MMM: Yard Art

Recently, we did some major renevating in our front yard.  I thought our Monday project would be a great way to get the kids involved and also a neat way to leave a piece of their sweetness in the yard.

This project ended up spanning two different Mondays (and one Sunday trip to buy flowers).

First, I let the boys paint the pots.  We have found, over the course of our Monday projects, that we really do our best work in our pajamas!


 I’ve also learned during these projects, that the more freedom they have to create on their own, the more excited they are about the finished product.  Sometimes, it is hard to let go, let them make a mess, and see the project turn into a glob of paint…but the look of pride on these sweet faces is well worth it.  And in the end, I LOVED the finished product, too!

The boys had so much fun helping choose the flowers that would go in their pots.
And were also a big help when we planted them  Let’s face it, anytime there is dirt involved, these boys are gung-ho!
Their new favorite thing around our house is watering the flowers.  They LOVE to help with this job…which helps their Momma remember to do it, too.  I sure hope they end up with more of a green thumb than I have!

 Not only was this a great way to makeover our monday (and our yard), it thrills me each time I walk out the front door and see their sweet flower pots at the edges of the porch.  Love it!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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  1. i love this! they look like they are having a blast! you are such a great mommy! i love you!

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