Folks, we have a SEVEN-YEAR-OLD!

Its’ true.  As of yesterday, we have a seven-year-old.  And I’m not quite sure how it happened.  In some ways the grey hairs I’m starting to get and the memory bank that seems to diminish daily, are great indicators that I’ve lived a lot of life- plenty enough to fill seven years.  But in other ways, it seems that I blinked and he went from being tucked safely in my arms to waving goodbye to me in front of his “big school”.
I dunno, but so far, I LOVE seven.  KJ is at an age where he’s big.  But not too big.  Just Perfect. 

My biggest boy, KJ-

The Lord knew I needed to ease into this parenting-gig, so He gave me you first.  You’ve always been an absolute JOY to parent. (Ok, so, maybe ALWAYS is a bit of an exaggeration, but not by far.)  By adding you to my life, the Lord gave me some of the first glimpses that it was possible to divide your heart and yet give it fully.  He has shown me that He gives good gifts.  He has reminded me how great it is to have children who honor you and bring you pride, as is His desire for all of us as His children.  You are amazing.  And I’m both honored and proud to be your Momma.
You’ve changed and learned so much this year, I’m not sure I can even sum it up.  Academically, you are brilliant – I’m your mom, I get to say that :).  You read way above your grade level, you are mastering math and you have retained so many facts about science and social studies.  I love that when you get in the car with me you love to do the car trivia question cards that I got a garage sale.  Together we are learning facts about different states and famous U.S. people.  You love to teach others, too, and I often find you sharing your knowledge with your brothers and sister.  We continue to work on how to share in an encouraging way, and I’ve seen you come so far in that area this year.
Recently you told me that your “class” that you teach in your room did move with us to the new house.  I hadn’t heard about “Kribagayle” and friends in a while so I wasn’t sure.  You teach them

while you fall asleep some nights and sometimes in the car.  Your daddy and I can sometimes hear you whispering your lessons to them.  So, apparently, even your sleep-avoiding-tactics involve helping others.  You are also very quick-witted.  I love that you are getting old enough to joke with us and “get-it” when we are giving you a hard time.
Its great to me your wit and imagination are alive and well, because sometimes you seem to take life so seriously.  Your top priority is safety for your friends and family members, as you remind us of the rules and plan out best strategies for rule following.    You read labels, safety warnings, and inspect areas for hazards like fire ants.  You ask lots of questions and actually remind me sometimes about being careful.  Like for your birthday when you told us “I’m not sure where I’ll stand at the park, but it will be somewhere that I can remind my friends to let an adult help them if they can’t reach”.  Luckily, we ended up having your party at a different playground, without so many hazards.  And you were able to enjoy yourself without standing guard. 
Don’t get me wrong, you LOVE to have fun.   You and Cbug would chase each other and scream and laugh at high volumes all day if you could and wrestling privaleges are pretty much your favorite thing EVER.  You love to zoom around on two wheel with your new bike riding skills AND on your new birthday-present-scooter.  I love that in these areas you are more fearless than cautious.  And that it seems to have brought great confidence to you.  We take every opportunity we can to head over to “the cul-de-sac” to ride.  Even there, when you are having a blast, you take time to encourage your brother (who is just learning to ride) and check on your sister and baby brother.  Seriously, what would I do without you.
You’ve had some tough lessons this year about disappointment at school.  Some things haven’t gone the way you really hoped.  But I’ve been so proud of the way you’ve handled even that, often adapting to situations that weren’t your first choice.  I’m really amazed at your adaptability, but also been praying that adapting wouldn’t be confused in your mind with just blending-in.  Because you, KJ, are a stand-out kid.  You are going to lead others by the example you set, by the high standards you set for yourself and others, and by the way you encourage and support and teach your friends.
And that, KJ, is my prayer for you this year.  As you put this first year of “big school” under your belt, as you apply some of the tough lessons you’ve had to learn, and as you continue to bring so much joy-
May you stand-out in the crowd. 

May you lead others on a narrow path. 
May you continue to look for ways to teach others and encourage many. 
To bring the LORD great glory.
And in all things, may you be one who, like your name means, is fully devoted to God. 

I love you so much.  My heart could just explode thinking about the blessing you are to our family.  You are, indeed, my VERY favorite seven-year-old!

Happy 7th Birthday!


Red, White and Blue

We are wearing Red, White and Blue today!

