MMM: Catch up (again)

When we have actually been in town this summer, our days at home have revolved around a pretty standard theme.  WATER.

We’ve been to the splash park, played with the slip n slide in our backyard,

and we’ve been
and swimming. 
Wherever water is, the boys cannot get enough (and Lou tolerates it in her “diva float”).  I like to call us the “nomad swimmers” because we don’t really have a pool of our own…we just travel around the metroplex vising friends and family that do (insert a BIG THANK YOU to all who have adopted us for swim days).
With all of that water fun (and quite a bit of traveling…another post), we really have only had time for two actual MMM activities this summer.  One was pretty much a flop the other a huge success.  So, thought I would share. Both are from the same website.  I really cannot remember who sent me this link.  BUT THANK YOU!!
On a Monday in July we tried making our own puff paint.  I think this would have been awesome if 1)the kids were just a little bit older 2) We had white cardboard or 3) mom wasn’t in a hurry and actually followed the suggested measurements (so unlike me, I know). 
But we muddled through.   

The greatness of this activity is that it only required these few items that we have around the house already:

self-rising flour
food coloring (actually did have to borrow some of this from a neighbor)

The boys enjoyed painting

and REALLY enjoyed putting their masterpieces in the microwave
but BY FAR their favorite part was pushing the buttons (so weird.  totally would have skipped the mess and just let them push buttons all morning if I had known this was something they had been dying to try!)
So, even though it was fun, the finished product was not nearly as darling as the samples on the website (but I suppose they rarely are). 

The boys weren’t very impressed with the “puffiness” of the paint and the smell…well, it smelled like fried cardboard. Probably not going to be a go-to-activity around here.  I’ll tell you what will be, though…

Today we tried an adapted combination of this activity and this one.  Not only does it fit nicely with the MMM “m” theme, this was seriously so much fun, and kept the boys (even one not feeling well) entertained for a LONG time.  I was very thankful that I thought to use some old shopping bags as mats, but other than what they spilled there, the mess was minimal.

Here is what you need:
egg carton
toothpicks (definitely will try website’s recommendation of straws or maybe pipecleaners next time)
optional: paper grocery sack or other table liner
First, pour a small amount of milk into each segment of an egg carton and add about 2 drops of food coloring to each.  Dip marshmallows or paint with a brush.  Cbug proved that even if you feel the urge to bite into your mallow first, its still good for dipping 🙂
 Then use toothpicks or other connector (straw, pipecleaner, etc) to connect mallows into your design.
we made lot of “snakes”
But also a couple of birthday cakes (and blew out the candles, of course).
 We had a blast making our marshmallow sculptures.  And found another good use for the other bag of mallows…
(which would have been awesome if I had not left the pam spray on the counter and Cbug had not seen that as an invitation to make sure the tops of the treats were nicely greased. YUCK.)
Thanks for sticking (pun intended) with me through this marathon MMM post.  Hopefully soon I’ll get back in a routine of blogging.  There are still lots of summer memories to get documented.  Hope your summer has been filled with fun, too!

Chirp Chirp

Sometimes when you visit my blog do you feel like all you hear is the crickets chirping?  Not much other activty.  Let that be a clue to you…It’s summer and the time for blogging escapes me.  Funny enough, when I look back to past years on the blog, there is always a gap somewhere during the summer.  I’ll be back soon enough with pictures and updates.

Spontaneous Family Adventure…

…to see TURTLES!
We had heard that from a certain bridge over the creek in our neighborhood park you could see literally hundreds of turtles in the summer mornings.  One morning, we decided to get up early before school/work and eat our breakfast in the park and share with the turtles.  It was such a fun and spontaneous family adventure.  And the turtles did not disappoint.  There were so many of them- big and small.  And they LOVED our breakfast rolls, too.


I love my little family and the fun adventure we have together.  The simple things really do delight our children at this age…which totally delights their momma and daddy!

Best kind of celebration!

Is there is any better way to celebrate the fourth of July than fireworks and popsicles in your neighborhood? 

THERE IS! It is to celebrate the fourth of July with fireworks & popsicles in your neighborhood WITH one of your best buddies spending the night.

We had a great fourth of July, celebrating in the park by our house with some of our small group and then our good buddy LT spent the night. 
KJ and LET are such good friends, but really our whole family loves having him around.  He is so sweet to Lou and Cbug and makes us all laugh…sure love that kid (and his family)!


