On a mission

Two years ago we got some fun pictures in the bluebonnets with one of KJ’s best buddies. The boys did not love the experience (at all), but the flowers were pretty!

Last year we had trouble finding a good place to take the traditional pictures, so I did not get any…which lead to this springs MISSION. I was out to find a perfect patch, without driving 4 hours. I may or may not occasionally have some obsessive tendencies. I may or may not occassionally get an idea in my head and absolutely NOT be able to let it go until I have accomplished the task- big or small. The bluebonnet pictures shouldn’t have been a big deal, but I got the idea in my head and couldn’t let it rest. I actually even enlisted the services of the state’s department of transportation website to help me find a patch in our area (I know, out of control).

In the end, all of the research and planning was totally worth it (please wait awhile longer before you ask RRL if he thinks it was worth it). We went with reasonable expectations, knowing that we had a 50/50 shot of happy children and even lower odds for both of them being happy at the same time. But we were pleasantly surprised with the results. RRL was the photographer and I’d say he did a pretty incredible job…and did not complain ONE TIME about driving 45 minutes to let me accomplish this crazy mission in a just average bluebonnet patch. What a great man!!

Couldn’t you just eat them up (the boys, not the flowers)? I love when we are able to capture their fun-loving personalities. We are so blessed by both of these joys!!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  2. Those pictures are great! I think the 45 minute drive was worth it. You’ll cherish those for years to come!

  3. I love it — the outfits, the previous smiles, everything!

  4. So cute! You got some really great ones! I will say I am the same way, once I get an idea in my head I have to do it or I go crazy! So we did pics last night in the hundred mile an hour wind (not really but it did almost knock Em over) but ours didn’t turn out quite as good as yours!

  5. I LOVE the last picture! They are just precious! Oh, and no judgement here on getting an idea in your head that you can’t let go of. I know nothing of that. 🙂

  6. They are SU-PER adorable!! I think it was totally worth it!!

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