Last day
FIVE things about #5
I just need one more to document his big day happenings. LET.ME.TELL.YOU, boy howdy… did we celebrate. The fact that his big day happened to fall on his preschool graduation day, made for a VERY full day of celebrations for Mr. KJ. So full that there were way too many pictures to even get all the good ones on the blog. I posted a bunch more on facebook, if you are interested.
Without further ado- here are FIVE things that our FIVE-year-old did on his FIFTH birthday.
with FIVE of his favorite fellas (plus his favorite Momma).
(below L to R) Build-your-own race car, Earthquake demonstration, Mini city and a 4D movie.
YUP. Apparently the LAND part of LegoLAND really stuck- he was picturing a whole LAND of legos. SERIOUSLY. So, we had to do some fast talking and website browsing to convince him that while LDC was just a mall amusement area, it would still be super cool. Luckily, he bought it…and I don’t think he was too disappointed. He still loved the adventure of it, even if we didn’t get to fly on an airplane to get there.
Then again, any place these five-year-olds (or nearly 5) go together…is SURE to be a fun adventure!
He designed and enjoyed a FIVE layer cake.
This actually probably deserves a whole post on its own. BUT I PROMISED there would only be one more birthday post. I did not, however, make any promises about its brevity 🙂
Other than the party location, the primary concern for KJ, while planning his big day, was his CAKE. Literally for MONTHS we’ve been having conversations about what his cake would be like. Often, driving along in the van, he’d holler from the backseat a new idea or specification about the cake. When all was said and done, I had to sit down with him the night before I made the cake to actually draw a diagram and be SURE I had it down. I HAVE NO IDEA where he gets this level of attention to detail…but his perfect cake was to be… “Five layers (you know, since I’m five) of Strawberry, then Chocolate, Strawberry, Chocolate, Strawberry with strawberry icing in between each layer and chocolate frosting on the outside, because if there was strawberry icing on the outside it might look pink and pink is for girls. AND it needs to have Spiderman on top” (the web was momma’s addition) Oh how I wish I could have documented all of the conversations that lead to this final conclusion, or had a picture of how he would use one hand to count to five (to be sure he didn’t say Strawberry/Chocolate/Strawberry too many times) with using the other hand to indicate the layers on top of each other. Oh, I love this boy!
KJ had his picture taken approximately 500 times this day. And it didn’t go to his head, AT ALL (cough, cough). Here are a few of my favorites.
Too much to ask?
The day has FINALLY come…He is FIVE!
You know those “Mom Plans” that you have before you are a mom, that you are so certain you will stick to. My kids playing sports was one of those for me. I definitely wanted them to try sports, but I really wanted them to wait until kindergarten or so, and not get competitively involved at too young of an age. HOWEVER, when a certain 4-year-old witnessed one of his favorite friends playing soccer last fall, he was ALL IN. He asked and asked and asked to get to play. And when we didn’t let him IMMEDIATELY, he just formed a team of his own, an imaginary team that lived in our home. And that’s when I knew… that I knew nothing. He was ready to play, and was determined that Cbug would be on his team, too. So, we signed up for soccer.
I could not have asked for a better introduction to organized sports for my boys. They absolutely LOVED playing soccer for the first time. And we couldn’t have hand picked a better coach (with saint-like-patience), a better team of kids and parents…Actually, I let my good friend MRF handpick them 🙂
Two of my favorite birthday months begin with “M”. Those two months are packed with celebrating people that I love.
I love May because three of my favorite fellas have birthdays within a little more than a week of each other. Uncle D celebrated his last week, someone else special is today, and I can’t even type out who will be FIVE on Friday without tearing up. We’ll get to that.
I want to remember…
I do hope to continue going back over some of the fun events from the last couple of months and get them documented here. I don’t know how long that will take or if it is even manageable. There has been camping, the museum, Easter, Mother’s Day, 1st birthday party, many a park-adventure, a soccer season and more. Just thinking about that list of documentable occasions makes my heart start racing a little. So, yeah, not making any promises and planning to cut myself some slack on hashing through it all.
In the meantime, I thought it might be fun to show a few pictures of how things are “rolling” around here. People often ask “how we do it”- meaning how do we SURVIVE. My answer is nearly always the same…we ARE NOT doing it. We simply can’t. Can’t do it alone, at least. I mentioned before, but we have literally been sustained in miraculous ways through strength and endurance of supernatural proportions and by the angels sent to walk beside us.
At home, though, we are learning a few survival tactics, and I thought it might be fun to show you a few of the small ones. No one else may be interested in this, but these little things speak volumes to me about our lives right now and…

Guess who has a Birthday today?
