Has it really been one year?

KJ’s 3rd birthday is not for a few weeks, but we celebrated this weekend. With baby sister scheduled to arrive so close to KJ’s big day, we decided to play it safe. And it made the party a lot more fun for me, too, than I’m sure it would have been if we had waited. He was so excited about BLOWING OUT CANDLES and singing “Happy Birthday” that he could hardly stand it, and I could not stand the thought of him missing out if baby sister arrived early. I’m so glad it worked out.

I’ll write more about our special oldest child on his birthday, but for now was just marveling at the difference in these two photos (last year’s party and this year’s party).

My what a difference a year makes! In some ways time seems to have flown by, but I can also tell that our little man has grown and changed SO MUCH this year. We sure love him!!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. He looks so grown up! Happy Birthday, KJ!

  2. This made me tear up a bit because it shows how fast time flies and I know they all have to grow up but I wish it wasn’t so fast. Precious times.

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