Today was KJ’s birthday and birthdays are a big deal around these parts.  I have a few thing to say to him/about him.  And I can’t wait to share about his paper airplane bash in the park.

But I really feel like I would be remiss to gloss over the real significance of today.
KJ, of course was thrilled that school was canceled on his birthday.  But even on a day filled with celebration, we definitely made sure our kiddos knew the significance of today.

We’ve had the great privalege of welcoming back from deployments some we love deeply.  I remember the first time my brother came home from overseas.  Even knowing that he was on his way, and even knowing the minimal risk he was facing for his return flight, I was on pins and needles until I knew he had safely landed on American soil.  And oh the tears when the texts starting rolling in that he was home.  My baby brother, my hero brother, was home.

With those homecomings in mind, our family is especially grateful to the families who did not celebrate a homecoming. The sacrifice you made while you waited at home, and the ultimate sacrifice you continue to make as you grieve, is one we can’t even fathom. Thank you for what your loved one has done for our country. And thank you for the way you supported them then and honor them now.

Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough to say.
But we mean it so very sincerely.


He gave her back her son…

I don’t know if anyone is following along with me on the “read through the Gospels plan” anymore.  I haven’t spent much time talking about it here.  I’m still in there, but a few weeks behind.  My sweet, honest, mentor Suzy J told me early on in the process…”you know, the Gospels will still be there in 2014″.  It was super freeing.  And ya’ll know that I must value her input IMMENSELY if it gave me freedom from my spreadsheet. Just what I needed to press on.

Regardless of where you are (or aren’t) on the “plan” to study through the Gospels, find a way to start the journey of learning more about the Lord through His word.  In this life, there are so many heart-aches.  There is so much pain, so much uncertaintly, so much disapointment.  Everyday. 

Yet in the Gospels I find rest. 

Notice I didn’t say I find answers.  I’ll be real with ya- I don’t.  Not for my human questions.  In fact, sometimes I find more questions.  But I do find a place to dwell, a place to put my hope, a place to REST.  I find truth, I find certainty, I find hope. 

Hope in stories like this one.
One of the only miracles I can think of that Jesus completely sought out.  No one approached him.  No one asked him.  No one pleaded.  He just saw.

Luke Chapter 7
11-15 Not long after that, Jesus went to the village Nain. His disciples were with him, along with quite a large crowd. As they approached the village gate, they met a funeral procession—a woman’s only son was being carried out for burial. And the mother was a widow. When Jesus saw her, his heart broke. He said to her, “Don’t cry.” Then he went over and touched the coffin. The pallbearers stopped. He said, “Young man, I tell you: Get up.” The dead son sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother.

This doesn’t answer why difficult things happen.  It doesn’t tell me why everything was taken from her.  It doesn’t tell me whether she even knew who He was.

It just tells me that at the height of his ministry, when his work breathlessly moved in a long series of phrases like “and then He…” and “Not long after that…”,
He stopped. 
When he was moving from miracle to miracle, message to sermon to anguished prayer-
He saw her, a woman who had lost everyone.
His heart broke.  He had great compassion. 

And he gave her back her son.

Before she could even ask.
And in that, friends, there is hope.
In that, there is rest.

This story, a very true story, floods me with a million questions about its current-day application, but also leaves me with this certainty:

He sees.
He has compassion.
He will redeem.


My Mothers’ Day

About a week ago, a sweet friend was asking my kiddos about “Mother’s Day”
seemed like a pretty straightforward, easy to answer question to me:
“Hey, what DO we celebrate on Mother’s Day?”
But apparently I overestimated the transparency of the holiday’s title.
Lou, from the backseat, confidently said-
today was Mother’s Day
And I guess someone clued them in because
I felt celebrated.
I received breakfast in bed.
and many (handmade) gifts.

My children posed for pictures because I asked them to.
I got to eat at a restaurant that wasn’t chosen for the children’s menu.
I got to plan the family activity for the evening.

Today, I walked down the hall at church and grinned from ear to ear
when I saw my sweet baby(est) boy
clutching a flower for me.


I was selected to be part of a Pirate Club
and ran around on the playground
with my children calling me
“Mommy Matey”

Today was fantastic.
But today
I also
dropped half a jar of baby food sweet potatoes
all over my self.

but Today
The amazing breakfast in bed KJ had been planning all week
turned out to be
one very small muffin.

