Just what I’ve always wanted…

The birthday party of THEIR MY dreams.

When KJ found out it was going to be my birthday, he was over-the-top excited.  The kid LOVES birthday parties, has been planning his May27th birthday since approximately May28th of last year, and loves celebrating with his friends.  When Ricky asked KJ what he thought we should do for “Mommy’s Birthday” he had big plans…Batman plans.  Batman cake, Batman coloring pages, you know…a Batman theme.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t that he wanted Batman because he was trying to “steal” the party.  It was just that in his sweet little four-year-old brain a Batman party was the very best thing he could think to give me.  I loved it.  So thats exactly how we celebrated. 

Step One- Batman pictures for presents.


The kids loved picking out pictures online to print and then coloring them.  And I loved how much they enjoyed it! 

Next the real fun began.  Can you believe how excited these two were about baking a cake?

We learned a few things along the way.  I definitely helped A LOT, but let the boys help measure and add ingredients…

   … and mix it all together.
Then all that is left, is to lick the beaters and watch it bake!


Well, that, and the icing and a Batman logo, of course.
 and then, Voila… Batman cake!
Next step to the perfect party… making Kool-Aid.  Funny story here, about how this got included in KJ’s my perfect party.  He’s been talking for a couple of weeks about “red stuff to drink” then last week saw the little kool-aid individual serving packets I sometimes add to my waterbottles in the pantry.  When he discovered them he exclaimed, “MOM, this is it…kids at school bring this red drink in their lunches”.  At that moment I had a combination of amusement and guilt.  I can’t BELIEVE I’ve never made kool-aid for the poor kid.  What 4-year-old has never had kool-aid? So of course, red kool-aid (despite every ounce of me that wanted to avoid it) had to be part of the perfect party.
It was just the kids and me until RRL came home for lunch (thanks, Babe), and (obviously) not something I put a lot of preparation into ahead of time, but seriously it was perfect.  I’ll never forget it!  Well, maybe I’ll forget the part where Cbug stained his shirt red, the boys licked the beaters and put them back in the bowl, KJ arguing about how to make the cake, Cbug nearly chopping his fingers off with the mixer, digging eggshell out of the mix, Cbug unpeeling crayons while making my picture, and the part where I got to clean up the mess after it was all over.  But other than that….  Perfect.
In case you were wondering-  As if anything could top a Batman party for your 30(something)th birthday, I did also get to have an amazing night out planned by my super sweet husband where there were no children, no messes to clean up, and a dinner that I didn’t have to prepare.  That was pretty perfect, too!


School visit to the Zoo/Petshop

KJ’s teacher this year is so creative.  I love hearing the ways she teaches the kids different concepts.  One of my favorite activities of the fall was a family field trip to the zoo.  It was a great way to meet some of the kids in KJ’s class as well as their parents and siblings.  Ms. A was so kind to include Cbug and other younger siblings just like they were members of the class, too. 

We didn’t just “visit” the zoo, though.  Ms A had the fun idea of turning it into a “pet store” where the kids each got $10 play money and could decide which animals they would buy.  Some animals were $2 or $3, some as much as $7 or $8 so you really had to decide which you wanted, count out your money and consequently learn a little about “budgeting”.  This accountant momma, of course, LOVED the idea.   And apparently the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.  My sweet oldest child decided the second he saw the “catalog” that he wanted to buy penguins…and he held all of his money until the end of the day when we finally got to the penguins and “bought” 5.  While other kids had money burning holes in their pockets ad jumped at the chance to buy a lion, elephant, or white tiger, KJ quietly just said “No, thank you, I’m waiting for the penguins”…for THREE HOURS.  Even though the penguins were only $2, so he could have “afforded” something else, too, he had decided how he wanted to spend his money and could not be deterred.  It made my heart swell 🙂 
 KJ with his ticket, our kids with KJ’s teacher and KJ the map reader.

The boys from the class learning about an animal they could purchase and then taking a break to examine a matchbox car.

The amazing Mrs A- teaching the kids about the animals at the zoo, giving KJ his money, and telling us about “Polly”

Cbug loving the turtles in the new MOLA and KJ explaining why it was so important to WAIT for penguins.


And Lou doing what she does best…helping herself to some snacks.  Gotta love that girl!
What a great day!!

Three good reasons why I haven’t been blogging…

Three wonderfully adorable, sometimes disobedient, positively crazy-fun-loving,  destructor style mess-making, hands-full-of-blessings, often ornery and argumentative, make you giggle until your mouth hurts, head-over-heels for their siblings, team of mischeif-making, blonde-headed reasons.
Hopefully someday I’ll tell you about some of the adventures these three have been up to.  Until then this picture of their adorable craziness pretty well sums it up.

First day(s) of school

Remember how excited the brothers were about starting school together?
Well, it didn’t work out quite the way any of us planned.  KJ got sick during the night before the first day of school, so he didn’t get to go.  We were all disappointed.  But actually, it ended up being a good thing for Cbug.  We had been a little nervous about C walking into school with his big brother- only to (re)discover that he wasn’t actually going to the same class.  So, this way we had time at home to talk about KJ staying home, Cbug had time to build some confidence and he got to have a special morning riding by himself to school with Daddy.  I definitely wouldn’t wish KJ to be sick and have to miss something he was so excited about.  But this was just another example of how our good and gracious God can use all things to his sweet glory.
Here is on his very first day of “big boy school”. 
I especially love the photo on the right.  Such classic C-ness.  He makes the craziest faces.