MMM: Pi Day
The treasure that my treasures are holding, that is. A book on the very subject that includes DRAGONS…what boy doesn’t love dragons? RRL picked it up for us Monday morning and MMM:Pi Day was born (or “circle day” as KJ dubbed it).
We made circle pictures, decorated with circle stickers. The boys loved this project, Lou thought her pink paper was complete with a single basketball and a couple of scribble.
After a two-month (plus) “sabbatical”, I wonder…is it worth trying to start again? This blog and I…our relationship is anything but consistent. Yet it sticks around. Thanks, DRRF, thanks for providing a blank page for me even when I forget to write. I’d promise to be more faithful, but we both know it would be pie-crust (easy to make, easy to crumble). I’d try to fill in the gaps of time, but where would I even begin. I know you’ll forgive me. And if even if you don’t…that’s the beauty of this relationship, it continues anyway.
So, here we go. I promise to post more pictures, funny stories, and antics soon, but first I need to set the stage a bit for a big change you’ll see on this little piece of the web.
Exactly one week after my last post, I had an awesome weekend at the beach with some lovely ladies. Sadly, I carried my camera everywhere and took exactly zero pictures. You’ll have to believe me that it was a perfect 3 1/2 days, celebrating one of my favorite people in the whole world and her upcoming marriage. There was lots of laying around at the spa, laying around on the beach, laying around by the pool…mixed with some shopping, a couple of great runs, and too much good food. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet and visit with different pieces of the bride-to-be’s world(s). It was a wonderful way to learn more about someone I already dearly loved. I came home thoroughly rested and rejuvenated.
And its a good thing, because the day after I came home, life around our house changed drastically. Monday was a normal MMM (more later about the “National Pi Day” that we celebrated) and the kids went down for great naps. Over the course of the next few hours, something RRL and I could not have foreseen began unfolding in a miraculous way. Here is a little piece of the email I sent the next day…
While the events of the last 24 hours were not even on our radar screen, we know that all along the Lord has been paving a path for these events. RRL and I have felt very strongly over the last couple of months that the Lord was “preparing” us. While that was just as ambiguous to us as it sounds and left more questions than answers, the result was that we have been in a season of growing closer to each other and closer to the Lord. We have confided this in a few close friends and as a result, know that others have been praying for us…even before we really knew what they were praying for. Yesterday the “what we were preparing for” fell in our laps in the form of three adorable siblings, the children of RRL’s stepsister. A, age 3 (three weeks older than Cbug), C, age 2 (6months older than Lou) and baby B (10 months).
We don’t really know how long our family will include our sweet nephews and niece, but for awhile at least it will change the photos and stories you see here quite a bit (obviously). Our daily family tasks take on a whole new adventure-like-quality when handling them with six small children. Its really hilarious, actually. Can’t wait to give you a glimpse. For now, though, here’s a picture to fool you into thinking we’ve got it all together (after all, it is my blog).
Life with six kids is anything but easy. Its full of blessings in the form of tons of sticky kisses and lots of dog-pile-like hugs, but there have definitely been times it when it has been completely exhausting. We continue, though, to experience that same sense that I wrote about in those very first days. We still believe that He prepared us for this path. He’s asking us to walk through something we didn’t choose, but He’s walking ahead of us, behind us, and right beside us. Sometimes His presence is in the stillness of naptime, the peace of children playing together, or the sweet conversations I get to have with my husband after all 6 kids are in bed. But sometimes its more tangible. Many times, He’s walking with us in the form of His people. People that are meeting so many of our needs, before we even know how to ask.
Here’s another email excerpt
“I am not exaggerating when I say that every single time we get to the point of being at our wits end, help arrives. There was one point this week that help was walking in our door with arm loads of groceries, at the same moment that help was walking out of our door after dropping off 3 of the children. We feel so loved. So blessed. Not alone.
I keep thinking about the following verses in Nehemiah, chapter 4. The building of the wall is well underway, yet threat of the enemy seems imminent. In order to complete the work they were called to, the people couldn’t just huddle together waiting for an attack. Instead they had a plan…
19 Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. 20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”
Thank you for being the kind of friends that, no matter how spread out we are, no matter how many different paths of service He may lead us to, we know we can be JOINED at the sounding of a trumpet (or email or blog). We’ve seen this first hand as we’ve felt surrounded in presence and in prayer and as we watch what God is doing.”
We know He is at work and feel privileged to have a front-row-seat.
I know this is long, just wanted to document a small piece of our current lives. And it seemed a bit abrupt to just show up in Deep Rolling Right Field, and not at least explain why the pictures include six children instead of three. So there you have it. Hope to be back soon…but no promises.