My very first Barbie Party

I didn’t think it could get much better than last year’s Batman party…but it did. Oh WOW, it did.

My kids, the boys especially, are at an age where you simply can’t turn to the next age WITHOUT having a party. They don’t necessarily think you need a lot of guests, presents, or a big to-do, but you NEED to have a party. With a theme.

A regular conversation at our house is “whose birthday is next?” and we have to run down the list of family birthdays. When the boys realized that mine was next and coming soon (ie MONTHS ago), they started planning my party. Like last year, I decided to totally let them have free reign. For quite a while it was to be a Spiderman theme, but just a couple of weeks ago, my logical 5-year-old declared “Guys, Mom would probably like something girly. Maybe it should be Barbie instead.”  And from then on, Barbie it was.

If you’ve known me for long you realize the irony of this selection.  The humor in the fact that Spiderman might actually HAVE been a more accurate theme choice.  I’m very certain, in my entire life of birthday parties, I NEVER chose Barbie.  I barely even owned any of the dolls. AND I’m 100% sure I’ve never had a high-heeled anything atop my cake.  But, I love the fact that my sweet children decided that since Barbie is pink and I am a girl, I would LOVE this Barbie party.  And they were right.  I loved going all-out-pink and celebrating with some of my favorite little people.

For your Barbie party (per KJ)…
You need PINK.
Lots of pink.
So, we started with a pink cake (which equaled strawberry cake…YUM).
Then you need to get some pink Barbie decorations. Have you seen Barbie decorations lately?  Not your momma’s Barbie.  The glam, the sparkles, the HIGH.HEELED.SHOES (ok, maybe that part has not changed much).  This may be the first…and last…Barbie party at our house.  Where was the “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” party decor section?

For a little MORE pink, you need some pink balloons and streamers, in varying shades of pink.  By this point I was starting to channel my inner Shelby “my colours are blush and bashful, one is a much deeper shade than the other”.  I just dished out tape and let the kids stick streamers around the kitchen to their little hearts’ content.  This was a much better alternative in my mind to Cbug’s suggestion that we “paint the ceiling pink”. Um. No.

And last, but certainly not least…we needed something PINK to drink.  And what’s a party without Kool-Aid.  This would make approximately two times that I have prepared this drink for my children. 
I know, so deprived.
And there ya have it.  A Barbie party fit for a queen…or maybe just fit for an indulgent Momma who thinks it is awesome that her children wanted to make her day special. 
Thanks little ones. You always know how to make a girl feel loved. 
I can’t wait to see what next year’s theme is.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:44 pm

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  1. Next year’s theme will be coffee. 🙂 I love it! My kids were SO over my birthday…since Zoe’s is 4 days later, they were like “Oh, mom’s birthday is today? That means we get to have Zoe’s party soon!”

    I love keeping up with your family. I am very excited for your newest addition, too, by the way. You are such a great mom, and lucky for this next baby, God chose you again! 🙂

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