but still….I do wonder.
MMM: Froot Loop Fun
but still….I do wonder.
Ah well. What do you expect for a couple of Texas boys who’ve hardly experienced temperatures below freezing, wear socks on their hands and don’t even own winter coats (dont’ worry, grandparents, they had on lots of layers).
Random pictures from the last month or so. Just because.
A couple of firsts…
Lou’s first
A new family favorite…
On the flight to TN for my Grandmother’s funeral.
But that wasn’t the only painting trick we tried.
I also let them use the potato mashers. SO FUN!
Especially the one that made a shape like a snake –>
The last couple of weeks have been rough for my family and at the lowest point I found myself exhausted, frustruated, emotionally drained and just plain sad….then I started seeing images from the earthquake in Haiti. It moved me to shift my perspectives in a quick hurry.
I had a rough week at work. Working way more hours than usual, dealing with stressful people situations and having trouble communicating objectives. But I have a job that I enjoy. My place of employment could be a mess of rubble on the ground.
My house is a wreck. My Christmas tree is still up. I am overwhelmed at where to start to reorganize after Christmas. But our home is standing and warm and I never fear for where we will sleep at night. We are clothed and fed. I have never given a second thought to to walking to the sink when I am thirsty and getting a clean glass of water.
My children have not slept well. Two of the three have taken turns being sick and demanding. One has had me so worried about his health at points that I couldn’t function. I’ve been at the end of my parenting rope. But I have not gone to bed a single night wondering where my children were, whether they were safe or hungry or cold or scared or alone. I am blessed to have accessible and affodable healthcare. I am blessed to have access to doctors and nurses at a moment’s notice.
I lost the last of my grandparents last weekend. My children will not know any of their great-grandparents from my side of the family. But each of the four of them lived long and full lives. Their lives were taken neither suddenly nor tragically. The each lived long enough to know their grandchildren and to be remembered.
I had the kind of week that left me without words when I prayed. I didn’t even know what to pray. That said, I cannot imagine the prayers of the Haitian believers who lost their homes, their place of employment, family members. Everything. The little that they had. Gone. How do you even begin to pray again? And how do you get through it without praying? How do you grasp an understanding of God as creator amidst that kind of destruction? But how do you deal with that kind of destruction without faith in God? Mind-boggling.
Against the backdrop of the suffering in Haiti, I’ve been left with an amazing sense of thanksgiving and also responsibility. Thanksgiving and rejoicing for all the ways I have been blessed…beyond measure really. And responsibility to teach my children from a young age just how blessed they are. I want them to also feel a sense of responsibility for not only acknowledging their blessings, but sharing them.
That said, the boys are 3 and 2 so we definitely kept it really simple.
KJ and I talked (Cbug’s attention span was D-O-N-E) about children that did not have homes or toys or food or water because there was an earthquake in their town. He was very concerned and wanted to know if we could send them some of his blocks to help out. I tried to tenderly explain that they needed much bigger blocks and we could help them buy some.
But the best thing for him to do was to pray for the children. He asked if we could pray right then and it was a moment that makes MMM well worth while….and shortly following the Amen both boys were rolling around on the floor again, giggling without a care. I joined in. Thankful for perspective and thankful for my children.
MMM is first about spending intentional time with my children, but it is also about blessing others through encouragement and transparency. Telling the story that we are not perfect and are just looking for ways to get through a sometimes tough beginning of the week.
This week in particular, we would love for you to JOIN US! Take time to remind your children how blessed they are and that they can help other kids experience blessing. Let us know how your family is joining the effort. We’d love ideas on how to continue this conversation within our family.
I know there are lots of organizations joining the cause, and your local church may even have a program. Our family will be donating through Bread for a Hungry World if you are looking for something.
If you have older children that need more information, I ran across this website with info for kids about earthquakes when I was doing some research on Haiti. It might be a good resource for you, but was a little above my kids head.
I am working this Monday, but that didn’t stop us from some MMM fun. Friday had all the makings of a Monday. RRL was back to work after being home with the kiddos on Thursday. We were trapped at home thanks to freezing temps and sniffles all around. I was a bit exhausted from a long week and overwhelmed at the thought of trying to recover our house from the holidays. We needed a plan. And the pine cone we brought back with us from TN provided the solution.
Funny thing about that part (the bird watching part)… apparently the person in charge of this project who knows EVERYTHING about birds (like that they fly) didn’t know that
At the risk of sounding too sarcastic, and really just meaning this to be a way for us moms to have a good laugh together, here are a few of my thoughts on the things strangers say to you when you are out and about with small children.
(which is not the same as saying “I don’t want to be rude, but…” ‘cuz I hate it when I say that)
Anyone else feel like a circus act when you take your children in public?
