Last day of School

Although our preschool goes year-round, we still celebrated the “last day of school” before the summer program began.  The day before KJ’s graduation, the littler kids (Cbug, A, and C) had a small end of year program.  Since I forgot to take pictures before they left that morning, for their last day of school, I snapped a few before we left for the program that evening.  I’m so glad I did- they were looking especially handsome/beautiful all clean and dressed-in-their-best.
KJ started at this little preschool two years ago, and we have loved every minute of it.  But I have never loved it quite as much as I did the day I sat in the school office, telling the assistant director about my niece and nephew.  They threw their arms open for these two, totally “bent” all the rules to make the best possible situation for their mid-year transition to the school, and walked step-by-step with them as they worked to adjust to the new place.  I’m so very thankful for the ladies that took care of all four of these precious ones while they were at school, especially in the midst of this crazy season for our family.
(When you see Cbug’s picture with his teacher, would you join me in a unified song of praise that Mrs J has 3 boys of her own at home and just KNOWS how to love boys)

For comparison purposes, here are all of their first day and last day pictures.
First day
Bummed that somehow I didn’t get a picture of KJ by himself on the first day.  I was so loving the boys excitement over going to school TOGETHER that I didn’t think farther.  Ah well.

Last day
First Day
On A’s first day, Cbug thought he might need a little extra encouragement and suggested that A wear the multicolored macaroni necklace that Cbug had crafted.  Nice touch to his first-day-of school attire, I thought.
Last Day
First Day
Last Day
I can see the biggest change in Cbug.  He has gained TONS of confidence this school year…not that these pictures would tell you that or anything (smirk).  Is it just me, or does anyone else see these and CLEARLY picture the ham-of-a-teenager that our Cbug will be? Watch out (and stick around for the fun)!

First day

Last day

 Aren’t they the sweetest?  We are so blessed to have a place for them to spend a few days during the week where they are so well loved and learn more about Jesus!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:46 pm

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  1. They are all so sweet! I love getting my daily hugs from each of them at school, whether I am ready or not! They have touched our lives so much – we love them all!

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