Ok, so, just had to share…I was up late tonight, after writing this and looking through other pictures and my little blessing woke up crying. She never wakes up anymore at night. I treasured the time I got to just hold her, rock her and pray over her all the more because of this day. I was reminded how few moments I will get like that before it will be her turn at senior tea. The timing of it just gave me chills. Isn’t it sweet how the Lord uses so many things to remind us of Him?
Blessed {again}
We are so blessed to have spent nearly 9 years at a Church where we are loved and encouraged in so many ways. I could write a whole series of blogposts on the people that minister to us there, the ways we are challenged to grow, the opportunities we have to minister to others. But I’ll save that. Or, better yet, just come see for yourself sometime 🙂
On Wednesday we were once again blessed by our Church family as we participated for a third time in the annual baby blessing. I love that even though our Church has so many members, this night always feels so personal. From the moments of prayer for our family by an elder while laying hands on each of us, to the mixing and mingling with other families of babies born in the same year, to smiles hugs and squeezes from the amazing Children’s Ministry staff. I won’t say I wasn’t a little sweaty trying to keep up with my 3 munchkins, take pictures, and be sure they got their promised snacks at the “party”. But so worth it. We are so blessed by this time of blessing. BLESSED indeed.

Being "old" never felt so good

MMM: a send off celebration
You can see how much she loves these boys…just by the fact that she was even willing to try to take a picture with them and all of their rowdiness. These three boys love to be together, and they LOVE LC, but this was pushing bed time.
Because LC was moving to a town packed with USA history, I decided to dress the kids in red, white, and blue; KJ took the patriotism one step farther. The photo shoot was a failure at getting a great shot of all three kids (like 9 out of 10 photo shoots are with 3 kids under 4). But it was a success at capturing thier personalities…which LC can surely appreciate after spending so much time with them.
Clockwise: 1) My favorite picture; 2) Lou clapping and Cbug doing his favorite thing- identifying a “dub-you”; 3) KJ finding other uses for the flag; and 4) C’s famous crazy face.
Easter Weekend {unabridged}
Our Easter weekend was AMAZING. It was crazy busy. But it was amazing.
First stop…
KJ’s school Easter Egg hunt. I love his little preschool and the people we are meeting there. I especially love the times when I get to visit and watch him in his element. He knows everyone. Everyone knows him. The easter egg hunt, though, was business. He was totally focused and it was hilarious to watch him run in circles gathering eggs like his life depended on it. The best part was, though, at the end of it he couldn’t have cared less how many eggs stayed in his basket and willingly shared with others who didn’t get very many. What a precious heart!
This is what Easter weekend should be about. Showing our kids what is important to us. Showing them that our family is surrounded by people that love them, but even more who love the Lord and believe that He died and ROSE on the 3rd day. These people will encourage our children to claim this truth and these are the moments I want them to cling to, espeically around holidays like Easter.

MMM: Try this at home!
REWIND: Cbug’s paaaaar-taaayyyy!
Its been two whole months, but this is worth documenting.
Daylight Savings Time
Since RRL was out of town when the time changed we decided to embrace the extra hour of sunlight and invite some friends to join us for a picnic. I love having friends that I can invite to an impromptu “bring-your-own-food/please-help-me-chase-my-kids” sort of picnic.
eventually … already
-Family outing to the museum
-Daylight Savings Time Picnic
Can you believe that
is nine-months-old
sweet in her white dress,
while gouging her
favorite babydoll’s eyes?
MMM: Daddy’s Bday Surprise