Do you feel like people stare as if you must be the only woman in the world to go out in public with several small children (2, 3, more)?
Does it take you 30 minutes to get milk from the grocery store because of the questions/comments from strangers?
– Are they twins?
or better yet, don’t even ask if the boys are twins and just tell me they can relate to me because their uncle’s neighbor’s second-cousins’ babysitter also has twins
– How far apart are they?
– Where do they get their blond hair?
While I don’t blame ANYONE for wanting to stop and admire my children (they are completely irresistible you know) sometimes I just want to find a way to politely remind these strangers…they may be children, but THEY CAN HEAR YOU. A couple of my favorite somewhat insensitive remarks are
– “Are you so glad you finally got a girl?”
Because we were so sad that we got stuck with the first two not-girls… and the fact that we didn’t have a girl yet was definitely the sole reason we got pregnant for a THIRD time in three years.
– “Wow, don’t you have your hands full?”
(While there are some days that I want to answer “yes, i most certainly do, would you mind taking one of them for the afternoon”…I also never want my children to know that those thoughts cross my mind. At least until they have children of their own and can understand.)
– “Don’t you KNOW what causes this?”
(Um, yes, apparently we do…but they don’t. and i’m not ready to have that conversation with them quite yet. and why are you referring to my children as a “this” like they are a flat tire or something else that I should have avoided.)
Pause for disclaimer…In each of these instances I totally understand the well-meaning gesture. And I’m well aware (and ashamed) that I have said some equally insensitive things (or worse) in my time.
But my favorite are the conversations where you KNOW the person walks away and thinks to themselves “WOW, did I really just say that out-loud?” and I feel at liberty to put those words in their mouths because I have personally been on that end of the conversation more times than I can count.
1) RRL was at the dry cleaner with all of the children in the car. He drove through to pick up clothes and the attendant loaded them in the back of the van. Noticing the boys, the conversation went something like this:
Attendant: “Oh they are so cute. How old are they?”
RRL: “3 1/2 and 2”
Attendant: “Awwww. Are they twins?”
seriously? yes, they are twins. and 19 months apart. both.
2) In line to checkout at Target
Nice man behind us: “She is adorable. How old is she?”
ABL: “6 months”
nmbu: “How sweet. Is this her first Christmas?”
um, yes. it is. well except for that other Christmas we have had in the last 6 months.
And those are just a few of the ones they say to my face. There are lots of nods, “knowing” looks, even giggles from strangers as we pass by. Glad Team L could provide your entertainment for the day. Now the ringmaster would like to continue her grocery shopping. K? Thanks!
In her 6th month, you should definitely feel so sad for princess Lou.
As you can see, this poor princess is not a bit girly and hates to be dressed up! And please please please…don’t point a camera her direction. She’s so shy she just doesn’t know what to do.
And boy howdy, he’s funny these days. Between the things that come out of his mouth and the funny expressions he makes with his face, he has me constantly cracking up. The day before his birthday, the conversation went something like this:A: “Guess what, buddy? Tomorrow is your birthday!”
C: insert dramatic surprised/excited gasp and raised eyebrow expression
A: “What would you like to do in the morning? Maybe we could go get muffins and you could blow out candles? Does that sound like fun?”
C: “NO. Eat cake”.
And there you have it. You just never really have to guess what Cbug is thinking. He’ll let you know. Short. Sweet. To the point.
I really can not believe that my sweet boy is 2. Funny thing about, though…he is convinced he is three. KJ turned three on his birthday, so why wouldn’t C turn 3 on his? Every time I ask him how old he is, the conversation goes something like this…
A: “Cbug, How old are you?”
C: “I FREEEEE” (3)
A: “No, silly. You are two.”
C: “No, you two”
A: “No, mommy’s not two. You are two”
C: “No, you two. I free. Dat funny.” (erupting in fake laughter)
And then I walk away.
That wasn’t the only drama on Cbug’s birthday, though. We also had to convince big brother that we actually did NOT celebrate without him. When KJ woke up on January 3rd we told him. “GUESS WHAT? Cbug is not 1 anymore, he is two now.” And KJ, with lip quivering and tears welling in his eyes asked “He turned two while I was asleep? Did he blow out the candles? Did he eat cake? Did he open presents?” So then we had to explain that on the day of your birthday, you change ages…even if there hasn’t been a party yet. A tough concept for a 3-year-old who is already planning his 4th birthday party (in May). His party isn’t for another couple of weeks, but we had a great morning celebrating our Cbug with donuts, presents and even candles (then finally big brother was satisfied that C was officially two).
I love you so much, my sweet Snugglebug!