NYC fun (continued)

Sometimes you pay for the experience
We started Sunday attending church service where our friends that live in Manhattan normally go. It was cool to get this small glimpse into their lives in the city. I tend to feel more connected to people when I see what their Sunday worship experience might include so this was really important to me.

The rest of the day was pretty much centered around food. We had an awesome brunch at “Good Enough to Eat” (thanks, C&J) followed by a leisurely nap at the apartment. RRL and I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening shopping downtown. We had so much fun at F.A.O. Schwartz picking out presents for the boys and also loved Dylan’s Candy Bar- how could you go wrong with 3 stories of goodness?

For our evening fun we all 4 decided to go to Serendipity for frozen Hot Chocolate. After waiting 1.5 hours and paying way too much for dessert, I’d say it was definitely worth it to do once. It was a fun experience and fun hanging out with friends, but probably not high on my list to do again.

Our favorite NYC attraction
On Monday, our favorite NYC attraction arrived. Baby J came home! I’ve loved her Mommy for as long as I can remember and have been anxiously awaiting a chance to welcome this angel to the world. Her parents are the ones that graciously let us (and friends) use their apartment and we were so thankful. But even more, we were just glad to have some time visiting with them, catching up on their lives and sharing what the Lord is doing for us. We pretty much spent the whole afternoon/evening just enjoying this amazing family. And to top it off, Baby J’s Daddy sure does make some incredible milkshakes!

Just a walk in the park

We still had two things on our list that we wanted to take care of on our last day in the city. #1- A long run in Central Park and #2- Chicken and Waffles. Check. Check. The long run would have been even more fun with our running buddies…we missed you guys being there. I didn’t take any pictures in the park at all. Shame on me. I did get a few of Amy Ruth’s, though, where we went to get Chicken and Waffles in Harlem. YUM YUM. If you haven’t ever had this yummy dish, you are missing out. My brother, M, introduced us to it in LA and we’ve been fans ever since. (Yes, you put the fried chicken on top of the waffles, and yes, you still add syrup).


We spent much of Wednesday traveling. One long busride and several hours on a plane brought us back to these adorable faces. (Someday I hope they’ll forgive me for the diaper pictures, but they are just so cute I can’t help myself!)

So, there you have it. The highlights. A great trip with a wonderful husband in a super fun city. But boy was I ready to be home. Thanks again, Mom, for taking such good care of our boys. We certainly missed them!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. What a great trip. You guys deserve it!

  2. Come back, come back!! (And bring the boys too!) Baby J misses you, and Jim needs someone else to make milkshakes for.

  3. So glad you and RL got to do this, how nice!!

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