But today
 I endured a temper tantrum like never before
just because I actually took the flower clutched in the sweet baby’s outstretched hand.
Apparently “here” is his word for LOOK at this.  Not take this. 
I didn’t know.

but Today
When I went to pick up one of my kids from Sunday School
the teacher informed me that he/she
had already let them know that his/her mom
was ALWAYS last to arrive.

and also, when I asked my children to rest quietly in the car
on our way home from a busy day.

Someone asked me “Are we even allowed to breathe?”

Today was

and they did everything they could
to make it mine.
Little do they know
I thank the Lord
I get to be theirs.


I suppose the rules of motherhood would say I shouldn’t have a favorite gift
but this pretty much sealed the deal for Lou.

let me get you closer

Yep, that’ll do the trick 🙂

For their teachers

Yesterday, KJ went to school looking mighty smashing in his pink button down shirt and tie.  He insisted that he wanted to wear them because pink was his teacher’s favorite color.  I proudly clutched his hand, walked him to the door of the school, and just knew that every teacher/parent/staff-member that saw him was swooning at his adorableness.  What a great mom he has!

Today, I was humbled.

Today, to show his appreciation, he took her this beauty.

To be honest, I was horrified.  I even wrote a note to his teacher that explained why in the world I let him bring her a weed, which surely is worse than coal at Christmas.  It was a carefully crafted explanation intended to dispel any notion she might have that our family believed her to be weed worthy. 
In my note I went on to explain that when KJ found this “plant” in our backyard yesterday he came running inside nearly breathless.  He declared this plant to be the PERFECT example of what they had been learning, of what SHE had taught him.  It had every single part of the plant, including visible roots.  He knew what all of the parts were called, what their purposes were, and why they were important to the life of the plant.  At school he had drawn pictures, studied diagrams, even created a book about the parts of plants.  AND NOW, in his mind, he had a perfect one in REAL LIFE.  One that his teacher absolutely must see.
As KJ got out of the van at school proudly clutching his weed, um cough plant- he moved it from one hand to the other as he adjusted his back pack and got ready to head inside to deliver his treasure.  As I watched the other children filing past with bouquets of purchased flowers or roses carefully clipped from their own gardens, I couldn’t help but feel that I was setting him up for disappointment. I just knew that any minute it was going to click- he was going to see theirs and then see his.  And realize, his treasure was a weed.
“Hey Buddy,” I called out, “I think your plant is SUPER awesome.  I’m so proud of you for knowing so much about it.  And I’m sure Mrs D will, too.  But, um, you might just want to make sure she knows that you chose it because you could see all of its parts so well.  Maybe you could just explain a little bit about why it is so special when you give it to her”.
As he began to fall in with the flow of kids he called back
“Nah, she’ll know it when she sees it”
And as he walked away from the van, I knew I had been wrong.  The explanation note was completely unnecessary.  The pep talk I gave him- completely unnecessary.  The need to protect him when his idea doesn’t look just like his friends- completely unnecessary.
She did that. 
She created in him a new knowledge.
She created in him an excitement to show her how he was applying it.
She gave him a confidence in his gift.
She was the one who was going to
“Know it when she saw it”
And it wasn’t the first time that a teacher has done this for a child.  Or the last.
Teachers everywhere see much, and know more than we give them credit for.
When kids bring you treasures that look an awful lot like rubbish, you see and you know the value.

When they learn something new, and a new door opens to them, it may be something a million children before them have learned.  But you see their joy.  And you know.

When children dont quite keep up, but won’t ask for help- you see.  And you know.
When our treasures spend each day in your class not making friends.  You see.  And you know.
When there are kids who no one asks about.  Who no one ever seems present for.  You see.  And you know.
More times than we may ever notice.  You see it- and you know it.
So, Teachers.  From the mom of the kid who brought a weed to show you how much you are appreciated.  From the mom of the kid that carried that weed with great pride because of all you have taught him.  Thank you.  A million times, thank you.
Thank you for all of the ways that you know what goes unexplained.  You see.  And you know.
And this week, during teacher appreciation week, I hope you’ve had at least one parent say to you
I see.  And I know.
All that you do.

