They say its your birthday!

With his birthday so close to Christmas, Cbug always has to wait for his party (it won’t be for a couple of weeks), but we try to make the day special for him still.  Its funny how the things that make a (newly turned) 3-year-old happy involve junk food. 
First stop, a trip to the donut store.
What a tough selection- so many yummy choices, who can decide?
And he opened a few presents
(with careful supervision from big brother, of course)


Little did we know that one of his presents, a book about garbage trucks doing their job, would actually be a clue as to how we would spend some of our morning. 

And we just spent time enjoying time with our favorite three-year-old
(and big brother would like everyone to know that he is four, which is more than three).

I told you the garbage truck book was a clue!  We spent the next part of the morning chasing the ultimate trio- the garbage truck, the leaf truck AND the recycle truck- around our neighborhood.  We followed “clues” and made a game out of trying to figure out which street they hadn’t been down yet.  Don’t knock it until you try it.  Its an AWESOME game (at least to our Cbug).  He is LOVES watching these trucks pick up trash, etc.

We also spent some quality time on the playscape- laughing, running, JUMPING, climbing, chasing, racing and playing with friends.  The boys were so excited when they figured out that, with some of their buddies there playing, they had the ages covered… 3-4-5-6.  So precious!
 We had Sonic for lunch and Daddy made homemade pizza for dinner and the kids and I made, iced and decorated the Christmas cookies that never got made during the holidays (told ya so- junk food GALORE).

The cookies were served as the birthday cake!  However, we did make sure to save the ones that had been given some “extra love (read: slobber)” for the boys to eat.
Then we ended the night watching some of Cbug’s new Thomas movie (thanks Hatch). 
A perfect day for all of us- especially Cbug.  What could be better than celebrating our favorite 3-year-old by doing some his favorite things?

REWIND- Christmas Part IV

I know it is back-tracking a bit, but even though Chistmas parts I, II, and III were fantastic, Christmas just wouldn’t be complete without part IV- so now you have it…
Christmas at Grammy’s, our last major Christmas celebration for the year, was a great day of relaxing with RRL’s family.  It was especially amazing this year because my Momma and Daddy also joined us. 
I loved having so much of our family in one place.
I think we have started a new tradition.  We should ALWAYS take an adult picture AND a kid picture. 
The adult picture, like this one, should be after the kids are down for naps and we are really getting to enjoy each others company.
And the kid picture, like this one, should be right. smack. dab.  in the middle of the craziness.  Because they are crazy fun and it just works better that way.
This way we get a true picture of everyone (and maybe its so I don’t have to be in any pictures while sweating…maybe).
Other fun traditions were started and carried on, as well.  The kids really enjoyed the Nativity story with Grammy,
 ate a great meal (which for the kids meant a few bits of sustenance and then plenty of dessert), and had lots of FUN with some of our favorite people, Aunt B and

Uncle J.

Oh, and don’t forget, Lou got her first “shooting” lesson.  I mean, it was just what she needed to round out her day of rocking babies, cooking in her kitchen, and having tea parties, right?  At least she is wearing a bow while doing it.  Goodness.
 And then, because what  celebration would be complete without it…
I made them pose.  Again.  But look how stinkin’ cute they are.  I just can’t help myself.
Real life doesn’t stop for Christmas.  We still had tantrums, accidents, bickering, a sick middle boy and lots of messes to clean-up.  But I loved every minute of the holidays this year.  We really did have an amazing time with our families and making memories with our children.  Special thanks to our Moms who go WAY out of their way to make it so special and so much easier on us in our current stage of being outnumbered by toddlers.  You have no idea how much it means to us…then again, maybe you do.


My favorite 3-year-old

One of the things I love most about Cbug at this stage is the fact that he makes some AMAZING faces!  From the first day of his little life, he has never been one to hide his feelings.  He is one of the most expressive kids I’ve ever seen.  Except when he’s not- and he’s got the blank stare MASTERED for those occasions as well.
So, in celebration of his THIRD BIRTHDAY, I thought I’d share some of the faces of sweet CCL.
*As captured in the pumpkin patch by Cindi and Cass
*As captured by Aimee of Eden Hayes Photography this November.
Oh. My. Word.  Couldn’t you just eat him up…and laugh at him…and wonder what is going on in that little mind?  And the best part is that it all happens within a matter of minutes.  There’s just a glimpse for you into why we are so smitten!
Sweet Cbug-
        It is impossible to believe that you are three. You have looked forward to being “stree” for an entire year and the day has finally come. You’ve spent the day reminding us “Its my birthday, you know?!?!” Yes, yes we know!

