure we’ll have some pictures then. No guesses from me yet as to boy or girl. We have a girl name picked out, but no boy name. With KJ we had decided on a boy name, but not a girls name…maybe it is a sign?!?!

8) No picture for this one, either, but we have just started being a part of the most amazing small group at church. Some of our really good friends (the Turners) are part of it, too, which made the jumping in easier, but we have come to love all of the group. We’ve had some awesome conversations this summer that have been such an encouragement to our family- what an amazing answer to prayer and a true gift (thanks, guys!)

There is so much more I could share, but I guess that gets the ball rolling, my 8 random facts out of the way, and gets me over the hump of not wanting to blog because I felt so disconnected. Thanks for letting me scatter-shoot a little to plug back in!

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