The Teammates

They can morph into the same pretend world without ever discussing it.
They laugh at each other’s jokes, without ever saying a word.
The bunkbeds they share are their most prized possession.
They think it is hilarious that people think they are twins.
They attempt to pulverize each other on a regular basis.
They can’t wait to go to the same school.
They prefer to pee at the same time.
They ask to dress alike.
They encourage.
They argue.
They love
Each other.
They are
Super Soccer Speedy Cheetahs
for a season.
But they will be 

Wrestling Privileges and other keys to sanity

If I could make a button, which would repeat a key phrase to prevent me from uttering it ONE.MORE.TIME
the button would either say
“Please use your walking feet”
“Please tell Mommy if you need to go potty.”

I really can’t decide which one I say more often, but each are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1295766252 times a day.

Shortly followed by:
Please don’t throw/bounce/kick that in the house.
Please use your big boy/girl voice.
Please wash your hands.
Please go get a Kleenex
Please do not put that in your mouth.
Please give the baby some room to breathe.

I would like to eliminate some of this repetition.  I know some of you agree because we’ve given each other that knowing look on more than one occasion.  And not just because I’m tired of hearing my own voice.  At least partly because I bet THEY are tired of hearing my own voice, too.  Especially if that voice is in an octave usually reserved for phrases that I’ve already repeated 10395863 times that day. 
At the top of the list of successes right now:
I have (nearly) eliminated “Please don’t wrestle” from my every-day-broken-record-vocabulary.


How, you might ask? (and you definitely will ask if you have little boys)

I feel like you are going to want to write this down.  I did when someone suggested it to me. 

totally backwards, I know.  But let me tell you, this is genius. 
(sure wish I could remember who was behind this genius tip- it was either Dr. PW  or my mom.  both brilliant in child rearing) 
Anyway, that brilliant someone suggested that I give the boys “wrestling privileges”.  Each family would have to have their own parameters, but ours looks a little something like this:
You can wrestle absolutely ANYTIME you want. As long as:
-Mommy or Daddy have not asked you to do something else.
-You are in your room with the door closed.
-Your room is completely cleaned up (you know, to create good space for wrestling).
-You do not complain about injuries (you are allowed to tell an adult if there is blood).
-You only wrestle your brother and only when he is consenting.
If any of the above rules are not followed for wrestling privileges, the privileges will be revoked.  This is absolutely NOT a privilege I ever revoke as a consequence for other offenses.

Another success for us has setting a parameter for “technology time” (TV, Ipods) on the weekends so that the kids don’t even ask for it during the week.
Saying YES has led to a lot fewer NOs at our house.  A lot less wrestling in church, restaurants and other people’s houses (I know you are shocked that this was a problem for us).  A lot less quick decisions from Mom and Dad about whether now is a good time to play electronics.

In the interest of full disclosure, wrestling privileges also led to a black eye and a tooth (that was loose) coming out.  Neither of which did I know about until after the fact (refer to above rules).  In fact, after the black-eye incident, both boys came casually walking in to the kitchen like nothing was going on and asked when dinner would be ready.  KJ’s eye was already visibly hurt so I asked what happened.  KJ’s response- “I’m not complaining about it, because it happened while we were wrestling.”
And I’m totally cool with that.
I’m also cool with knowing that while I may have found a solution in this one area, for every one- 12 more will arise.  And I will be on to finding a new solution.
Because here is the point:
I’m starting to believe that raising children should not be a war– us against them. It shouldn’t even be a bunch of battles. Instead it is like players and a coach. I’m not on the opposite team, I’m trying to mold MY team. I’ve got to figure out what strategies work, not to beat them, but to help them WIN. And maybe sometimes to keep from blowing my whistle one.more.time so that I can actually have some ungritted teeth LEFT at the end of this game.
I’m all for consistency.  Really, I have a whole soap-box about that.  But sometimes my consistency of the lessons gets confused with my consistency of the methods.  And when the method isn’t working, I’ve gotta learn to PULL THAT PLUG ASAP and regroup on the strategy.  Most of the things I repeat 23098575625 times a day can be linked back to a lesson I’m trying to be consistent about.
  The key is to figure out what the original lesson was.  With washing their hands/not putting them in their mouths it is really about taking care of their health.  With not throwing/kicking/bouncing in the house it may be about taking care of the blessings we have in our toys and our home.  With wrestling, the real lesson is teaching the boys that there is a time and place for having fun together.  The method (which was not working) was constantly reminding them of all the places that were NOT appropriate to wrestle.  So instead of abandoning the LESSON,  I abandoned the METHOD.  And it worked (for now).