       A lot has happened this year- you started pre-school, you now wear big boy underwear, you’ve learned to spell your name and write it (with the letters scattered around the page), and your vocabulary has changed by leaps and bounds. It now includes some of our favorite words to hear you say like “actuwee” (actually) and wast night (everything happened “last night”). You’ve provided your parents with several really scary moments this year, between asthma attacks and disappearing acts, but you’ve also provided lots and lots of laughter. Between knock-knock jokes, your deep hearty giggle, silly grins, and sneaky smirks- Oh how you make us all laugh!
       Recently someone summed you up perfectly with one word- PASSION. You are truly passionate about everything you do. EVERYTHING. Your passion for how you feel is always very evidently displayed- happy, sad, glad or mad- we never have to guess how you feel. And when you love something, you are ALL IN. You love trains (especially Thomas, James and Percy), Buzz and Woody, all things related to the movie CARS (especially Mater and McQueen), and wrestling with your brother. When you are playing with your favorites you practically disappear into your pretend-play. We love to watch you carefully set up a “city” with your blocks and cars or get immersed into a favorite book. Once you are there it is almost impossible to distract you from your passion of the moment.
       We love that you are passionate about the things you love and that you are quick to tell others about how you feel. We are praying that the Lord will help us, your parents, mold those attributes in you to be used for good and most importantly for His GLORY. We pray you’ll never be shy about sharing your passion for God and his creation with others and that your passion for life will lead others to a deep relationship with Christ, who is so very passionate about you, too.

We love you to infinity and beyond, sweet Cbug!
Love, Momma

Christmas Part III: Home Sweet Home

As much as I love our Tennessee Christmas, and as much as we always look forward to Christmas with RRL’s family…
The times in between are truly my favorite (and obviously Lou’s, too).
There is something about Christmas at home, making memories with our little family of 5 that really helps me remember what the season is all about.  It is so easy to remember all the ways we have been blessed when I’m surrounded by the laughter (and even bickering) that come from our three rascals and when I’m snuggled by our Christmas tree with my favorite man.  This never fails to point me to Jesus, to be thankful for all that was sacrificed and all that is celebrated during Christmas time.
Here are a few of my favorite memories from our Christmas season at home this year.
We attended Christmas Eve Service at The Hills, enjoying candlelight worship and story time with “Mr Rick”. 


Then we went took failed (yet priceless) family photo attempt number 567289 for the holiday season
and headed home to put cookies out for Santa/carrots for reindeer (I happen to know that Santa is used to all of his/her food being touched by small fingers) and Nonna read “The Night Before Christmas” (so wonderful to have her here “live” this year instead of via skype).

Finally, three crazies headed for bed (where two little boys enjoyed a brand new set of blue Christmas lights).

The stockings were hung, the presents wrapped under the tree and a true CHRISTMAS MIRACLE occurred when everyone was in bed before midnight and slept until after 8.


I didn’t take a single picture of the kids opening presents, but judging from the after-math, I’d say the gifts were a big hit (and Lou cooks a lot like her mom-dishes everywhere while she talks on the phone)!
Lastly a few videos.  KJ singing Silent Night and Cbug singing Away in a Manger (their songs for the preschool Christmas show) and one of Lou just being her crazy self- telling jokes and saying Merry Christmas.  Enjoy!
I’m so very thankful for these memory treasures made with my favorites!