Especially notice the stickers. This was part of the confidence building process. We let him take Lightening McQueen (in the form of a sticker) to school with him. But just one sticker wasn’t enough- he needed one for each of his friends. So before he left, he plastered his shirt with them and then passed them out when he got there.
When I picked him up his teacher was wearing the Mater sticker. I wonder if she knew what an honor that was?
And then, he came home like this.
Still adorable, but had to get his shorts changed
(walk of shame on the way out of school- yes, I do know that the plaids don’t match- I didn’t do it)
and his hair was a mess
and he was absolutely beside himself with JOY.
Love it!
After waiting and waiting…
Their first day of school together.
They were bouncing-off-the-walls excited.  So this was the ONLY picture I got of them.
Oh, wow.  If there is this much excitement over the first day PRESCHOOL together…
I can only imagine the days ahead.
and I can’t wait!

(a few more) August Favorites

I just love our park adventures.  It is ALMOST cool enough to venture down to the playground again. 
We got a little taste of it this weekend, but it was just enough to make me long for the coming season of picnics, splashing rocks in the creek, and lots of time at playgrounds. 
I came home from running errands this saturday, to this picture. Lou was taking a nap, so these three were hanging out in their “man cave” doing a little flashlight reading. Love it!


I cannot tell you how many times a day I hear that phrase or a dozen other similar ones. These two LOVE the concept of superheros. Which is funny to me, because they really haven’t ever seen any sort of superhero show or movie. And we have exactly ONE superhero book. It seems like its just IN them. KJ’s current favoite is “The Flash” and Cbug’s is “Batman”. In fact, recently at a jumpzone birthday party, there was an inflatable with Batman on it. Although there were several other large slides, Cbug stayed true to his allegience and played on Batman THE ENTIRE TIME. He would come down the slide and proclaim “Batman’s my fav-rite”. Yes, we know.
And sometimes superheros take a break from running to save Thomas and friends.  These two are slowly but surely really learning to play together.  Maybe after enough time sitting in time-out while holding hands or having toys taken away when they are arguing over them is finally communicating that when Mom has to get involved, they do not like the outcome.  I even overhear them telling each other “we better work this out on our own”.  Not that it stops the bickering, but it sure has helped.
And lastly, Cbug’s SUMMER in one picture.  Playing with water- check.  Rain boots- check.  Potty training- check (mostly).
I just can’t believe this is the last day of August.
Maybe soon I’ll do some rewind posts for June and July, too. 

Born to be a Wildcat

This post is for two reasons:
1) So you don’t get the blog-impression that we only have two children.  In case you were worried, the feisty princess is alive and well.  She is just a bit small for things like sitting through movies or going to school.
2) The obvious.  Because she is just SO STINKIN’ CUTE in her “Wildcat” shirt, pigtails, and toothy grin.  Why wouldn’t I rush to share?
Of course I took her picture in the little red wagon.
Because, you know, it has been said that I might be am:
– A planner
– A sucker for tradition
– A (little tiny bit) type A
And, therefore…
HER picture had to match THEIR picture
To answer your questions:
Yes, we have three children.
And, yes, sometimes their mom gets a little obsessive about small details. 

What’s all the excitment about?

These two were BESIDE themselves with J-O-Y when they found out they were going to see Toy Story 3 at the movie theatre.
(so much joy that Woody experienced a complete strangling)
We gave away the secret when we dressed them in their Toy Story t-shirts and from that moment on we heard constant exclamations of “Are you serious?  Are we really going to see Toy Story 3 (or as Cbug says…’Stoy Story’)?!?!”
Then they carried their favorite characters around the house yelling
“To infinity and the yon” (cbug)
“You are in custody of the Galactic Alliance” (KJ)
 Not only do they L-O-V-E Woody and Buzz, but this was their very first time to the big screen (I know…those poor, sheltered, deprived children).  In fact, KJ recently lamented that the reason “Nonna” sent them a buzz lightyear matchbox car was because his parents “wouldn’t never take him to see that Toy Story 3 movie”. 
But lo-and-behold.

Apparently, those parents grew hearts.
(I.E., found a babysitter for the princess who is not quite ready to sit still for 2 hours)
We also enjoyed a lunch-date with our little fellas and a banana split for dessert.
I mean, really.  Could the day get any better?
A picture perfect day. 
One I definitely have stored away in my mommy-memory-bank of favorites. 

First Impressions

Thursday was the beginning of something these two best friends have been looking forward to for MONTHS.
The day when KJ’s school ALSO becomes Cbug’s school.
Thursday was meet the teacher, and the very first time when Cbug also got to check-out one of KJ’s favorite places.
And KJ took very seriously his responsibility for showing his “little” brother the ropes.
I was so proud of how patiently KJ waited while we met Cbug’s teacher and found out what we needed to know about him being a “new kid” in the school.  He was so excited to go visit his room, too, but waited and helped Cbug until it was his turn.  He has been asking and asking when “fall” would be here so that Cbug could join him going to school twice a week.  I love that he loves being a “big” brother.
And as for Cbug’s first visit.  Well, lets just say I made this note to self:
“Self, next year before your child’s teacher meets your angel for the first time,
maybe you should have a little family meeting on the topic of first impressions:.” 

Yep, that would be one of the classroom’s plastic dinosaurs that he has hanging out of his mouth.
I’d been talking to his teacher and turned around just in time to catch this lovely moment.
Oh, you gotta love our Cbug! Hopefully his teacher feels the same way.

Saturday mornings

We have adopted a new Saturday morning (or sometimes Sunday) ritual. 
Running/riding the trails of our neighorhood.
Trust me, our kids faces may not reflect it, but its fun.
Sometimes.  Usually.
It actually was MORE fun this week when the temperatures were not headed toward 100 before the sun was up.
Or maybe it was MORE fun this week, because we recruited Hatch to come and help push for a few miles.
Whatever the reason…lets hope the MORE miles we add the fun will just keep multiplying! 
This week 7.
Next week 8. 
Now that should be FUN.
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