I will continue the “My thoughts” posts soon, but wanted to take a quick break for some KJ stories and recent pictures of the boys. I suppose this is appropriate for Valentine’s day, talking about two of the people I love most (after their Daddy, of course). KJ is developing such a funny personality. It really is best when experienced first hand, but I wanted to try to give you a glimpse:
– I have learned a lot about myself as KJ learns to talk. He repeats everything that I say, so it is like having a constant mirror showing you your true colors. I think the fact that he totally recognizes Target, Chick-Fil-A and Sonic is a true testament to his mommy’s lifestyle.
– Ever since KJ was a tiny baby, I have been telling him the same verse before he goes to sleep, praying that he can claim it to take away any fears he might have. He has started saying it with me now and that just totally melts me. He has slowly been adding words that he says with us. We sort of let him fill in the blanks. One part says “you alone, oh Lord.” However, when we say “You alone” he says “oh, man”. I wonder if his Daddy says “oh, man” a little too often?
– We love Mondays for a pretty unusual reason…it is TRASH DAY. KJ loves all kinds of trucks, especially trash trucks. This last Monday we happened to be outside when the recycle truck came by so we chased it around the neighborhood with KJ in his wagon and C in the baby bjorn. I’m sure we were a sight, running from the end of one street to the next, but hey it was a good 30 minutes of entertainment and exercise. It was a pure delight for me to watch KJ laugh and cheer each time we spotted the truck picking up another trash can. Oh the little pleasures of life!
– KJ has recently taken to wearing one blue glove around the house all day (see pictures below). I can sometimes convince him to put it in his pocket instead, but mostly he prefers to just wear it while he plays. He tells me “brrrr, told” and goes to put it on. I haven’t bothered to tell him that it is 65-70 degrees outside.
– He has started testing the limits lately and it is usually over things that shouldn’t really be an issue. For a special treat last week, I was letting him sit on the couch and eat goldfish crackers (food usually stays in the kitchen). Suddenly he decided he needed to dump them all out. He held his cup straight out in front of him and looked at me, waited for me to say “Do not dump those out” and promptly turned the cup upside down. I was about to get really mad at him, and I told him to get down, find the fish and pick them up. He laid down on his belly in the middle of all the fish and started scooting around saying “Pish, waru (where are you), pish” as if he couldn’t ‘”find them”. How do you not just LAUGH?
Ok, thats a few funny ones that I can remember right now. Now for some pictures. C is growing like a weed. He was 10lbs when I took him to be weighed at one month. KJ did not hit that until he was 2 months. They are so different in some ways, but they are already becoming such good buddies.
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