Guessing Game

Our family has one of the best surprises EVER headed our way. Wanna guess what the surprise is? Below are some picture clues to help.

10,000 points to the person who guesses first. 5,000 bonus points to anyone who can correctly caption the pictures as to how they relate to our “little” surprise.

Who am I kidding? As if I could wait until the end of some fake contest to give away the answer.

So award yourself the points if you labeled the pictures as follows:

1) My dream of owning a mini-van may come true sooner than I expected!

2) Recently I had lose-my-mind moment #1 (for this round) and actually buckled both boys into each other’s car seats (KJ in the infant seat, Cbug in the big boy seat). NICE.

3) Foreshadowing to family of 5. Actually, this is us meeting sweet baby GCH for the first time. Isn’t he handsome? You might be able to tell in the picture that I am a little green and feeling very sick.

4) Speaking of sick, nothing makes me gag more than opening a can of babyfood. I have to hold my breath to feed poor Cbug.

So NOW can you guess?

That’s right…BL3 is on the way! We are absolutely over-joyed and so thankful that the Lord chose to bless us in such an unexpected way. We had our first doctor’s appointment today, everything looks very healthy, and BL3 should arrive sometime at the beginning of June (right after KJ’s 3rd birthday).

Thanks for sharing our excitement!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm


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  1. Yahoo for you! We can compare baby bumps when we Arnolds are home for Christmas (I’m due in June too). And if you have to choose a mini-van, that’s a nice one! Blessings and an extra dose of energy for you this week!

  2. 3 under the age of 3 how cool is that. that is what i want to do someday. not for a few years for me but some day. congrats

  3. What a fabulous surprise! I’m so excited to meet BL3!

  4. oh. And I thought you were going to announce KJ and Cbug were going to have a sister! πŸ™‚ Either way – my 3 sons would be awesome too. Can’t wait for the “next surprise”! πŸ™‚

  5. I’m so excited for your family!

  6. That’s SO exciting! Congratulations!!!

  7. YAY!!! How exciting! That is almost as close as my babies were. Micah was 2 and a half, and Coby was 15 months old when I had Cason. And now they are all best friends! How fun for you!! YAY!!

  8. WOW!!! That is so awesome!! Congratulations!! Here’s hoping to a great and healthy pregnancy!! What fun!

  9. Whoa! 3 kids in 3 years. You guys are super parents. You’ll have a whole football team in no time. And that is not to say it’ll be another boy. I love football more than most guys do! And Cbug’s face in that picture is priceless! I can totally see myself doing that one day. Some things become such a habit you don’t even stop to think what you are doing. I’m so excited for you. Hope the first trimester yucks are over!

  10. Its so crazy to me that KJ actually fits in the infant carrier- what a little skinny minny. πŸ™‚ SO excited for ya’ll!!! (Maybe more excited that its you and not me- j/k). You will be in my prayers- hope you are feeling ok. Bless you woman!!!

  11. Congrats!!!! and hang onto your hat!!!! what fun!!
    May God bless you with an easy pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby!
    Alice Ketchersid

  12. Here’s hoping for three boys…it’s way fun !!! πŸ™‚

  13. Yay!! Congratulations!! I am so excited for y’all. I have been behind on your blog and decided to catch up tonight. So glad I did!

  14. Keep ’em coming!!!! Hugs!

  15. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Can’t wait for our new little ones to meet each other!

  16. Oh my . . .bless your heart! That’s the sweetest surprise from the Lord, and you will LOVE it, but bless your heart to be chasing around two little ones and needing to lay on the couch and be sick at the same time!! Wow. I’ll be praying for you and your sweet family, and secretly I hope you have another boy!! It’s GREAT. But I bet having a sweet little girl would sure be fun, too – i just wouldn’t know! !he!

  17. I’m glad you finally get your dream car:) Congrats!!!!

  18. I am sooo excited for you!!!! Hope you get to feeling better fun feeling bad and having to keep up with other sweetie pies. Let me know if I can do anything for you.

  19. Congratulations! I heard you are due on my birthday, so BL3 is obviously going to be very cool. πŸ™‚

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  21. So…..apparently we’re all fertile! (I’m not pregnant again, but it’s just funny to me that you weren’t trying!)

    CONGRATS!!! I am overjoyed for you guys and can’t wait to meet the newest member of the fam!

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