MMM: Daddy’s Bday Surprise

When Monday also happens to be RRL’s bday, it makes perfect sense that our MMM project would be a surprise for him.  I wanted to make him dessert, but we were having cake the next night with his family to celebrate, so I had to get creative.  He LOVES Dr Pepper so I was thrilled when I cam across this recipe for Dr Pepper no bake cookies.  The recipe even indicated that it was kid friendly so it was perfect for us (so I thought).
The recipe definitely was kid friendly during the first several steps.  I mean, of course it was, it involved Nilla Wafers.
And even involved crushing them and dumping them (two of the boys favorite activites in any arena)
And the recipe was shaping up to be a tasty one, too.  Add some Dr. Pepper and a whole-lotta butter (yes, that is an official measurement)
This is where it got tricky.  After you mix all of those fun ingredients, you are supposed to form small balls of dough, dip them in icing and then roll them in nuts.  I do not have many pictures of these steps because…well, this was NOT kid friendly…or mom friendly for that matter.  IT WAS A HUGE MESS.  Don’t know if my icing was too runny, maybe should have actually used nuts (instead of substituting mini-chocolate-chips), or the dough should have chilled to be a little more firm.  Whatever the reason, the finished product tasted great, but looked anything but appetizing.
Anyone else have a fun Dr. Pepper recipe? 
Please keep in mind that if you tell me it is kid friendly and I can’t even do it myself, I might cry.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:52 pm

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