So now I’m on a quest. 
Which broken-record-phrase can I conquer, um I mean redirect, next?
Watch out, team,. this coach has a new strategy.


and just in case any of you other “coaches” are tempted to believe that I am exaggerating our wrestling problems…in none of the pictures in this post, dating back as much as FOUR YEARS AGO, are the boys “hugging”.

Can it be? Is he ONE?

My sweet Baby C-
It seems like only yesterday that we found out you would be joining our family.  And from that very second it has been apparent that our family just wasn’t complete before you.  You were always meant to be part of us

I’m so thankful for this first year of getting to know you, our newest team member.  You haven’t started really talking or walking yet and we are only beginning to see the first glimpses of your very own personality.  So there is still so much for us to learn about you. 

But there are a few things we do know.

We know that you like to eat early.  Really early.  Our first baby to be a super early rise.
We know that you love to GO places.  One of your favorite phrases (maybe your only phrase) is “Go.Go.Go.” and you rush toward any door that you think might be opening for you.
One of the only other things you say is something that resembles “Hey”.  You use it to get attention.  Not that attention is something you ever have to work very hard to find.
We know you look AH-MAZING in blue.  Your eyes.  Oh, your eyes.
We know you give the BEST hugs, snuggling your head against us and wrapping your little hands around our shoulders.
We know you LOVE to “pat”, you love to pull hair, and you love to try to steal glasses.
We know you LOVE having a big brother that sits by you in the van and takes such sweet care of you.
We know you LOVE have another big brother that can always make you laugh.
We know you LOVE having a sister that plays with you and lets us know when you need something.
We know you LOVE when your Daddy gets home or when he lets you take a nap with him.
But what we really know, is that you love Mommy the very best.
Even though we also know that you won’t say my name unless you are M-A-D.  Usually you just say “ha” when I try to get you to say it.
We know you have one of the very best courtesy laughs.
We know you also have the most contagious REAL laugh.  Really, it is the BEST.LAUGH.EVER.
And we know that your “real” laugh is triggered by the most unexpected things.
We know that you might eat baby food FOREVER you love it so much.
WE know that every single member of our family loves to spoil you.
AND we know we all love you.  Every single bit of you.

You are still so small.  At your party we celebrated you with “mini”, “pint-sized”, “small”, and “little” desserts.  So fitting for our littlest man.  But as I was preparing banner with your name on it, I couldn’t help but think about your BIG name- all ELEVEN letters of it.  Your sister stumbling over all of the syllables and multiple “r’s” sums it up well- it is a mouth full.  And it will be a doozy to teach you to spell.  But for all of the letters, and all the syllables, it is a million times more full of meaning. 
As we begin your second year,
I’m continuing the prayer that began the moment we first named you.  
As we learn more about who you will become this year, may it be that we’ll see you continue to grow into this name.  May you continue to grow in love and admiration for the one you were named after, he’ll teach you so much. May your Daddy and I continue to mold you in a way that helps you carry this name.  
May you be “One who bears Christ” to others through you smile, through your joy, through your story.
and may the way you complete our family continue to be “Poetic”. 
Not b

ecause of one single thing you can do alone, sweet one, but because of the Jesus whose name you’ll likely speak for the very first time this year. 

Happy 1st Birthday, precious boy!

I love you more than words can say.


Another ALWAYS Tradition

We have a tradition.
If you’ve been around DRRF for very long, I know the thought of ME having a TRADITION completely SHOCKS you (wink).
My general mantra is- If it was fun once, it will surely be more fun to do it every.single.year.  ALWAYS.

We ALWAYS go to Chick Fil A on “Dress Like A Cow Day”.  I ALWAYS go to Abilene alone in the fall.  We ALWAYS watch our wedding video on our anniversary.  We ALWAYS have our pumpkin patch pictures taken by the same sweet friends.

AND we ALWAYS go to Ennis (the official bluebonnet capital) for the Annual Bluebonnet Festival.

Unless we don’t. Because when you have many small children, sometimes you won’t.  And sometimes even the most-tradition-loving-type-A-accountant-mom has to let go a little.  Which is why last year we went to Ennis, but not on festival weekend (which would have been a few days before C’s due date). And why we didn’t go the year before when our house was full of extra little ones. Which means, we’ve technically only been to the festival once before.  The year we started the tradition.

