How KJ spends his time these days…

Reading with Uncle M

Drawing uncle M’s hand

Having Uncle M draw his hand

Watching TV with Uncle M

Going night-night with Uncle M

Going to the park with Uncle M
Looking for fish with Uncle M
Do you detect a theme? After 3 years in South America, we are ALL so happy to have Uncle M for a visit. No one is happier than KJ, though. He wants to be by his side at all times and watches everything he does. I’m so thankful that they are getting to spend time together. Not to be left out…C-bug has been getting his share of snuggles too, but for some reason the pictures came out blurry.

side note: Yes, KJ still occasionally wears one (or two) blue gloves for no apparent reason…even when it is 90 degrees outside!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. Love seeing pictures of Uncle M. Can’t wait to see him in person! I know you all are having blast.
    Love and Hugs to all.
    The Flow’s

  2. Have you considered kidnapping Uncle M? I don’t think I would ever let him leave. Love the blue gloves. That is too funny.

  3. Those are such sweet pictures!

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