the best of 2010

Here’s to a great year!  On the very last day of 2010, I wanted to share with you some of this year’s highlights for our family.  While 2010 will definitely be remembered as the year of the weddings, there were lots of other great things about the year, too.  Here are some of our favorite memories and my favorite picture (0r two) from each month.
We celebrated the 2nd Birthday of our CCL with a family donut celebration and then a construction party with friends.  What a treasure this boy is!  We also caught our first glimpses of Lou’s true personality, mourned the loss of my Grandmother, and tried to give our children some world-perspective as we grieved over the losses in Haiti.
We experienced record snowfall.  Our kids were afraid of it.  RRL and I “dated” in it.  We also made and delivered Valentines to some of favorite “loves”.
RRL celebrated his birthday with Dr Pepper candies we made, we hosted the first (hopefully annual) DST picnic, and we had a quick visit with some of our favorite mentors from Abilene.
An extra busy month filled with Lou’s baby blessing, multiple Easter celebrations, one of my favorite MMM activites: the obstacle course, a bluebonnet-viewing-trip to Ennis, and springtime fun at the park with friends
KJ turned four and we celebrated super-hero style, he had his last day of preschool for the year, we kicked off our “year of weddings” with two in one weekend (one of which took KJ and I on a trip to SLC, UT) and we celebrated mother’s day.


We had lots of fun over the fourth of July weekend, we fed the turtles one morning before school/work, and we continued our tradition of celebrating “Cow Appreciation Day
We said good-bye to some of our favorite people as our senior class graduated and went to college, I started running again and the whole family joined me on the weekends, RRL and I took the boys to their first movie on the big screen (TS3), the boys had meet the teacher, and I took pictures of princess Lou for our Alma mater.
My camera was broken an apparently so was my memory storage…all I can remember is that the boys started school together and RRL and I enjoyed a weekend away in Branson, MO.

I documented that there were three reasons why I didn’t have more September memories, we went on a family-fun-field trip with KJ’s class, amazing pumpkin patch pictures were taken AGAIN by the Schrimsher/Spillman team, dressed up for Halloween, went to Houston to visit our college roomies and their three children- where RRL and I ran a 1/2 marathon together for the first time.  I had an awesome Batman Birthday (and then an adult celebration later with some of my favorite friends)!

One of my favorite months!  I lost Cbug at the grocery store (not a favorite part), we spent the night on the farm (definitely a highlight), ran in the Turkey Trot– despite the cold & rain, KJ’s friend “Kribagayle” first “appeared” at our house, were surprisingly blessed by our first Thanksgiving away from family, we learned so much about generous living through The Hills Greater Things campaign, had some miracle family pictures taken by RRL’s cousin (Eden Hayes Photography) and counted our blessings (on leaves) all month long.

We learned that it would be better for girls to be Shepherds, the kids enjoyed their FOURTH wedding appearance where Cbug danced his heart out, we visited Christmas Village at Busch Gardens, we celebrated the second annual Thanksmas, had THREE awesome Christmas celebrations (Nashville, our house, and Denton), RRL and I celebrated NINE YEARS of marriage, and I spent way too much time getting caught up on this blog!

WOWZERS, what a year!  It definitely had its ups and downs, but overall 2010 was one of my very favorite years so far.  I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store.  May the Lord bless you and keep you and yours in this New Year!

Christmas Part II: Tender Tennessee Christmas

While I do love to be in our little home for Christmas Eve/Day, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without at least some time in Nashville.

So even though the miles are long
(and it sometimes takes 3 babydolls, a purse full of fun, and a cell phone to keep us happy on the trip)…
It is totally worth when you know hugs like this are waiting…
…and you know you’ll get to make memories like helping Nonna cook and helping Papa Jim put out all of the trains.

There will be museums to visit and tea parties to attend.

We’ll enjoy celebrating with extended family, continuing years of tradition with a holiday meal at Mrs Bobo’s boarding house.

No doubt, when Grandparents and Aunts & Uncles are involved there are sure to be PRESENTS you’ll love.

And even when there isn’t snow and even if it has to happen BEFORE Christmas, a tender Tennessee Christmas is sure to be so much fun you’ll want to box it all up and take it home with you!

Christmas Part I: Christmas Village

We started our Christmas celebrations off in an incredible way!  While we were in VA for my cousin’s wedding (#4 for the year for our kids to participate in) we got to go to Christmas Village at Busch Gardens.  It was SO very cold, but it was a Christmas wonderland and we all loved being with our family and watching our kids eyes dance in the lights of Christmas.

