Just because

Random pictures from the last month or so.  Just because.

A couple of firsts…

Lou’s first

time in the nursery
and KJ’s first
homework project

A new family favorite…

“soap soup”
We let the boys “cook” some sudsy water
while we are making dinner.
Bath time.  We haven’t braved all three in the tub at once, but Lou loves to be entertained by her rowdy bros while they bathe.

On the flight to TN for my Grandmother’s funeral. 

Cbug wasn’t quite sure what to think, but the view was gorgeous. 
He pretty much had a complete melt-down at the threshold to the plane. 
When we buckled him in his seat he was shouting “I so scared, I so scared”. 
So dramatic and amazingly completely cured with a package of cookies from the flight attendant.
Its been super cold and rainy around here
(no comments from Lt D,  currently stationed in Alaska, will be allowed)
We haven’t been outdoors much.  So, when it got above 40 and was only drizzling instead of raining, I let the boys go out for a bit.  I could only find one hat and one pair of gloves, though, so we had to improvise with a pair of Daddy’s socks and a hat that is about 2 sizes too small for KJ.  The boys didn’t care and it made for a good laugh for their parents.
Everything about this picture just makes me laugh.
What’s with the crazy eyes?
And Lou loves to try to stand up
(even though she can’t crawl)
Her uncles gave her this super cute outfit for Christmas.

Its tough to be her!  Preciousness.

So there you have it. 
Just because,
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:52 pm


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  1. There’s nothing a box of cookies won’t fix, right? 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing the pics! Love seeing your sweet ones.

  3. I would never comment on the fact that we are having a heat wave here and it got above 0 today.

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