I have lots to post about our fabulous 4th of July holiday weekend, and our sweet baby Lou’s first birthday party including an amazing visit from my parents.  But I’m a bit overwhelmed by the number of pictures involved in documenting those occasions.
In the meantime, here are some picture of today, and a celebration of another kind.

July 9th is marked on our family calendar as a holiday to be enjoyed.
And enjoy it we did.
Cow Appreciation Day 2010.
When there is free food involved at one of our favorite places, our mantra is…
Hope you enjoyed the festivities today, too! 
If not, mark July 9th on your calendar and next year get free food at a Chick Fil A near you.
Just a free tip from me to you.
and just for fun, here is a picture of two of our little cows on July 9, 2009.

Nonna and Papa Jim

There are days when the miles between us and my parents just seem unbearable, but one amazing blessing about living in another town is that when we are together we are REALLY together.  My whole family was together in June for my brother’s wedding, but it was quite a whirlwind of events, so we loved that just a couple of weeks later my parents came to our house for a visit.  We loved that they were here for Lou’s birthday party and we so enjoyed our time together.

We enjoyed walks in the park together.

And we visited one of our favorite restaurants, which just happened to have a visiting racecar.  Oh. My. Word.  Two little boy were beside themselves with joy.  It doesn’t take much.

and we just enjoyed watching what grandparents and grandchildren do best- being TOGETHER!

Each day is a blessing, but days filled with family are my favorite kind!

Ribbons and Bows

When sweet Lou was born she added gobs of pink, ribbons and bows to our lives of blue, trucks&cars, and balls.  So when she turned one it seemed quite appropriate to celebrate with ribbons & bows galore!

*Some of my favorite decorations and her yummy strawberry cake, smashcake, and cupcakes!  We had bows and pictures of sweet baby sister all over the house, including a picture from each month of her little life- the frames decorated with the actual bow she was wearing in the picture.

Lots of frill and a few fun friends, too, made for a wonderful afternoon!
Nonna made the birthday girl’s dress!  Aren’t they both beautiful?
One of Lou’s favorite gifts was her new babydoll stroller.  And I love that she already knows how to unwind after a party- a good cup of tea in one hand, pushing babystroller with the other.

Such a fun day celebrating our one-year-old princess and all of her girlishness!

Father’s Day Fishing

My amazing husband got up extra early this morning, to make sure he had time to take his two favorite fellas fishing.  Although the lines were tied to plastic fish, and I highly doubt there are any fish in our neighborhood creek worth catching, the memories they made are sure to be treasured.  Lou and I tagged along and it was a wonderful morning, celebrating RRL and watching him do what he does best…
love our family.

We love you, RRL!!
I am so thankful for the husband and father that you are. 
We are so blessed to call you our favorite Daddy. 
Happy Father’s Day. 
Love, me

For my hero

The godly walk with integrity;
blessed are their children (and grandchildren) who follow them.
Proverbs 20:7 (NLT)
Happy Fathers’ Day, Daddy!  It is amazing to me to watch you walk in the business world (especially during such difficult time) with incredible integrity, influencing so many people by being true to the God you serve.  I know that many have been touched by the kindness and generosity you have been able to share because of what you do.  So thankful for that legacy that you have created for us and for our children- a hero indeed!  We love you!


The best description for our church’s annual VBS is in the title itself…. SUMMER SPECTACULAR.  It truly is spectacular.  This year’s theme was Elijah, complete with rain and fire and Elijah actually outrunning the chariot.  Our kids L-O-V-E-D it!! 

I helped teach the first graders and boy was it crazy.  They were balls of precious energy and kept us laughing each night.  One of my favorite stories was the night that Tara asked the kids something to the effect of “Did you see the show last night, wasn’t it amazing?” and one precious class-clown answered “It was alright, do you know what is really amazing…Free Pizza!”  Wow.  What an impact we are making.  Ha. 

Between teaching, rushing to take/pick-up my own kids, and going to the show, I didn’t take many pictures.  Which is a shame because the whole building was decorated in ways that would amaze you.  I guess you’ll just have to ask these three cuties what they thought about it!

On second thought, maybe you should just come see for yourself next year!

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