The birthday party of THEIR MY dreams.
When KJ found out it was going to be my birthday, he was over-the-top excited. The kid LOVES birthday parties, has been planning his May27th birthday since approximately May28th of last year, and loves celebrating with his friends. When Ricky asked KJ what he thought we should do for “Mommy’s Birthday” he had big plans…Batman plans. Batman cake, Batman coloring pages, you know…a Batman theme. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t that he wanted Batman because he was trying to “steal” the party. It was just that in his sweet little four-year-old brain a Batman party was the very best thing he could think to give me. I loved it. So thats exactly how we celebrated.
Step One- Batman pictures for presents.

The kids loved picking out pictures online to print and then coloring them. And I loved how much they enjoyed it!
Next the real fun began. Can you believe how excited these two were about baking a cake?
We learned a few things along the way. I definitely helped A LOT, but let the boys help measure and add ingredients…
… and mix it all together.
Then all that is left, is to lick the beaters and watch it bake!

Well, that, and the icing and a Batman logo, of course.
and then, Voila… Batman cake!
Next step to the perfect party… making Kool-Aid. Funny story here, about how this got included in KJ’s my perfect party. He’s been talking for a couple of weeks about “red stuff to drink” then last week saw the little kool-aid individual serving packets I sometimes add to my waterbottles in the pantry. When he discovered them he exclaimed, “MOM, this is it…kids at school bring this red drink in their lunches”. At that moment I had a combination of amusement and guilt. I can’t BELIEVE I’ve never made kool-aid for the poor kid. What 4-year-old has never had kool-aid? So of course, red kool-aid (despite every ounce of me that wanted to avoid it) had to be part of the perfect party.

It was just the kids and me until RRL came home for lunch (thanks, Babe), and (obviously) not something I put a lot of preparation into ahead of time, but seriously it was perfect. I’ll never forget it! Well, maybe I’ll forget the part where Cbug stained his shirt red, the boys licked the beaters and put them back in the bowl, KJ arguing about how to make the cake, Cbug nearly chopping his fingers off with the mixer, digging eggshell out of the mix, Cbug unpeeling crayons while making my picture, and the part where I got to clean up the mess after it was all over. But other than that…. Perfect.
In case you were wondering- As if anything could top a Batman party for your 30(something)th birthday, I did also get to have an amazing night out planned by my super sweet husband where there were no children, no messes to clean up, and a dinner that I didn’t have to prepare. That was pretty perfect, too!
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