First, we saw the Sesame Street Christmas show.  A certain baby-sister was so excited she could hardly STAND IT.  And stand she did…through the entire performance.  ELMO, I SEE ELMO!!!!!  She loves him and it cracks me up.  Well, she loved him at a distance.  As soon as we went to meet him after the show, she wanted NONE. OF. IT.  Luckily we were the only ones left to meet the characters for the evening so she got to play a nice safe game of peek-a-boo with Elmo and Abby from a safe distance, loving every minute. 


And the boys enjoyed the park, too, because there were penguins and a train to ride (KJ loves penguins, and Cbug loves trains)

And on top of all of that there were other characters, too. 

Some that were cute and silly… 

       Some that were downright CREEPY…

And some that seem to make all your Christmas dreams come true!
But the best part about starting our Christmas off this way, was just being together!
 Hope your season was filled with the joys of celebrating with family, too!

2010: 4 Weddings and a Funeral

Of course there were lots of memories from 2010.  I’ll post some of the year’s best pictures soon- pictures of roadtrips, of family fun, of crazy kids, of birthday parties, and of adventures.  But if I was going to say how I will mostly remember 2010:  This was the year we lost my last remaining Grandparent and this was the year of weddings. 

We started the year with Grandmomma’s death, she passed away in January.  She had a severe stroke 3-years earlier so while we mourned the fact that she would no longer be here with us, we all felt like we lost her, the real her, long ago.  In January, we reallly celebrated that she was finally healed, that she was finally where she wanted  most to be- HOME.  We enjoyed our time with family, pouring over pictures and recalling memories.  It was bittersweet, of course, but I’ll mostly remember the sweet.

The first two weddings that we participated in this year happened to fall on the same weekend.  One in our hometown- one in SLC, Utah.  Some might call it crazy, but when your children are asked to participate in the weddings of a sweet cousin and a dear friend- well, you make it work.  So KJ and I flew out for wedding #1.  The beautiful SLC wedding of my oldest cousin on mom’s side.  Britt was a gorgeous bride, an amazing party planner and was a gracious hostess even amidst the craziness of her own wedding weekend.  She had asked KJ to be in the wedding and it was his debut as a ring-bearer.  He was PUMPED about wearing a tux, being with Dave and Britt and walking down the aisle… pumped at least until it was actually time.  He stood at the end of the aisle then was having NONE OF IT.  So, I ended up walking down the aisle with him.  AWESOME.  Still, though, he was quite the handsome ringbearer!  Sadly, I broke my camera on this trip, so I only have a couple of pictures.  You’ll have to take my word for it- gorgeous wedding and bride!
Then we zoomed back in the knick-of-time (literally straight from airport to church, small tuxedo having been “spot-cleaned” in the hotel sink) for wedding #2.  This was an especially cool wedding for us because the bride graduated from our youth group and is so dear to our family as babysitter and friend.  The groom is from a family that we have loved for years, his aunt and uncle are some of our very best friends from growing-up.  So it was so cool to see the two come together.  They were so sweet to also include KJ as ringbearer.  After a little bribing to get down the aisle, he apparently lost all stage fright and quite entertained us all.  I was actually quite horrified at some of his antics, but this wedding was HUGE and I was at the very back, so there was nothing that could be done but watch.   The video below is a small glimpse of his “fun” game of throwing the pillow with the groom’s parents and then completely laying on it on the floor.  AWESOME. 
Another favorite memory from this wedding was that KJ had the actual ring in his pocket.  He took this responsibility very seriously.  The plan was for him to wait until the minister asked for the rings and then hand them to the groom.  Instead, he went down the aisle, walked straight up to the groom and said Here Ya Go.  I must say, I was a little relieved that the rings were in “safe hands” so quickly.
Cbug was also in the wedding as a bellringer- announcing the debut of Mr and Mrs P for the first time.  He was supposed to walk with a group of children down the aisle past the bride and groom and then back up the center aisle, leading the way.  But when he got the bride and groom, both of whom he adores, he paused to wait for them.  So I love that he is in many of their “leaving the church” pictures, leading them out.  Precious boy.

All of the 2010 weddings were so special to us.  But I’m sure no one would fault me for saying that the day my brother was married to a woman I am so thankful to now call sister, was my very favorite.  My favorite day of the whole year, probably.  The wedding was wonderful, it was such a privaledge to stand beside them as they were united, and I am so excited to see what the Lord does in their lives as they begin this journey together. 

