How to make PERFECT Christmas cookies…

…with special assistance from chef KJ.


Rollout the dough. Be sure to use plenty of flour on the dough and the rolling pin (and might as well also cover yourself, the entire counter, chair and floor…just to be sure nothing sticks).


Cut the cookies into your favorite Christmas shapes (circles work if your Momma couldn’t find any Christmas cookie cutters).

Pat gently to the perfect thickness (pounding with your entire hand might be required) and place the cookies on the pan

Put your cookies in the oven (and be sure to run by frequently to check to see how they are coming along)

Add the necessary toppings…we like icing AND sprinkles at our house

They just need a taste test before the last step…

Share some Christmas cheer by making a plate of cookies to share with a neighbor (and definitely deliver them very close to your 2-year-old’s bedtime so that he’ll be nice and wild during your visit).

KJ and I had a blast making cookies together and he was so proud when we took some to a couple of friends. Please don’t tell him, though, that might not be necessary to roll, cut, and pat slice and bake cookies…especially if you are just going to cut them into round cookies. He had way more fun this way. Why ruin it for him?
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm


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  1. OK – that looks like tons of fun. Could you please send a few of those yummy looking cookies our way! Courtney, Caitlyn(ak Helen) and Casey would love one.
    Hugs and kisses to you all.
    Merry Christmas.
    Love ya,
    All the Flow’s

  2. Umm, Yummy!!! Those look sooo good! He looks like he had so much fun! So sweet!

  3. Ha! Those are the cutest pictures ever. 🙂 And actually, I think that is an excellent mom tip (to buy slice and bake dough.) I think that’s what I’m going to do!!

  4. too cute!!!! You are a brave mom…I could not imagine letting Weston loose in the kitchen with any of that!!!

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  6. Oh, this looks like so much fun! And all of the sudden my sweet tooth is calling . . .

  7. Yum! What perfect cookies! And what a great helper, too!

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