It’s a…

We had our sonogram this morning, at 9:45.  I only tell you that to let you have the opportunity to be proud of me for waiting all the way until 6:45 this evening to find out the gender of our precious angel (and to hopefully have you forgive me for waiting ALL.STINKIN’.DAY to reveal this news to you).

Our dear friend, Mel, offered to throw us a gender reveal party tonight.  I LOVED the idea.  I loved that it was something special and unique just for this #4 (heaven knows there will be very little of his/her VERY own that this angel will enjoy).  AND this way some of our friends and our family could participate in discovering the news.  Even my parents, who were far away, got to participate via Skype.  They wouldn’t have been able to do that in the sonogram room.  It felt like they were there…would have rather hugged their necks, but loved sharing it with them none-the-less.

SO….NO ONE knew.  The information was sealed in an envelope, delivered to a party store and the workers (apparently quite confused by the whole idea) filled a box full of appropriate colored balloons.  SO.MUCH.FUN…but it nearly killed me. 

Until we FINALLY GOT to open the box

And (attempt to) release the Balloons
(they were not very cooperative and only came out one at a time)
revealing that we will have…
A BOY!!!!!

A beautiful, healthy, precious gift of a BOY!!!  I’m so in love with him already.
and these guys are pretty excited, too

When we first found out about this little one, months ago, I felt overwhelming pressure to find the perfect name.  I wanted it to carry meaning that really represented this “marker” for our family, the amazing way this sweet baby came to be part of our family.  I did lots of “research” about baby names and meanings but pretty well came up empty handed.  So I just began to pray that we would “know”.  UNTIL one day RRL and I sat down at a lunch date and both said the same name.  It was done.  THEN I found out what it meant, combined with the middle name we liked and knew it was perfect.
His first name is Christopher
meaning “One who bears Christ”
and his middle name is Teague
meaning “poet or poetic”
To us, his name is packed full of meaning.  To us it means:
The one who revealed Christ in and to our family in a creative way.  The one who marks a time when Christ revealed  HIMSELF to us in a way so poetic it nearly sings to us.  One who carries a legacy of Christ that we will always talk about and pray that generations to come will honor and cherish.
If that weren’t enough…he shares the name of someone we love deeply.  Someone we love like family.  A mentor and friend.  Someone we hope this little one looks to as a hero, just like we always have.  That said, the highlight of the night was the fact that some of the very first times our son’s name was spoken was in prayer by Chris.  Wow!

So, tonight we celebrated.  We celebrated with balloons.  We celebrated with prayer.  We celebrated with some of our favorite people.  We celebrated this sweet baby that we cannot wait to meet!

Oh, little one, I cannot wait to tell you how much you were loved from your very earliest days.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:44 pm


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  1. Congratulations on finding out it’s a boy 🙂 Such a blessing, and the name is so great and absolutely fitting.

  2. Congratulations guys! How exciting.

  3. We are so excited! What a fun way to reveal your new little boy blessing!!

  4. Outstanding — You could have named him after me — NOT!!

  5. welcome Christopher, we can’t wait to meet you.

    uncle michael, aunt audrey and cousin hannah

  6. Sweet friend! I am in tears reading your blog! A little sweet man child to love Jesus is just what this world needs. Thank you for being up for bringing this treasure into the world and thank you for loving Jesus. So happy for you! Love and miss you!
    Martha Rogers

  7. Congrats!! What a special celebration of your sweet Christopher!!

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