But this year.  We resumed this ALWAYS tradition.
It didn’t make a whole lot of sense because we’ve just been so stinkin busy.  It seemed silly to pack everyone up and head-out for a getaway that would be sandwiched between events.  I seriously debated the merit of it the night before.  But my sweet husband.  My sweet patient, hair-brained-idea-supporting husband.  He knows me so well.  He loves me.  He cares that I’m happy.   And he knows that this ALWAYS tradition is important to me.  He knows that there is an NPR-listening-piece-of-me, that fits in best with those that are about twice my own age.  Of which there is a PLETHORA in Ennis this time of year.  So maybe the sum of all of that is why he encouraged us to go.

I’m so glad we did.
Our adventure ALWAYS start with a quick stop to visit my precious friends at the garden club tent (who sweetly mark out the best routes to take for bluebonnet sightings while calling you “sugar” and “dear” to your heart’s content).

And then we were off.  We had the very best time just being together,

laughing at our kiddos having fun at the carnival games
sharing sweet treats
and conquering their fears.
*I have pictures of both KJ and Cbug at the top of this giant rock-climbing wall.  But I love this one of KJ because he was so apprehensive.  And one point even “quit”.  But after Cbug made it to the top, he decided to try again, kept going, and got to ring the buzzer at the summit.  I might have cried I was so proud of my little calculated non-risk-taker of an oldest child.
**And yes, Lou, who is afraid of small dogs to the point of ear piercing screams upon sight, rode a live pony.  Because “it has a purple tail”.  And she loved it.  There are no words.
We browsed the craft fair, drove the country roads looking at the scenery,
and stayed in a hotel (why do kids think that is so cool?)
Did I mention that we got to take along some special guests, too?
Or should I say, they took us along.  They always spoil us.  Like when Momma heard me jokingly tell RRL that I could definitely beat him if we raced in rock climbing.  And then she decided to “sponsor us” for an actual race.  Which he won.   There, Babe, I said it.  Without excuse.
And even that was fun.
I loved every minute of this trip.
I’m not gonna lie.
I always under-estimate the stress level of trying to get a good picture of my four kids.
I mean, really.  Why would i think it would be easy? (mom, what were we thinking in this one)
or fun?  (yes, Baby C was crying)
I kept repeating “It’s ok.  It doesn’t matter.  It really doesn’t matter.” But still, I’m pretty sure mid-picture-taking my blood started to boil (and not from the sun, which you can tell by the brightness of these pictures, was super hot).  I’ll admit that I nearly lost my patience on more than one occasion.
This one was an “almost”.
But Lou’s dress was stuck together with the syrup from her breakfast.
And I’m pretty sure Cbug’s hand was down the back of his pants.
Or maybe I actually DID lose my patience, checked at the door with my sanity.

I can’t be quite sure.  I’m already a little fuzzy on the details.  Denial has begun in preparation for doing exactly the same thing next year.  When the tradition, whose sweetness far outweighed its sweatiness, will surely continue.  And when I’ll once again declare
The Annual Bluebonnet Festival is my very favorite tradition of spring.

And these are my very favorite little people to see in the bluebonnets.
See you next year, sweet grey-haired-friends in Ennis.

Unless we don’t.
Because sometimes when you have many small children, you won’t.
But we’ll call it an Always Tradition.  Anyway.


The victor and other miscellaneous

These days, our lives seem to be made up of a whole lot of random miscellaneous.  None of it, in and of itself, seems all that significant.  But then I think about the loss in our country this week.  Think about the family memories destroyed.  Pray for children that are living in horror after what they experienced.  And then, I cling to this miscellaneous, this ordinary.  My adorable munchkins, the funny things they say, the innocence of their childhood.  It becomes precious.  Suddenly I have just a smidge of insight into what is behind those eyes that watch us in the grocery store, or sit near us in a restaurant.  Faces filled with wrinkles, hair turned grey, and eyes that remember their own ordinary days from years ago.  Its no wonder they beg me to remember, treasure, enjoy these days of miscellaneous.

So, here is some of ours….

Madness update
I hoped if maybe I buried this deep in a sappy blog post, I wouldn’t have to face it. 
But facts are facts.  And I feel it only fair to provide an update to our March Madness.
My child, who can barely read, who has no idea what NCAA stands for, who did bracket selection based on colors…beat me.  beat all of us.  Worst of all- he beat me by 1/2 a point.  Ouch.  If you would like to take notes on how to win Cbug style- just know that he accurately selected the first round upsets of Harvard, La Salle and Florida Gulf Coast.  And had Michigan going deep.  How he knew?…colors.  So yeah, I’ve got nothing for you.

