in the heat of July

Moving + a 3-month-old + his three older siblings (none of whom we really old enough to help)=
But here are a few pictures, just to remember that it happened.

We moved in.  Each with our different contributions.  RRL turnedd the key that would let us into our new home on July 4th.  He carried me across the threshold, symbolizing a new beginning of “front porch moments“.  And then he went straight to work- HARD WORK, unloading the truck, storage unit and other places we had scattered our belongings.

While I just made more messes.  Well, at least that is what it felt like for a while, as I sorted through boxes of belongings, trying to find their new homes.  And as I tagged all the crazy-colored walls of our home with swatches of new ideas and clean starts. 

The kids had some ideas, too, about how our new spaces should be utilized.  Primarily, using all of the empty space to P-L-A-Y.  We both loved and feared seeing these little booby traps placed all over the floors.  Why else would there be “empty space” if not for their Lego creations?

But amidst the moving in craziness we did manage some normal Team L craziness, too.  Like keeping up with our annual Cow Day tradition.  Seriously, when free food is on the line, even unpacking can’t keep US from it.
And through all the craziness of July, this sweet little 3-month-old just rolled with the flow. 
So there’s the proof.  July did happen.  Good thing I took some pictures because that is about as close as I can get to remembering any of it.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:27 am

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