RRL and I were in the wedding party.  And KJ and Cbug were both ringbearers this time.  They  felt so big walking down the aisle in their shirts that matched the groomsmen.  M & S were so thoughtful about how they included the boys.  KJ marched down the aisle like a pro (this was his third ring-bearer-appearance afterall), but Cbug was a big more cautious.  He walked VERY SLOWLY, zig-zagging down the aisle to be sure he didn’t step on any of the flowers that the flower-girl had already deposited.  They were both super handsome, and were fast asleep with Nonna and Papa Jim, long before the ceremony was over.  The picture of KJ below with M & S is just a small glimpse into why we are so thankful to call my brother’s new bride “Aunt S”.  She is so tender and attentive to our kids, even on her own wedding day.

KJ figured out that when people chimed their glasses, Uncle M and Aunt S would kiss.  He was all-over-this.  In the picture below, he climbed up into M’s lap to kick-off the kissin’ one more time!
The weekend was made all the much sweeter because my youngest brother left just hours after the festivities for his pre-deployment training. It would be the last time we would see him for about 9 months. It was great to be together as a family. The Lord’s timing on Lt D’s deployment could not have been sweeter.

A perfect way to end our year of weddings- a beautiful Virgina wedding at the beginning of the Christmas season.  My cousin Katie was also a gorgeous bride and her fun-loving personality made it a joy to spend the weekend celebrating with her.  She was EXTRA brave and asked all three of our crazies to be in her wedding party.  The boys were seasoned pros by now and walked down the aisle without a problem.  There was only one pillow for them to carry, a problem they solved by both walking side-ways down the aisle so all four of their little hands could work together to carry it.  They were too cute, marched up the stairs and handed the whole pillow (complete with fake rings) to the groom.  No one dared tell them that the groom didn’t actually need the fake rings to give to his bride! 
Little Lou on the other hand wasn’t too sure.  She insisted on carrying her large fisher-price purple purse with her down the aisle and stopped at each individual pew to glare at those sitting upon it, as if to say “Don’t know you, don’t know you, where is someone I know….” until she finally found her Nonna.

The kids had a blast at the reception after this wedding, and Cbug especially tore it up on the dancefloor.  If you didn’t see the video in my earlier post, you should check it out.
What  fun year- thanks to all four brides (and grooms) for including us in your special days.  We are so happy for each of you and pray blessings on many years to come of marriages built on a firm foundation in Christ.  Love you all!!

My favorite blessing

The Lord has been so good to bless me with so many things- good health, amazing family, sweet memories.  But one blessing stands out amongst them all as one I treasure in a way like none other.  Nine years ago today I was incredibly blessed to marry my best friend.  I’ve spent 9 years as the wife of an amazing man and I’m so blessed to walk this journey beside him.  The road hasn’t always been paved smoothly for us, but even the rocky parts have lead to more blessings.  When I watch the way he takes care of the four of us, how he leads us to live in faith, and how he ministers to teenagers with such amazing compassion- I know I must be the luckiest girl alive!

**and we happen to have a lot of fun together, too 🙂

Love you, Babe!

Eden Hayes Photography- and some miracle pictures

3 kids aged 4 and under + sleep-deprived momma and daddy = terrible, horrible, no good, very bad family photos.


At least for us.


Thank you, Eden Hayes Photography!
I mean, we still didn’t get one with all three kids looking at the camera and smiling, but I probably would have called it fake if we had.  It wouldn’t have been a “true” picture of how our children are at this stage.  I love that she really captured the current dynamics of our little family.
And look at how she captured my sweet children-


 Oh, and these too…


I mean, have Cbug’s eyes ever looked bluer, has KJ ever looked more like a 4 (AND A HALF) year-old, has Lou’s aloof mischievousness ever been better displayed?  I LOVE these pictures.
If she can do this with OUR family and with our children that typically won’t even LOOK at the camera…
now, that is talent.
And now we have the treasures to show for it.
PS- Here is the link to her site.  I have a feeling you are going to need it.
You. Are. Welcome.
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