Here are the final totals:   Cbug 51.  ABL 50.5.  RRL 47.  Lou 47.  Baby C 42.  KJ 35.
Cbug’s Numbers
Speaking of Cbug.  The kid is crazy about numbers.  Anyone watch the show TOUCH? If not, this will mean nothing to you.  But just in case.  This is what Cbug carried out of free-draw-time at preschool this week. 
Yeah, he’s no Jake, but he does love him some numbers, dates, and patterns.

Case in point:  On Sunday we walked into church and Cbug got all excited.
C: “Mom, mom, did you see that lady?  Did you see who that was” 
A: “No, buddy, who was it?”
C: “Do you remember number 23 from the Lonestars (the team we played against in Saturday’s soccer game)?  That was his mom!”
A: Um, no.  Actually, I do not remember who was number 23 on the Lonestars.

Not all of their Smarts are Safe

Together, the boys can really come up with some crazy stuff.  Like when they got this frisbee rung around a light.  Can you see in this picture how they were planning to get it down?  Luckily I caught them before they stacked enough puzzles.

KJ’s Smarts

KJ has some different smarts.  Mostly in regards to safety and rules.  Recent examples:
“Mom, I don’t think we are going to be able to work this one out on our own.  I took away Cbug’s train privilege and he took away my Lego privilege.  But we are still arguing.”

“Mom, you did a good job choosing the soap for the bathroom.  It kills 99% more germs than other soaps.  That was a healthy choice.”

And finally, after getting hurt on the playground “Mom, if we have my birthday party at that park, I’m not sure where I’ll stand.  But it’ll be somewhere that I can remind kids to ask an adult for help if they can’t reach.”

Mom is not so smart
And its a good thing that a few members of our house are learning and getting smarter.  Because I’m pretty sure I’m getting dumber by the minute.
I tried to “spell check” Ricky- I was 100% convinced that he had misspelled hassle.  I corrected it hastle.  Because that’s a word.  no.  no it isn’t.

AND.  upon finding that some little friend left a nice wad of green gum stuck to a stone pillar on my back porch (note- my kids don’t chew gum).  I decided to try to get it off…with peanut butter.  Hey, it works on hair.  Why wouldn’t it work on stone?  Let me save you the trouble (or should I say hastle)– go straight for the Goo-Gone.  (Which is what my brilliant husband recommended when he saw me trying to lather our porch with pb.)

Little Bear = Baby C.  Who had an adventure.
You may remember that I committed to a blog name for baby brother- Little Bear.  But

I never use it.  It just doesn’t flow off the finger tips, or work easily into my conversation-style-writing I tend to use on the ‘ole blog.  So, back to the drawing board.  Because eventually it will not work to call him Baby C. He’s getting so big.  So fast.  More coming soon about him- he’ll be O-N-E in just another week.  One of his new favorite things is playing in the playroom like a big kid.

AND…Baby C had quite the adventure this week.  Ear infection resulted in sudden spike in fever. Resulted in Febrile Seizure.  Resulted in panicked parents who called 911.  Which resulted in paramedics showing up at our house in the middle of the night.  Just in time to tell us, that while it may have been terrifying (for us),  he was totally fine.  Great.  And we were about to write him off as the easy child.  Thanks, Baby C.
And not to be left out.  Princess Lou.
There are so many things about Lou that I want to remember right now (not including the drama she brings).  1) I love how she convinces the boys to play house with her on a regular basis.  And I love how when they are playing parents they call each other “Babe”.  2) If she ev-uh adds huh “ahs” to wuhds, I’ll be so sad.  3) I love that she calls sneezes “Bless Yous” and 4) I love how she crosses her legs, puts her hands on her knees, and gets a look in her eyes that almost convinces me she really is 25.  Like she thinks.
Sweet, friendly readers of DRRF-
  As I sort through some of our recent miscellaneous, I’m praying for yours.  May your days be filled with the blessings of the ordinary. May you think your own children are the most hilarious, most brilliant, most beautiful that you have ever encountered.  May you enjoy these glorious days made up of sometimes unenjoyable moments.  And may you treasure them- long before you are old enough to warn someone else that they should.
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